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Last active June 7, 2022 14:37
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Export notes from the OSX to separate Markdown files prefixed with the creation timestamp.
on buildTitle(originalText)
set normalizedText to my replace(originalText, ":", "-")
set normalizedText to my replace(normalizedText, "|", "")
set normalizedText to my replace(normalizedText, "{", "")
set normalizedText to my replace(normalizedText, "}", "")
set normalizedText to my replace(normalizedText, " ", "_")
set normalizedText to my replace(normalizedText, "/", "_")
set normalizedText to my replace(normalizedText, "\\", "_")
set normalizedText to my replace(normalizedText, "*", "")
set normalizedText to my replace(normalizedText, ".", "")
set normalizedText to my replace(normalizedText, "<", "_")
set normalizedText to my replace(normalizedText, "\"", "_")
set finalTitle to my firstChars(normalizedText, 20)
return finalTitle
end buildTitle
on replace(originalText, fromText, toText)
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to the fromText
set the item_list to every text item of originalText
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to the toText
set originalText to the item_list as string
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
return originalText
end replace
on html2md(original)
set original to my replace(original, "<br>", "\n")
set md to do shell script "/bin/echo -n " & quoted form of original & " | python"
return md
end html2md
on firstChars(originalText, maxChars)
if length of originalText is less than maxChars then
return originalText
set limitedText to text 1 thru maxChars of originalText
return limitedText
end if
end firstChars
on writeToFile(filename, filecontents)
set the output to open for access file filename with write permission
set eof of the output to 0
write filecontents to the output starting at eof as «class utf8»
close access the output
end writeToFile
on dateTimeToIso(dt)
set {year:y, month:m, day:d, hours:h, minutes:min, seconds:s} to dt
set y to text 2 through -1 of ((y + 10000) as text)
set m to text 2 through -1 of ((m + 100) as text)
set d to text 2 through -1 of ((d + 100) as text)
set h to text 2 through -1 of ((h + 100) as text)
set min to text 2 through -1 of ((min + 100) as text)
set s to text 2 through -1 of ((s + 100) as text)
return y & "-" & m & "-" & d & "_" & h & "_" & min
end dateTimeToIso
tell application "Notes"
set exportFolder to POSIX path of (choose folder with prompt "Please choose the export folder") as string
set exportFolder to (POSIX file exportFolder) as string
set counter to 0
repeat with each in every note
set noteName to name of each
set noteBody to body of each
set noteMD to my html2md(noteBody)
set noteTitle to my buildTitle(noteName)
set creationDate to creation date of each
set timeStamp to my dateTimeToIso(creationDate) as string
set counter to counter + 1
set filename to ((exportFolder as string) & timeStamp & "_" & noteTitle & ".md")
my writeToFile(filename, noteMD as text)
end repeat
end tell
"""html2text: Turn HTML into equivalent Markdown-structured text."""
__version__ = "2.39"
__author__ = "Aaron Swartz ("
__copyright__ = "(C) 2004-2008 Aaron Swartz. GNU GPL 3."
__contributors__ = ["Martin 'Joey' Schulze", "Ricardo Reyes", "Kevin Jay North"]
# Support decoded entities with unifiable.
if not hasattr(__builtins__, 'True'): True, False = 1, 0
import re, sys, urllib, htmlentitydefs, codecs, StringIO, types
import sgmllib
import urlparse
sgmllib.charref = re.compile('&#([xX]?[0-9a-fA-F]+)[^0-9a-fA-F]')
