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Last active September 11, 2020 09:33
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  • Save technodono/44fe13535f4b115c936f4f8bc2359964 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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<map proto="1.4.0">
<objective>Hold the flag for 250 seconds to win!</objective>
<author uuid="1aad55f7-2dea-4f22-85ca-ad9de3a78609"/> <!-- Technodono -->
<rule>Fall damage is disabled!</rule>
<rule>You can only respawn when your team doesn't have the flag!</rule>
<!-- Tips -->
<tip after="0m" every="3m">Ziplines transport you really fast in a direction as indicated by the arrows! Use them to get around.</tip>
<tip after="90s" every="3m">The flag can spawn at the top or bottom platform... Make sure you split up your team to have a better chance of getting the flag!</tip>
<!-- Teams and Kits -->
<team id="red-team" color="dark red" max="20" max-overfill="24">Red</team>
<team id="blue-team" color="blue" max="20" max-overfill="24">Blue</team>
<kit id="spawn">
<item slot="0" unbreakable="true">stone sword</item>
<item slot="1" unbreakable="true">bow</item>
<item slot="2">golden apple</item>
<item slot="8" amount="16">arrow</item>
<chestplate unbreakable="true">chainmail chestplate</chestplate>
<boots unbreakable="true">chainmail boots</boots>
<potion amplifier="25" duration="oo">night vision</potion>
<kit id="obs">
<potion amplifier="25" duration="oo">night vision</potion>
<kit id="red-kit" parents="spawn">
<helmet color="ff0000" unbreakable="true">leather helmet</helmet>
<leggings color="ff0000" unbreakable="true">leather leggings</leggings>
<kit id="blue-kit" parents="spawn">
<helmet color="004aff" unbreakable="true">leather helmet</helmet>
<leggings color="004aff" unbreakable="true">leather leggings</leggings>
<kit id="flag-pickup" force="true">
<potion duration="oo" amplifier="-3">health boost</potion>
<potion duration="3" amplifier="2">absorption</potion>
<kit id="reset-health" force="true">
<potion duration="1" amplifier="0">health boost</potion>
<potion duration="1" amplifier="10">regeneration</potion>
<!-- Spawns and respawns -->
<spawn team="red-team" kit="red-kit" yaw="0" filter="no-flag">
<cuboid min="-5,20,-56" max="5,20,-53"/>
<spawn team="blue-team" kit="blue-kit" yaw="180" filter="no-flag">
<cuboid min="-5,20,56" max="5,20,53"/>
<default kit="obs" yaw="-90">
<cylinder base="40.5,25,0.5" height="0" radius="1.5"/>
<respawn spectate="true">
{ translate: "death.respawn.confirmed.waiting.flagDropped" }
<!-- spawn region stuff -->
<apply block="never" message="You may not edit the map!">
<everywhere />
<!-- Enter -->
<apply enter="only-blue" message="You may not enter the opposing team's spawn!">
<cuboid min="25,16,51" max="-25,29,56"/>
<apply enter="only-red" message="You may not enter the opposing team's spawn!">
<cuboid min="-25,16,-51" max="25,29,-56"/>
<!-- Other regions -->
<cuboid id="spawner1" min="28,15,18" max="32,17,16"/>
<cuboid id="spawner2" min="-28,15,18" max="-32,17,16"/>
<cuboid id="spawner3" min="28,15,-18" max="32,17,-16"/>
<cuboid id="spawner4" min="-28,15,-18" max="-32,17,-16"/>
<!-- Jumpads and Boost lanes -->
<!-- Blue -->
<!-- Middle lane -->
<apply velocity="@0.0,0.37,-50.0" >
<cuboid min="1,16,44" max="-1,16.5,12"/>
<!-- Blue's right side -->
<!-- Right lanes -->
<apply velocity="0.0,5,0" >
<cuboid min="11,16,49" max="14,18,45"/>
<apply velocity="0.0,0,-50.0">
<cuboid min="10,25,34" max="14,25.5,49"/>
<apply velocity="-20.0,0.37,0.0" >
<cuboid min="7,25,34" max="14,25.5,31"/>
<apply velocity="0.0,0.37,-50.0" >
<cuboid min="4,25,34" max="8,25.5,12"/>
<!-- Rightmost lanes -->
<apply velocity="@0.0,0.37,-50.0" >
<cuboid min="20,16,50" max="22,16.5,24"/>
<apply velocity="0.0,1,-0.4" >
<cuboid min="20,16,23" max="22,19,21"/>
<apply velocity="0.0,0.7,-0.5" >
<cuboid min="20,21,20" max="22,23,17"/>
<!-- Jumpads -->
<apply velocity="0.6,1,0.0">
<cuboid min="4,16,33" max="8,18,36"/>
<apply velocity="0.6,1,0.0">
