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Created March 17, 2022 22:57
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;; This module is the read/eval/print loop; for coding Fennel interactively.
;; The most complex thing it does is locals-saving, which allows locals to be
;; preserved in between "chunks"; by default Lua throws away all locals after
;; evaluating each piece of input.
(local utils (require :fennel.utils))
(local parser (require :fennel.parser))
(local compiler (require :fennel.compiler))
(local specials (require :fennel.specials))
(local view (require :fennel.view))
(local unpack (or table.unpack _G.unpack))
(fn default-read-chunk [parser-state]
(io.write (if (< 0 parser-state.stack-size) ".." ">> "))
(let [input (]
(and input (.. input "\n"))))
(fn default-on-values [xs]
(io.write (table.concat xs "\t"))
(io.write "\n"))
;; fnlfmt: skip
(fn default-on-error [errtype err lua-source]
(match errtype
"Lua Compile" (.. "Bad code generated - likely a bug with the compiler:\n"
"--- Generated Lua Start ---\n"
"--- Generated Lua End ---\n")
"Runtime" (.. (compiler.traceback (tostring err) 4) "\n")
_ (: "%s error: %s\n" :format errtype (tostring err)))))
(local save-source (table.concat ["local ___i___ = 1"
"while true do"
" local name, value = debug.getlocal(1, ___i___)"
" if(name and name ~= \"___i___\") then"
" ___replLocals___[name] = value"
" ___i___ = ___i___ + 1"
" else break end end"]
(fn splice-save-locals [env lua-source]
(let [spliced-source []
bind "local %s = ___replLocals___['%s']"]
(each [line (lua-source:gmatch "([^\n]+)\n?")]
(table.insert spliced-source line))
(each [name (pairs env.___replLocals___)]
(table.insert spliced-source 1 (bind:format name name)))
(when (and (< 1 (length spliced-source))
(: (. spliced-source (length spliced-source)) :match
"^ *return .*$"))
(table.insert spliced-source (length spliced-source) save-source))
(table.concat spliced-source "\n")))
(fn completer [env scope text]
(let [max-items 2000 ; to stop explosion on too mny items
seen {}
matches []
input-fragment (text:gsub ".*[%s)(]+" "")]
(var stop-looking? false)
(fn add-partials [input tbl prefix] ; add partial key matches in tbl
;; When matching on global env or repl locals, iterate *manglings* to include nils
(local scope-first? (or (= tbl env) (= tbl env.___replLocals___)))
(icollect [k is-mangled (utils.allpairs (if scope-first? scope.manglings tbl))
:into matches :until (<= max-items (length matches))]
(let [lookup-k (if scope-first? is-mangled k)]
(when (and (= (type k) :string) (= input (k:sub 0 (length input)))
;; manglings iterated for globals & locals, but should only match once
(not (. seen k))
;; only match known functions when we encounter a method call
(or (not= ":" (prefix:sub -1)) (= :function (type (. tbl lookup-k)))))
(tset seen k true)
(.. prefix k)))))
(fn descend [input tbl prefix add-matches method?]
(let [splitter (if method? "^([^:]+):(.*)" "^([^.]+)%.(.*)")
(head tail) (input:match splitter)
raw-head (or (. scope.manglings head) head)]
(when (= (type (. tbl raw-head)) :table)
(set stop-looking? true)
(if method?
(add-partials tail (. tbl raw-head) (.. prefix head ":"))
(add-matches tail (. tbl raw-head) (.. prefix head))))))
(fn add-matches [input tbl prefix]
(let [prefix (if prefix (.. prefix ".") "")]
(if (and (not (input:find "%.")) (input:find ":")) ; found a method call
(descend input tbl prefix add-matches true)
(not (input:find "%.")) ; done descending; add matches
(add-partials input tbl prefix)
(descend input tbl prefix add-matches false))))
(each [_ source (ipairs [scope.specials scope.macros
(or env.___replLocals___ []) env env._G])
:until stop-looking?]
(add-matches input-fragment source))
(local commands {})
(fn command? [input]
(input:match "^%s*,"))
(fn command-docs []
(table.concat (icollect [name f (pairs commands)]
(: " ,%s - %s" :format name
(or (compiler.metadata:get f :fnl/docstring) :undocumented)))
;; fnlfmt: skip
(fn [_ _ on-values]
"Show this message."
(on-values [(.. "Welcome to Fennel.
This is the REPL where you can enter code to be evaluated.
