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Last active November 22, 2021 01:00
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# script for running data analisis.
# plotting running data from .fit file
# usage:
# Tedd OKANO, Tsukimidai Communications Syndicate 2021
# Version 0.9.3 22-November-2021
# Copyright (c) 2021 Tedd OKANO
# Released under the MIT license
import fitpandas
import fitpandas_util as fu
import pandas as pd
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import os.path
import sys
import pytz
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from timezonefinder import TimezoneFinder
"DST": { "axis": None, "color": [ 0, 0, 0 ], "scatter": False, "filtered": False, "source": "distance", "convert": fu.m2km },
"GCT": { "axis": "upper1", "color": [ 0, 0, 0 ], "scatter": True, "filtered": True, "source": "stance_time", "convert": None },
"PITCH": { "axis": "upper1", "color": [ 0, 0, 1 ], "scatter": True, "filtered": True, "source": "cadence", "convert": fu.cadence2pitch },
"VOSC": { "axis": "upper2", "color": [ 1, 0, 0 ], "scatter": True, "filtered": True, "source": "vertical_oscillation", "convert": None },
"PACE": { "axis": "lower1", "color": [ 0, 0, 0 ], "scatter": True, "filtered": True, "source": "speed", "convert": fu.speed2pace },
"%HRR": { "axis": "lower2", "color": [ 1, 0, 0 ], "scatter": True, "filtered": True, "source": "heart_rate", "convert": fu.hr2hrr },
"ALT": { "axis": "lower2", "color": [ 0,.7, 0 ], "scatter": False, "filtered": False, "source": "altitude", "convert": None },
"STL": { "axis": None, "color": [ 0, 0, 0 ], "scatter": False, "filtered": False, "source": "step_length", "convert": None },
def update_PLOT_SETTING( d ):
for k in PLOT_SETTING.keys():
if PLOT_SETTING[ k ][ "axis" ] != None:
PLOT_SETTING[ k ][ "axis" ] = d[ PLOT_SETTING[ k ][ "axis" ] ]
k: { "s": 2, "alpha": SCATTER_ALPHA, "color": [ x if 0.5 < x else 0.5 for x in v[ "color" ] ] }
for k, v in zip( PLOT_SETTING.keys(), PLOT_SETTING.values() )
WNDW_LEN = 120
WINDOW = [ 0.5 * (np.cos( z ) + 1.0) for z in np.linspace( -np.pi, np.pi, WNDW_LEN) ]
WINDOW = [ x / sum( WINDOW ) for x in WINDOW ]
def main():
if 2 > len( sys.argv ):
print( "error: no files given to plot" )
sys.exit( 1 )
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 12))
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(211)
ax2 = ax1.twinx()
bx1 = fig.add_subplot(212)
bx2 = bx1.twinx()
setting = {
"upper1": ax1,
"upper2": ax2,
"lower1": bx1,
"lower2": bx2
update_PLOT_SETTING( setting )
input_files = sys.argv[ 1 : ]
data_df_array, session_df = read_files( input_files )
stat = session_df.describe()
axis_setting( ax1, ax2, bx1, bx2, stat )
alpha_value = 1.0
for file_name in input_files:
data = data_df_array[ file_name ]
session = session_df[ file_name : file_name ]
session = session.to_dict( orient = "records" )[ 0 ]
start_time = data.iloc[ 0 ][ "timestamp" ]
finish_time = data.iloc[ -1 ][ "timestamp" ]
elapsed_time= finish_time - start_time