<cuboid min="4,16,22" max="8,18,25"/>
<!-- Blue's left side -->
<!-- Right lanes -->
<apply velocity="0.0,5,0" >
<cuboid min="-11,16,48" max="-14,18,45"/>
<apply velocity="0.0,0,-50.0" >
<cuboid min="-10,25,34" max="-13,25.5,49"/>
<apply velocity="20.0,0.37,0.0" >
<cuboid min="-7,25,34" max="-13,25.5,31"/>
<apply velocity="0.0,0.37,-50.0" >
<cuboid min="-4,25,34" max="-7,25.5,12"/>
<!-- Rightmost lanes -->
<apply velocity="0.0,0.37,-50.0" >
<cuboid min="-20,16,50" max="-22,16.5,24"/>
<apply velocity="0.0,1,-0.4" >
<cuboid min="-20,16,23" max="-22,19,21"/>
<apply velocity="0.0,0.7,-0.5" >
<cuboid min="-20,21,20" max="-22,23,17"/>
<!-- Jumpads -->
<apply velocity="-0.6,1,0.0">
<cuboid min="-4,16,33" max="-7,18,36"/>
<apply velocity="-0.6,1,0.0">
<cuboid min="-4,16,21" max="-7,18,25"/>
<!-- Red -->
<!-- Middle lane -->
<apply velocity="@0.0,0.37,50.0" >
<cuboid min="1,16,-44" max="-1,16.5,-12"/>
<!-- Red's left side -->
<!-- Right lanes -->
<apply velocity="0.0,5,0" >
<cuboid min="11,16,-48" max="14,18,-45"/>
<apply velocity="0.0,0,50.0" >
<cuboid min="10,25,-31" max="14,25.5,-49"/>
<apply velocity="-20.0,0.37,0.0" >
<cuboid min="7,25,-33" max="14,25.5,-30"/>
<apply velocity="0.0,0.37,50.0" >
<cuboid min="4,25,-34" max="8,25.5,-12"/>
<!-- Rightmost lanes -->
<apply velocity="@0.0,0.37,50.0" >
<cuboid min="20,16,-50" max="22,16.5,-24"/>
<apply velocity="0.0,1,0.4" >
<cuboid min="20,16,-23" max="22,19,-21"/>
<apply velocity="0.0,0.7,0.5" >
<cuboid min="20,21,-20" max="22,23,-17"/>
<!-- Jumpads -->
<apply velocity="0.6,1,0.0">
<cuboid min="5,16,-32" max="8,18,-35"/>
<apply velocity="0.6,1,0.0">
<cuboid min="5,16,-21" max="8,18,-24"/>
<!-- RED's right side -->
<!-- Right lanes -->
<apply velocity="0.0,5,0" >
<cuboid min="-11,16,-49" max="-14,18,-45"/>
<apply velocity="0.0,0,50.0" >
<cuboid min="-10,25,-32" max="-13,25.5,-49"/>
<apply velocity="20.0,0.37,0.0" >
<cuboid min="-7,25,-33" max="-13,25.5,-30"/>
<apply velocity="0.0,0.37,50.0" >
<cuboid min="-4,25,-34" max="-7,25.5,-12"/>
<!-- Rightmost lanes -->
<apply velocity="0.0,0.37,50.0" >
<cuboid min="-20,16,-50" max="-22,16.5,-24"/>
<apply velocity="0.0,1,0.4" >
<cuboid min="-20,16,-23" max="-22,19,-21"/>
<apply velocity="0.0,0.7,0.5" >
<cuboid min="-20,21,-20" max="-22,23,-17"/>
<!-- Jumpads -->
<apply velocity="-0.6,1,0.0">
<cuboid min="-4,16,-32" max="-8,18,-35"/>
<apply velocity="-0.6,1,0.0">
<cuboid min="-4,16,-21" max="-8,18,-24"/>
<!-- Middle pads -->
<apply velocity="-0.6,1.4,0.0">
<cuboid min="-11,10,11" max="-14,12,8"/>
<apply velocity="-0.6,1.4,0.0">
<cuboid min="-11,10,-10" max="-14,12,-7"/>
<apply velocity="0.6,1.4,0.0">
<cuboid min="12,10,11" max="15,12,8"/>
<apply velocity="0.6,1.4,0.0">
<cuboid min="15,10,-10" max="12,12,-7"/>
<!-- Filters -->
<not id="no-flag">
<team id="only-blue">blue-team</team>
<team id="only-red">red-team</team>
<all id="blue-no-flag">
<all id="red-no-flag">
<!-- Spawners -->
<spawners max-entities="50" min-delay="4s" max-delay="8s">
<spawner id="arrows1" spawn-region="spawner1" player-region="spawner1">
<item amount="2" material="arrow"/>
<spawner id="arrows2" spawn-region="spawner2" player-region="spawner2">
<item amount="2" material="arrow"/>
<spawner id="arrows3" spawn-region="spawner3" player-region="spawner3">
<item amount="2" material="arrow"/>
<spawner id="arrows4" spawn-region="spawner4" player-region="spawner4">
<item amount="2" material="arrow"/>
<!-- Tools and Misc item stuff -->
<tool>stone sword</tool>
<item>leather helmet</item>
<item>leather leggings</item>
<item>chainmail boots</item>
<item>chainmail chestplate</item>
<item>cooked beef</item>
<item>golden apple</item>
<!-- Disable fall damage -->
<!-- Keep it at night -->
<!-- Scoring and Flag settings -->
<item>golden apple</item>
<post id="post" return-time="0s" respawn-time="6s">
<flag id="flag" name="Flag" color="white" shared="true" post="post" points-rate="1" pickup-kit="flag-pickup" drop-kit="reset-health"/>
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