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Created January 20, 2015 22:17
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Noise shaper (1st and 2nd order) simulation as writing practice of GNU Octave
% 1st and 2nd order noise shaper time/frequency domain plot by GNU Octave
clear -all
% parameters
calc_length = 2**16; % number of samples
t_domain_start = 280;
t_domain_stop = 850;
signal_freq = 10000; % Hz
sampling_freq = 44100; % Hz
oversampling_ratio = 256; % Fs
attenuation = 1; % dB to full-scale
signal_duration = calc_length / sampling_freq;
oversampling_freq = sampling_freq * oversampling_ratio;
amplitude = 10 ** (-attenuation/20);
% input signal
in = sinetone( signal_freq, oversampling_freq, signal_duration, amplitude );
% 1st order noise shaper
noise = 0;
for i = 1 : calc_length
qin = in(i) - noise;
if ( qin < 0 )
out1(i) = -1;
out1(i) = 1;
noise = out1(i) - qin;
% 2nd order noise shaper (SAA7320)
s2 = 0;
s1 = 0;
for i = 1 : calc_length
if ( s2 < 0 )
out2(i) = -1;
out2(i) = 1;
noise = out2(i) - s2;
s2 = s1 - noise * 2;
s1 = in(i) + noise;
% window function (blackman-harris)
N = calc_length-1;
a0 = 0.35875;
a1 = 0.48829;
a2 = 0.14128;
a3 = 0.01168;
for i = 0 : N
wndw(i+1) =0.35875-a1*cos(2*pi*i/N)+a2*cos(4*pi*i/N)-a3*cos(6*pi*i/N);
% applying window function to 1 bit output data
w_mean = mean( wndw );
wndw_in1 = (out1.') .* (wndw.');
wndw_in2 = (out2.') .* (wndw.');
% get power spectrum by FFT
spectrum1 = 20 * log10( abs( fft( wndw_in1,calc_length ) ) ./ ((calc_length / 2) * w_mean) );
spectrum2 = 20 * log10( abs( fft( wndw_in2,calc_length ) ) ./ ((calc_length / 2) * w_mean) );
spectrum1 = spectrum1( 1:calc_length/2 );
spectrum2 = spectrum2( 1:calc_length/2 );
% plot timedomain (waveform)
subplot( 2, 1, 1 );
t = t_domain_start:1:t_domain_stop;
ph_t0 = plot( t, in(t_domain_start:t_domain_stop) );
hold on
ph_t1 = plot( t, out1(t_domain_start:t_domain_stop) );
ph_t2 = plot( t, out2(t_domain_start:t_domain_stop) );
hold off
set( ph_t1, "color", "blue" );
set( ph_t2, "color", "red" );
legend( ph_t1, "1st order" );
legend( ph_t2, "2nd order" );
axis( [ t_domain_start, t_domain_stop, -1.1, 1.1 ] );
xlabel( "time [sample]" );
ylabel( "amplitude [fullscale = -1..+1]" );
% plot frequency domain (spectrum)
subplot( 2, 1, 2 );
f = 0 : oversampling_freq / (calc_length - 1) : oversampling_freq / 2;
ph_f1 = semilogx( (f.'), spectrum1 );
hold on;
ph_f2 = semilogx( (f.'), spectrum2 );
hold off
set( ph_f1, "color", "blue" );
set( ph_f2, "color", "red" );
legend( ph_f1, "1st order" );
legend( ph_f2, "2nd order" );
axis([ 100, oversampling_freq / 2, -150, 0 ] );
xlabel( "frequency [Hz]" );
ylabel( "power [dBFS]" );
grid on;
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