You can also run these repl commands:
" (command-docs) "
,exit - Leave the repl.
Use ,doc something to see descriptions for individual macros and special forms.
For more information about the language, see")]))
;; Can't rely on metadata being enabled at load time for Fennel's own internals.
(compiler.metadata:set :fnl/docstring "Show this message.")
(fn reload [module-name env on-values on-error]
;; Sandbox the reload inside the limited environment, if present.
(match (pcall (specials.load-code "return require(...)" env) module-name)
(true old) (let [_ (tset package.loaded module-name nil)
(ok new) (pcall require module-name)
;; keep the old module if reload failed
new (if (not ok)
(on-values [new])
;; if the module isn't a table then we can't make changes
;; which affect already-loaded code, but if it is then we
;; should splice new values into the existing table and
;; remove values that are gone.
(when (and (= (type old) :table) (= (type new) :table))
(each [k v (pairs new)]
(tset old k v))
(each [k (pairs old)]
(when (= nil (. new k))
(tset old k nil)))
(tset package.loaded module-name old))
(on-values [:ok]))
(false msg) (on-error :Runtime (pick-values 1 (msg:gsub "\n.*" "")))))
(fn run-command [read on-error f]
(match (pcall read)
(true true val) (f val)
false (on-error :Parse "Couldn't parse input.")))
(fn commands.reload [env read on-values on-error]
(run-command read on-error #(reload (tostring $) env on-values on-error)))
(compiler.metadata:set commands.reload :fnl/docstring
"Reload the specified module.")
(fn commands.reset [env _ on-values]
(set env.___replLocals___ {})
(on-values [:ok]))
(compiler.metadata:set commands.reset :fnl/docstring
"Erase all repl-local scope.")
(fn commands.complete [env read on-values on-error scope chars]
(run-command read on-error
#(on-values (completer env scope (-> (string.char (unpack chars))
(: :gsub ",complete +" "")
(: :sub 1 -2))))))
(compiler.metadata:set commands.complete :fnl/docstring
"Print all possible completions for a given input symbol.")
(fn apropos* [pattern tbl prefix seen names]
;; package.loaded can contain modules with dots in the names. Such
;; names are renamed to contain / instead of a dot.
(each [name subtbl (pairs tbl)]
(when (and (= :string (type name))
(not= package subtbl))
(match (type subtbl)
:function (when (: (.. prefix name) :match pattern)
(table.insert names (.. prefix name)))
:table (when (not (. seen subtbl))
(apropos* pattern subtbl
(.. prefix (name:gsub "%." "/") ".")
(doto seen (tset subtbl true))
(fn apropos [pattern]
;; _G. part is stripped from patterns to provide more stable output.
;; The order we traverse package.loaded is arbitrary, so we may see
;; top level functions either as is or under the _G module.
(let [names (apropos* pattern package.loaded "" {} [])]
(icollect [_ name (ipairs names)]
(name:gsub "^_G%." ""))))
(fn commands.apropos [_env read on-values on-error _scope]
(run-command read on-error #(on-values (apropos (tostring $)))))
(compiler.metadata:set commands.apropos :fnl/docstring
"Print all functions matching a pattern in all loaded modules.")
(fn apropos-follow-path [path]
;; Follow path to the target based on apropos path format
(let [paths (icollect [p (path:gmatch "[^%.]+")] p)]
(var tgt package.loaded)
(each [_ path (ipairs paths)
:until (= nil tgt)]
(set tgt (. tgt (pick-values 1 (path:gsub "%/" ".")))))
(fn apropos-doc [pattern]
"Search function documentations for a given pattern."
(let [names []]
(each [_ path (ipairs (apropos ".*"))]
(let [tgt (apropos-follow-path path)]
(if (= :function (type tgt))
(match (compiler.metadata:get tgt :fnl/docstring)
docstr (when (docstr:match pattern)
(table.insert names path))))))
(fn commands.apropos-doc [_env read on-values on-error _scope]
(run-command read on-error #(on-values (apropos-doc (tostring $)))))
(compiler.metadata:set commands.apropos-doc :fnl/docstring
"Print all functions that match the pattern in their docs")
(fn apropos-show-docs [on-values pattern]
"Print function documentations for a given function pattern."
