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Last active July 8, 2023 08:58
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PCA9955B control by audio envelope
from machine import Pin, ADC, Timer
import utime
import sys
from machine import I2C
from nxp_periph import PCA9955B, LED, PCA9629A
if "MicroPython v1.19" in sys.version:
class periodic_adc:
def __init__( self, pin_name = "A0", *, interval = 10, scaling = (2 ** 16) ):
self.timer_flag = False
self.adc = ADC( Pin( pin_name ) )
self.scaling = scaling
self.interval = interval
self.tim = Timer( TIMER_ID )
self.tim.init( period = interval, mode = Timer.PERIODIC, callback = self.timer_callback )
def read( self, blocking = True ):
if blocking:
while not self.timer_flag:
self.timer_flag = False
return self.adc.read_u16() / self.scaling
def timer_callback( self, _ ):
self.timer_flag = True
class peak_detect( periodic_adc ):
def __init__( self, pin_name = "A0", *, interval = 10, scaling = (2 ** 16), threshold_half_life = 350, ignore_interval = 200, squelch = 0.02 ):
super().__init__( interval = interval, scaling = scaling )
self.det_lev_decay = 0.5 ** (1 / (threshold_half_life / interval))
self.det_ignore_interval = ignore_interval / interval
self.squelch = squelch
self.count = 0
self.ref_level = 0
self.last_count = 0
self.det = False
def detect( self, level = None ):
if level is None:
level =
if self.count < self.det_ignore_interval:
self.count += 1
self.det = False
return self.det
if (self.ref_level < level) and (self.squelch < level):
self.last_count = self.count
self.count = 0
self.det = True
self.ref_level = level
print( self.last_count )
self.count += 1
self.det = False
self.ref_level *= self.det_lev_decay
return self.det
class motor:
def __init__( self, i2c ):
self.motor = PCA9629A( i2c, address = 0xE0 >> 1 )
self.direction = False
utime.sleep( 2 )
self.motor.drv_phase( 2 ) # 0.5 = half_step, 1 = 1_phase, 2 = 2_phase
self.motor.pps( 96 )
self.motor.pps( 96, reverse = True )
self.motor.steps( 192 * 5 )
self.motor.steps( 192 * 5, reverse = True )
def start( self ):
def invert( self ):
self.direction = False if self.direction else True
self.motor.start( reversr = self.direction )
def main():
i2c = I2C( 0, freq = (400 * 1000) )
led_c = PCA9955B( i2c, 0xEC >>1, iref = 0xFF )
leds = [ LED( led_c, i ) for i in range( led_c.CHANNELS ) ]
peak = peak_detect( "A0", interval = 10, threshold_half_life = 350, ignore_interval = 200 )
enabling_channel = [ x for x in range( 16 ) ]
groups = [ [ 1, 6, 11, 13 ], [ 2, 7, 9, 14 ], [ 3, 5, 10, 15 ], [ 0, 4, 8, 12 ] ]
all = [ 1.0 for i in range( led_c.CHANNELS ) ]
led_c.pwm( all )
led_c.gradation_channel_enable( enabling_channel )
led_c.gradation_group_assign( groups )
ramp_time = 1.0
off_time = ramp_time
# RGB gradation on group 0, 1, 2
rgb_cycle_time = led_c.set_gradation( 0, 1.0, ramp_time, up = True, down = True, on = 0, off = off_time )
led_c.set_gradation( 1, 1.0, ramp_time, up = True, down = True, on = 0, off = off_time )
led_c.set_gradation( 2, 1.0, ramp_time, up = True, down = True, on = 0, off = off_time )
print( f"rgb_cycle_time = {rgb_cycle_time}" )
# White gradation on group 3
white_cycle_time = led_c.set_gradation( 3, 1, 0.3, up = False, down = True, on = 0, off = 0 )
led_c.gradation_start( 0 )
utime.sleep( rgb_cycle_time / 3 )
led_c.gradation_start( 1 )
utime.sleep( rgb_cycle_time / 3 )
led_c.gradation_start( 2 )
vp = 0
while True:
if peak.detect():
led_c.gradation_stop( 3 )
led_c.gradation_start( 3, continuous = False )
vp = 1.0
led_c.write_registers( "PWMALL", int( vp * 255.0 ) )
vp *= 0.9
vp = 0.1 if vp < 0.1 else vp
if __name__ == "__main__":
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