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Last active July 29, 2018 01:20
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Examples of various PoshGram commands.
#import the PoshGram module
Import-Module -Name "PoshGram"
#easy way to validate your Bot token is functional
Test-BotToken -BotToken $botToken
#send a basic Text Message
Send-TelegramTextMessage -BotToken $botToken -ChatID $chat -Message "Hello"
#send a photo message from a local source
Send-TelegramLocalPhoto -BotToken $botToken -ChatID $chat -PhotoPath $photo
#send a photo message from a URL source
Send-TelegramURLPhoto -BotToken $botToken -ChatID $chat -PhotoURL $photoURL
#send a file message from a local source
Send-TelegramLocalDocument -BotToken $botToken -ChatID $chat -File $file
#send a file message from a URL source
Send-TelegramURLDocument -BotToken $botToken -ChatID $chat -FileURL $fileURL
#send a video message from a local source
Send-TelegramLocalVideo -BotToken $botToken -ChatID $chat -Video $video
#send a video message from a URL source
Send-TelegramURLVideo -BotToken $botToken -ChatID $chat -VideoURL $videoURL
#send an audio message from a URL source
Send-TelegramLocalAudio -BotToken $botToken -ChatID $chat -Audio $audio
#send an audio message from a local source
Send-TelegramURLAudio -BotToken $botToken -ChatID $chat -AudioURL $audioURL
#sending a telegram message from older versions of powershell
#here is an example of calling PowerShell 6.1 from PowerShell 5.1 to send a Telegram message with PoshGram
& 'C:\Program Files\PowerShell\6-preview\pwsh.exe' -command { Import-Module PoshGram;$token = "#########:xxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";$chat = "-#########";Send-TelegramTextMessage -BotToken $token -ChatID $chat -Message "Test from 5.1 calling 6.1 to send Telegram Message via PoshGram" }
#here is an example of calling PowerShell 6.1 from PowerShell 5.1 to send a Telegram message with PoshGram using dynamic variables in the message
$token = “#########:xxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx”
$chat = “-#########”
$test = "I am a test"
& '.\Program Files\PowerShell\6-preview\pwsh.exe' -command "& {Import-Module PoshGram;Send-TelegramTextMessage -BotToken $token -ChatID $chat -Message '$test';}"
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