(each [_ path (ipairs (apropos pattern))]
(let [tgt (apropos-follow-path path)]
(when (and (= :function (type tgt))
(compiler.metadata:get tgt :fnl/docstring))
(on-values (specials.doc tgt path))
(fn commands.apropos-show-docs [_env read on-values on-error]
(run-command read on-error #(apropos-show-docs on-values (tostring $))))
(compiler.metadata:set commands.apropos-show-docs :fnl/docstring
"Print all documentations matching a pattern in function name")
(fn resolve [identifier {: ___replLocals___ &as env} scope]
(let [e (setmetatable {} {:__index #(or (. ___replLocals___ $2) (. env $2))})
code (compiler.compile-string (tostring identifier) {: scope})]
((specials.load-code code e))))
(fn commands.find [env read on-values on-error scope]
(run-command read on-error
#(match (-?> (utils.sym? $) (resolve env scope) (debug.getinfo))
{:what "Lua" : source :linedefined line :short_src src}
(let [fnlsrc (?. compiler.sourcemap source line 2)]
(on-values [(string.format "%s:%s" src (or fnlsrc line))]))
nil (on-error :Repl "Unknown value")
_ (on-error :Repl "No source info"))))
(compiler.metadata:set commands.find :fnl/docstring
"Print the filename and line number for a given function")
(fn commands.doc [env read on-values on-error scope]
(run-command read on-error
#(let [name (tostring $)
(is-ok target) (pcall #(or (. scope.specials name) (. scope.macros name)
(resolve name env scope)))]
(if is-ok (on-values [(specials.doc target name)])
(on-error :Repl "Could not resolve value for docstring lookup")))))
(compiler.metadata:set commands.doc :fnl/docstring
"Print the docstring and arglist for a function, macro, or special form.")
(fn load-plugin-commands [plugins]
(each [_ plugin (ipairs (or plugins []))]
(each [name f (pairs plugin)]
;; first function to provide a command should win
(match (name:match "^repl%-command%-(.*)")
cmd-name (tset commands cmd-name (or (. commands cmd-name) f))))))
(fn run-command-loop [input read loop env on-values on-error scope chars]
(let [command-name (input:match ",([^%s/]+)")]
(match (. commands command-name)
command (command env read on-values on-error scope chars)
_ (when (not= :exit command-name)
(on-values ["Unknown command" command-name])))
(when (not= :exit command-name)
(fn repl [options]
(let [old-root-options utils.root.options
env (specials.wrap-env (or options.env (or (rawget _G :_ENV) _G)))
save-locals? (and (not= options.saveLocals false) env.debug
opts (utils.copy options)
read-chunk (or opts.readChunk default-read-chunk)
on-values (or opts.onValues default-on-values)
on-error (or opts.onError default-on-error)
pp (or opts.pp view)
(byte-stream clear-stream) (parser.granulate read-chunk)
chars []
(read reset) (parser.parser (fn [parser-state]
(let [c (byte-stream parser-state)]
(table.insert chars c)
(set (opts.env opts.scope) (values env (compiler.make-scope)))
;; use metadata unless we've specifically disabled it
(set opts.useMetadata (not= options.useMetadata false))
(when (= opts.allowedGlobals nil)
(set opts.allowedGlobals (specials.current-global-names env)))
(when opts.registerCompleter
(opts.registerCompleter (partial completer env opts.scope)))
(load-plugin-commands opts.plugins)
(when save-locals?
(fn newindex [t k v] (when (. opts.scope.unmanglings k) (rawset t k v)))
(set env.___replLocals___ (setmetatable {} {:__newindex newindex})))
(fn print-values [...]
(let [vals [...]
out []]
(set (env._ env.__) (values (. vals 1) vals))
;; won't work here because of sparse tables
(for [i 1 (select "#" ...)]
(table.insert out (pp (. vals i))))
(on-values out)))
(fn loop []
(each [k (pairs chars)]
(tset chars k nil))
(let [(ok parse-ok? x) (pcall read)
src-string (string.char (unpack chars))]
(if (not ok)
(on-error :Parse parse-ok?)
(command? src-string)
(run-command-loop src-string read loop env on-values on-error
opts.scope chars)
(when parse-ok? ; if this is false, we got eof
(match (pcall compiler.compile x (doto opts
(tset :source src-string)))
(false msg) (do
(on-error :Compile msg))
(true src) (let [src (if save-locals?
(splice-save-locals env src opts.scope)
(match (pcall specials.load-code src env)
(false msg) (do
(on-error "Lua Compile" msg src))
(_ chunk) (xpcall #(print-values (chunk))
(partial on-error :Runtime)))))
(set utils.root.options old-root-options)
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