try: from textwrap import wrap
except: pass
# Use Unicode characters instead of their ascii psuedo-replacements
# Put the links after each paragraph instead of at the end.
# Wrap long lines at position. 0 for no wrapping. (Requires Python 2.3.)
# Don't show internal links (href="#local-anchor") -- corresponding link targets
# won't be visible in the plain text file anyway.
### Entity Nonsense ###
def name2cp(k):
if k == 'apos': return ord("'")
if hasattr(htmlentitydefs, "name2codepoint"): # requires Python 2.3
return htmlentitydefs.name2codepoint[k]
k = htmlentitydefs.entitydefs[k]
if k.startswith("&#") and k.endswith(";"): return int(k[2:-1]) # not in latin-1
return ord(codecs.latin_1_decode(k)[0])
unifiable = {'rsquo':"'", 'lsquo':"'", 'rdquo':'"', 'ldquo':'"',
'copy':'(C)', 'mdash':'--', 'nbsp':' ', 'rarr':'->', 'larr':'<-', 'middot':'*',
'ndash':'-', 'oelig':'oe', 'aelig':'ae',
'agrave':'a', 'aacute':'a', 'acirc':'a', 'atilde':'a', 'auml':'a', 'aring':'a',
'egrave':'e', 'eacute':'e', 'ecirc':'e', 'euml':'e',
'igrave':'i', 'iacute':'i', 'icirc':'i', 'iuml':'i',
'ograve':'o', 'oacute':'o', 'ocirc':'o', 'otilde':'o', 'ouml':'o',
'ugrave':'u', 'uacute':'u', 'ucirc':'u', 'uuml':'u'}
unifiable_n = {}
for k in unifiable.keys():
unifiable_n[name2cp(k)] = unifiable[k]
def charref(name):
if name[0] in ['x','X']:
c = int(name[1:], 16)
c = int(name)
if not UNICODE_SNOB and c in unifiable_n.keys():
return unifiable_n[c]
return unichr(c)
def entityref(c):
if not UNICODE_SNOB and c in unifiable.keys():
return unifiable[c]
try: name2cp(c)
except KeyError: return "&" + c
else: return unichr(name2cp(c))
def replaceEntities(s):
s =
if s[0] == "#":
return charref(s[1:])
else: return entityref(s)
r_unescape = re.compile(r"&(#?[xX]?(?:[0-9a-fA-F]+|\w{1,8}));")
def unescape(s):
return r_unescape.sub(replaceEntities, s)
def fixattrs(attrs):
# Fix bug in
if not attrs: return attrs
newattrs = []
for attr in attrs:
newattrs.append((attr[0], unescape(attr[1])))
return newattrs
### End Entity Nonsense ###
def onlywhite(line):
"""Return true if the line does only consist of whitespace characters."""
for c in line:
if c is not ' ' and c is not ' ':
return c is ' '
return line
def optwrap(text):
"""Wrap all paragraphs in the provided text."""
if not BODY_WIDTH:
return text
assert wrap, "Requires Python 2.3."
result = ''
newlines = 0
for para in text.split("\n"):
if len(para) > 0:
if para[0] is not ' ' and para[0] is not '-' and para[0] is not '*':
for line in wrap(para, BODY_WIDTH):
result += line + "\n"
result += "\n"
newlines = 2
if not onlywhite(para):
result += para + "\n"
newlines = 1
if newlines < 2:
result += "\n"
newlines += 1
return result
def hn(tag):
if tag[0] == 'h' and len(tag) == 2:
n = int(tag[1])
if n in range(1, 10): return n
except ValueError: return 0
class _html2text(sgmllib.SGMLParser):
def __init__(self, out=None, baseurl=''):
if out is None: self.out = self.outtextf
else: self.out = out
self.outtext = u''
self.quiet = 0
self.p_p = 0
self.outcount = 0
self.start = 1 = 0
self.a = []
self.astack = []
self.acount = 0
self.list = []
self.blockquote = 0
self.pre = 0
self.startpre = 0
self.lastWasNL = 0
self.abbr_title = None # current abbreviation definition
self.abbr_data = None # last inner HTML (for abbr being defined)
self.abbr_list = {} # stack of abbreviations to write later
self.baseurl = baseurl
def outtextf(self, s):
self.outtext += s
def close(self):
self.o('', 0, 'end')
return self.outtext
def handle_charref(self, c):
def handle_entityref(self, c):
def unknown_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
self.handle_tag(tag, attrs, 1)
def unknown_endtag(self, tag):
self.handle_tag(tag, None, 0)
def previousIndex(self, attrs):
""" returns the index of certain set of attributes (of a link) in the
self.a list
If the set of attributes is not found, returns None
if not attrs.has_key('href'): return None
i = -1
for a in self.a:
i += 1
match = 0
if a.has_key('href') and a['href'] == attrs['href']:
if a.has_key('title') or attrs.has_key('title'):
if (a.has_key('title') and attrs.has_key('title') and
a['title'] == attrs['title']):
match = True
match = True
if match: return i
def handle_tag(self, tag, attrs, start):
attrs = fixattrs(attrs)
