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Last active August 3, 2023 18:56
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Working with PowerShell Errors
function Reset-Errors {
$psISE.Options.ErrorForegroundColor = '#FFFF0000'
$Global:ErrorView = 'NormalView'
#generate an error
function Show-Error {
Get-Item c:\doesnotexist.txt
#make errors easier to read by changing the color
$psise.Options.ErrorBackgroundColor = [System.Windows.Media.Colors]::Chartreuse
#all errors are stored in:
#lets make it less overwhelming (and prioritized and actionable)
$Error `
| Group-Object `
| Sort-Object -Property Count -Descending `
| Format-Table -Property Count,Name -AutoSize
#what about speific error details?
$Error[0] | Format-List *
#PS is dumb somtimes and this doesn't provide the date we are looking for.
#use the force, luke!
$Error[0] | Format-List * -Force
#when the top level information inst' clear, go deeper
$Error[0].Exception | fl * -Force
$Error[0].Exception.InnerException | fl * -Force
#leverage the stack traces
$Error[0].ScriptStackTrace #for locations in PowerShell functions/scripts
$Error[0].Exception.StackTrace #for locations in compiled cmdlets/dlls
#don't forget to clean up behind yourself as you deal with errors
$Error.Remove($Error[0]) #remove a specific error
$Error.RemoveAt(0) #remove by index
$Error.RemoveRange(0,10) #remove by index + count
$Error.Clear() #clear the error collection
#consider ussing ThrowTerminating error
1/0; Write-Host 'Will this run?' -ForegroundColor Cyan
function Test-1 {
1/0; Write-Host 'Will this run?' -ForegroundColor Cyan
function Test-2 {
1/0; Write-Host 'Will this run?' -ForegroundColor Cyan
#compare Test-1 (clean error identifying the source line where it happened in the calling script
#to Test-2 (error showing internals that don't identify the source line at all)
#crafting a custom ErrorRecord for the purposes of properly mocking failures
Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
[System.Exception]$exception = "The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request."
[System.String]$errorId = 'BadRequest'
[Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]$errorCategory = [Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::InvalidOperation
[System.Object]$target = 'Whatevs'
$errorRecord = New-Object Management.Automation.ErrorRecord ($exception, $errorID,$errorCategory, $target)
[System.Management.Automation.ErrorDetails]$errorDetails = '{"message":"Database could not be reached"}'
$errorRecord.ErrorDetails = $errorDetails
throw $errorRecord
$formatstring = "{0} : {1}`n{2}`n" +
" + CategoryInfo : {3}`n" +
" + FullyQualifiedErrorId : {4}`n"
$fields = $_.InvocationInfo.MyCommand.Name,
$formatstring -f $fields
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