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Created July 27, 2015 04:49
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import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import sys
import dateutil.parser
print("first file: " + sys.argv[1])
#rootA = ET.parse(sys.argv[1]).getroot()
rootAactual = ET.parse(sys.argv[1])
rootA = rootAactual.getroot()
rootB = ET.parse(sys.argv[2])
def leastsq(ar1, ar2, offset = 0):
diff = 0.0
comps = 0
for eindex, e in enumerate(ar1):
bOffset = abs(offset + eindex)
#print("bo:", bOffset, "bLen:", len(ar2))
if e is None:
raise BaseException("e is None" + str(e))
if bOffset > (len(ar2) - 1) or bOffset < 0:
eB = ar2[bOffset]
diff += (e - eB)**2
comps += 1
#print("comps", comps)
if(comps < len(ar2)*0.9):
return None
return diff
#slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = stats.linregress(ar1, ar2)
#rsq = r_value**2
#print("rsq:", rsq)
b = list(rootB.iter('{}trkpt'))
for child in rootB.iter('{}trkpt'): #('trkseg'):
#print("ch", child.tag, "/", child.attrib)
time = child.find('{}time').text
ele = 0
elevation_element = child.find('{}ele')
if elevation_element is not None:
ele = float(elevation_element.text)
lat = float(child.attrib.get('lat'))
lon = float(child.attrib.get('lon'))
ext = child.find('{}extensions')
blist = list(rootB.iter('{}trkpt'))
#print("start in b:", len(rootBchildren))
bstarted = False
for childCount, child in enumerate(rootA.iter('{}trkpt')): #('trkseg'):
# gotta get smart about how I handle the times, as the two files probably
# don't have XML entries at the same timestamps. One file may record per
# second, and the other one every few seconds. So, removing all the lat/lon
# in between, which is dirty (it made my 60mi ride into a 8800mi ride).
atime = dateutil.parser.parse(child.find('{}time').text)
if len(blist) > 0:
btime = dateutil.parser.parse(blist[0].find('{}time').text)
if len(blist) > 0 and atime > btime:
if not bstarted:
bstarted = True
print("start time:", atime, btime)
b = blist.pop(0)
child.attrib['lat'] = b.attrib.get('lat')
child.attrib['lon'] = b.attrib.get('lon')
ext = b.find('{}extensions')
#print(child.find('{}time').text, b.find('{}time').text)
elif bstarted:
# we've started merging the 'b' file, so remove all GPS from this point on.
if 'lat' in child.attrib:
del child.attrib['lat']
if 'lon' in child.attrib:
del child.attrib['lon']
#if child.attrib.get('lat') and child.attrib.get('lon'):
# lat = float(child.attrib.get('lat'))
# lon = float(child.attrib.get('lon'))
# if not upperLeft or (lat > upperLeft[0] and abs(lon) > abs(upperLeft[1])):
# upperLeft = (lat, lon)
# if not lowerRight or (lat < lowerRight[0] and abs(lon) < abs(lowerRight[1])):
# lowerRight = (lat, lon)
# why are there always three leftovers?
print("leftovers in b:", len(b))
#print(upperLeft, lowerRight)
#with open('merged.gpx', 'w') as f:
# f.write(ET.tostring(rootA, encoding="unicode"))
ET.register_namespace('', "")
ET.register_namespace('gpxtpx', "")
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