# elapsed_time = data.iloc[ -1 ][ "timestamp" ] - data.iloc[ -1 ][ "timestamp" ]
# print( "elapsed_time = ", elapsed_time, " - ", elapsed_time.total_seconds() / data.iloc[ -1 ][ "distance" ] )
plot_label = get_local_session_start_time( session ) + " " + fu.second2MS( fu.speed2pace( session[ "avg_speed" ] ) ) + "/km"
plot_att = {
k: { "color": v[ "color" ], "alpha": alpha_value, "label": "{} - {}".format( k, file_name ) }
for k, v in zip( PLOT_SETTING.keys(), PLOT_SETTING.values() )
plot_att[ "PACE" ][ "label" ] = "PACE - {} - {}".format( plot_label, file_name )
if 1 == len( input_files ):
for label, item in PLOT_SETTING.items():
if PLOT_SETTING[ label ][ "scatter" ]:
item[ "axis" ].scatter( data[ "DST" ], data[ label ], **SCATTER_ATT[ label ] )
if alpha_value == 1.0:
bx2.plot( data[ "DST" ], data[ "ALT" ], **plot_att[ "ALT" ] )
for label, item in PLOT_SETTING.items():
if PLOT_SETTING[ label ][ "filtered" ]:
item[ "axis" ].plot( data[ "DST" ], data[ label + "_filtered" ], **plot_att[ label ] )
alpha_value *= 0.5
ax1.legend( loc='upper left', borderaxespad=1, fontsize=9 )
ax2.legend( loc='lower right', borderaxespad=1, fontsize=9 )
bx1.legend( loc='upper left', borderaxespad=1, fontsize=9 )
bx2.legend( loc='lower right', borderaxespad=1, fontsize=9 )
plt.savefig( "-".join( sys.argv ) + ".png", dpi=300, bbox_inches="tight", pad_inches=0.05 )
def read_files( input_files ):
data_df_ar = {}
sesion_ar = []
for file_name in input_files:
print( "reading " + file_name + " .." )
fn, file_ext = os.path.splitext( file_name )
if ".fit" != file_ext.lower():
print( "cannot read .fit format file only" )
data_df, session, units = fitpandas.get_workout( file_name )
convert_data( data_df )
data_df_ar[ file_name ] = data_df
sesion_ar.append( session )
session_df = pd.DataFrame( sesion_ar, index = input_files )
convert_session( session_df )
return data_df_ar, session_df
def axis_setting( ax1, ax2, bx1, bx2, stat ):
x_max =[ "max", 'total_distance']
x_min = 0.0
for axis in [ ax1, bx1 ]:
axis.set_xlim( [ x_min, x_max ] )
axis.set_xticks( list( range( math.ceil( x_max ) ) ) )
axis.set_xlabel( 'distance [km]' )
y_a_N_ticks = 7
y_a1_ticks = 10
y_a1_max = math.floor([ "max", 'avg_stance_time'] / 10) * 10 + 2 * y_a1_ticks
y_a1_min = y_a1_max - y_a_N_ticks * y_a1_ticks
y_a2_max = math.floor([ "mean", 'avg_vertical_oscillation'] / 10) * 10 + 4 * y_a1_ticks
y_a2_min = y_a2_max - y_a_N_ticks * y_a1_ticks
y_a_N_ticks = 7
y_b1_max = 360 # pace [seconds / km]
y_b1_min = 240 # pace [seconds / km]
y_b1_ticks = 30 # pace [seconds / km]
y_b2_max = 130 # altitude [m], Heart Rate Reserved [%HRR]
y_b2_min = 50
ax2.text( x_max / 2, y_a2_min + (y_a2_max - y_a2_min) * 0.01, "window function: hann, length =" + str( WNDW_LEN ) + " samples (sample/sec)", size = 8 )
bx2.text( x_max / 2, y_b2_min + (y_b2_max - y_b2_min) * 0.01, "window function: hann, length =" + str( WNDW_LEN ) + " samples (sample/sec)", size = 8 )
ax1.set_ylim( [ y_a1_min, y_a1_max ] )
ax1.set_yticks( list( range( y_a1_min, y_a1_max + 1, y_a1_ticks ) ) )
ax1.set_ylabel( 'ground gontact time (GCT) [ms]\npitch [steps/min]' )
ax2.set_ylim( [ y_a2_min, y_a2_max ] )
ax2.set_ylabel( 'vertical oscillation [mm]' )
