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techyugadi /
Last active June 28, 2021 17:53
Examples of modelling Covid-19 infections using covimath Python package

Examples of using python package: covimath

This gist shows how to use the open source package covimath.

Generating an SIR model

from covimath.models import sir

def trySIR(N, beta, gamma, I0, R0, tau):
techyugadi /
Last active July 23, 2020 09:32
Correct set of steps to run your first program on Apache distributed in-memory computing platform

Apache Ignite First Steps

Apache Ignite is a horizontally scalable fault-tolerant distributed in-memory computing platform.

As of now, there is a Hello World application to get started on this platform. But the documentation requires us to fill in a few important details by ourselves; otherwise the application can't be run successfully.

Here is a complete set of steps to run this application (self contained with the code).


Continuous Integration Pipeline with Jenkins and Gitlab

This is the third part of the three-part gist for setting up a basic CI environment on a single machine (e.g., a laptop), for dev / test / proof-of-concept, etc.
This CI environment consists of:

  1. Gitlab (Community Edition) as a source-code repository
  2. Jenkins for build and continuous integration Gitlab cannot be used without a mail server (Postfix). So, we also set up Postfix.

Gist Breakup

Continuous Integration with Gitlab and Jenkins: Gitlab Configuration and Jenkins Setup

This is the second part of the three-part gist for setting up a basic CI environment on a single machine (e.g., a laptop), for dev / test / proof-of-concept, etc.
This CI environment consists of:

  1. Gitlab (Community Edition) as a source-code repository
  2. Jenkins for build and continuous integration Gitlab cannot be used without a mail server (Postfix). So, we also set up Postfix.

Gist Breakup

Continuous Integration with Gitlab and Jenkins: Gitlab Setup

This is the first part of the three-part gist for setting up a basic CI environment on a single machine (e.g., a laptop), for dev / test / proof-of-concept, etc.
This CI environment consists of:

  1. Gitlab (Community Edition) as a source-code repository
  2. Jenkins for build and continuous integration Gitlab cannot be used without a mail server (Postfix). So, we also set up Postfix.

Gist Breakup

techyugadi /
Last active October 26, 2019 23:00
Istio Getting Started on a single node for Dev / Test

Istio Service Mesh Getting Started

Istio (noun) means 'sail' in Greek. Istio Service Mesh is being adopted as the underlying platform for deploying microservices, particularly in the cloud. Istio service mesh works on top of Kubernetes.

This gist describes the first few steps to set up Istio Service Mesh on a single machine and try out a few interesting features. This is only for dev / test purpose.

For production deployments, we need a Kubernetes cluster (often set up on the cloud).

You can find a recorded demo on youtube.