if hn(tag):
if start: self.o(hn(tag)*"#" + ' ')
if tag in ['p', 'div']: self.p()
if tag == "br" and start: self.o(" \n")
if tag == "hr" and start:
self.o("* * *")
if tag in ["head", "style", 'script']:
if start: self.quiet += 1
else: self.quiet -= 1
if tag in ["body"]:
self.quiet = 0 # sites like never close <head>
if tag == "blockquote":
if start:
self.p(); self.o('> ', 0, 1); self.start = 1
self.blockquote += 1
self.blockquote -= 1
if tag in ['em', 'i', 'u']: self.o("_")
if tag in ['strong', 'b']: self.o("**")
if tag == "code" and not self.pre: self.o('`') #TODO: `` `this` ``
if tag == "abbr":
if start:
attrsD = {}
for (x, y) in attrs: attrsD[x] = y
attrs = attrsD
self.abbr_title = None
self.abbr_data = ''
if attrs.has_key('title'):
self.abbr_title = attrs['title']
if self.abbr_title != None:
self.abbr_list[self.abbr_data] = self.abbr_title
self.abbr_title = None
self.abbr_data = ''
if tag == "a":
if start:
attrsD = {}
for (x, y) in attrs: attrsD[x] = y
attrs = attrsD
if attrs.has_key('href') and not (SKIP_INTERNAL_LINKS and attrs['href'].startswith('#')):
if self.astack:
a = self.astack.pop()
if a:
i = self.previousIndex(a)
if i is not None:
a = self.a[i]
self.acount += 1
a['count'] = self.acount
a['outcount'] = self.outcount
self.o("][" + `a['count']` + "]")
if tag == "img" and start:
attrsD = {}
for (x, y) in attrs: attrsD[x] = y
attrs = attrsD
if attrs.has_key('src'):
attrs['href'] = attrs['src']
alt = attrs.get('alt', '')
i = self.previousIndex(attrs)
if i is not None:
attrs = self.a[i]
self.acount += 1
attrs['count'] = self.acount
attrs['outcount'] = self.outcount
if tag == 'dl' and start: self.p()
if tag == 'dt' and not start: self.pbr()
if tag == 'dd' and start: self.o(' ')
if tag == 'dd' and not start: self.pbr()
if tag in ["ol", "ul"]:
if start:
self.list.append({'name':tag, 'num':0})
if self.list: self.list.pop()
if tag == 'li':
if start:
if self.list: li = self.list[-1]
else: li = {'name':'ul', 'num':0}
self.o(" "*len(self.list)) #TODO: line up <ol><li>s > 9 correctly.
if li['name'] == "ul": self.o("* ")
elif li['name'] == "ol":
li['num'] += 1
self.o(`li['num']`+". ")
self.start = 1
if tag in ["table", "tr"] and start: self.p()
if tag == 'td': self.pbr()
if tag == "pre":
if start:
self.startpre = 1
self.pre = 1
self.pre = 0
def pbr(self):
if self.p_p == 0: self.p_p = 1
def p(self): self.p_p = 2
def o(self, data, puredata=0, force=0):
if self.abbr_data is not None: self.abbr_data += data
if not self.quiet:
if puredata and not self.pre:
data = re.sub('\s+', ' ', data)
if data and data[0] == ' ': = 1
data = data[1:]
if not data and not force: return
if self.startpre:
#self.out(" :") #TODO: not output when already one there
self.startpre = 0
bq = (">" * self.blockquote)
if not (force and data and data[0] == ">") and self.blockquote: bq += " "
if self.pre:
bq += " "
data = data.replace("\n", "\n"+bq)
if self.start: = 0
self.p_p = 0
self.start = 0
if force == 'end':
# It's the end.
self.p_p = 0
self.out("\n") = 0
if self.p_p:
self.out(('\n'+bq)*self.p_p) = 0
if not self.lastWasNL: self.out(' ') = 0
if self.a and ((self.p_p == 2 and LINKS_EACH_PARAGRAPH) or force == "end"):
if force == "end": self.out("\n")
newa = []
for link in self.a:
if self.outcount > link['outcount']:
self.out(" ["+`link['count']`+"]: " + urlparse.urljoin(self.baseurl, link['href']))
if link.has_key('title'): self.out(" ("+link['title']+")")
if self.a != newa: self.out("\n") # Don't need an extra line when nothing was done.
self.a = newa
if self.abbr_list and force == "end":
for abbr, definition in self.abbr_list.items():
self.out(" *[" + abbr + "]: " + definition + "\n")
self.p_p = 0
self.lastWasNL = data and data[-1] == '\n'
self.outcount += 1
def handle_data(self, data):
if r'\/script>' in data: self.quiet -= 1
self.o(data, 1)
def unknown_decl(self, data): pass
def wrapwrite(text): sys.stdout.write(text.encode('utf8'))
def html2text_file(html, out=wrapwrite, baseurl=''):
h = _html2text(out, baseurl)
return h.close()
def html2text(html, baseurl=''):
return optwrap(html2text_file(html, None, baseurl))
if __name__ == "__main__":
baseurl = ''
data ='utf8')
sys.stdout.write(html2text(data, baseurl).encode('utf8'))
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