bx1.set_ylim( [ y_b1_max, y_b1_min ] )
bx1.set_yticks( list( range( y_b1_min, y_b1_max + 1, y_b1_ticks ) ) )
bx1.yaxis.set_ticklabels( [ fu.second2MS( s ) for s in range( y_b1_min, y_b1_max + 1, y_b1_ticks ) ] )
bx1.set_ylabel( 'pace [mm:ss/km]' )
bx2.set_ylim( [ y_b2_min, y_b2_max ] )
bx2.set_ylabel( 'altitude [m]\nHeart Rate Reserved [%HRR]' )
def convert_session( session ):
labels_funcs = {
"total_distance": { "func": fu.m2km, "new_label_str": "total_distance" },
"speed": { "func": fu.speed2pace, "new_label_str": "PACE" },
"heart_rate": { "func": fu.hr2hrr, "new_label_str": "%HRR" },
"running_cadence": { "func": fu.cadence2pitch, "new_label_str": "PITCH" },
for key in session.columns.values:
for lb in labels_funcs.keys():
if (lb in key) and ("_unit" not in key):
session[ key.replace( lb, labels_funcs[ lb ][ "new_label_str" ] ) ] = session[ key ].apply( labels_funcs[ lb ][ "func" ] )
def convert_data( data ):
labels_funcs = {}
labels_change = []
for label, item in zip( PLOT_SETTING.keys(), PLOT_SETTING.values() ):
if item[ "convert" ] != None:
labels_funcs[ item[ "source" ] ] = { "func": item[ "convert" ], "new_label": label }
labels_change.append( { item[ "source" ]: label } )
for x in labels_change:
data.rename( columns = x, inplace=True)
for key in data.columns.values:
for lb in labels_funcs.keys():
if key == lb:
if labels_funcs[ lb ][ "func" ] != None:
data[ labels_funcs[ lb ][ "new_label" ] ] = data[ key ].apply( labels_funcs[ lb ][ "func" ] )
data.replace( [np.inf, -np.inf], np.nan, inplace = True )
data.dropna( subset = [ "PACE" ], inplace=True )
for lb in [ label for label, item in zip( PLOT_SETTING.keys(), PLOT_SETTING.values() ) if item[ "filtered" ] ]:
add_filterd_data( data, lb, WINDOW )
def add_filterd_data( data, col, window ):
ar = []
col_nm = col + "_filtered"
padding = [ float( "NaN" ) for x in range( len( window ) // 2 ) ]
ar.extend( padding )
ar.extend( smooth( data[ col ], window ) )
ar.extend( padding )
data[ col_nm ] = ar
def smooth( d, w ):
return np.convolve( d, w, mode = 'same' )[ len( w )// 2 : -len( w ) // 2 ]
def snip( data, snip ):
return data[ snip : -snip ]
def get_localtimef( v, h, dt ):
tf = TimezoneFinder()
tz = pytz.timezone( tf.timezone_at( lat = v, lng = h ) )
if dt.tzinfo:
dt.replace( tzinfo = None )
dt += tz.utcoffset( dt )
dt = tz.localize( dt )
return "{}".format( dt.astimezone( tz ) )
def get_local_session_start_time( s ):
# print( fu.semicircles2dgree( s[ "start_position_lat" ] ), fu.semicircles2dgree( s[ "start_position_long" ] ), s[ "start_time" ] )
v = fu.semicircles2dgree( s[ "start_position_lat" ] )
h = fu.semicircles2dgree( s[ "start_position_long" ] )
dt = s[ "start_time" ]
tf = TimezoneFinder()
tz = pytz.timezone( tf.timezone_at( lat = v, lng = h ) )
if dt.tzinfo:
dt.replace( tzinfo = None )
dt += tz.utcoffset( dt )
dt = tz.localize( dt )
return "{}".format( dt.astimezone( tz ) )
if __name__ == "__main__":
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plots .fit file data
run_analize py-2021mar25 fit-2021mar04 fit

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