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Last active June 4, 2023 20:38
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MPL115A1 (a miniature SPI digital barometer, 50 to 115 kPa) operation sample for MicroPython
from machine import SPI, Pin
from utime import sleep, localtime
from struct import unpack
import os
class MPL115A1:
def __init__( self, spi, cs ):
self.spi = spi
self.cs = cs
def pressure( self ):
self._cs_ctrl( 0 )
self.spi.write( bytearray( [ 0x24, 0x00 ] ) )
self._cs_ctrl( 1 )
sleep( 0.003 )
p_adc, t_adc = self._pressure_temp()
p_comp = self.a0 + (self.b1 + self.c12 * t_adc) * p_adc + self.b2 * t_adc
return p_comp * ((115 - 50) / 1023) + 50
def _get_coeff( self ):
data = self._insert_zero_bytes( [ 0x88, 0x8A, 0x8C, 0x8E, 0x90, 0x92, 0x94, 0x96 ] )
self._cs_ctrl( 0 )
self.spi.write_readinto( data, data )
self._cs_ctrl( 1 )
self.a0, self.b1, self.b2, self.c12 = unpack( ">hhhh", self._collect_odd_bytes( data ) )
self.a0 /= 2**3
self.b1 /= 2**13
self.b2 /= 2**14
self.c12 /= 2**24
def _pressure_temp( self ):
data = self._insert_zero_bytes( [ 0x80, 0x82, 0x84, 0x86 ] )
self._cs_ctrl( 0 )
self.spi.write_readinto( data, data )
self._cs_ctrl( 1 )
p, t = unpack( ">HH", self._collect_odd_bytes( data ) )
p >>= 6
t >>= 6
return ( p, t )
def _collect_odd_bytes( self, data ):
# doing similar to data = data[1::2] because MicroPython doesn't support "::2"
return bytearray( [ x for i, x in enumerate( data ) if i % 2 ] )
def _insert_zero_bytes( self, data ):
return bytearray( sum( [ [x, 0x00] for x in data ], [] ) + [ 0x00 ] )
def _cs_ctrl( self, state ):
if self.cs:
self.cs.value( state )
def main():
DEPTH = 1000
LOG_FILE = "data.csv"
SPI_FREQ = 1000000
if "MIMXRT" in os.uname().machine:
spi = SPI( 0, SPI_FREQ, cs = 0 )
sensor = MPL115A1( spi, None )
led = None
elif "Raspberry Pi Pico" in os.uname().machine:
spi = SPI( 1, SPI_FREQ, sck = Pin( 10 ), mosi = Pin( 11 ), miso = Pin( 12 ) )
sensor = MPL115A1( spi, Pin( 13, Pin.OUT ) )
led = Pin( "LED", Pin.OUT )
while True:
p = 0;
for i in range( DEPTH ):
p += sensor.pressure()
if led:
led.value( i >> 4 & 0x1 )
dt = localtime()
p_str = "{:04d}-{:02d}-{:02d} {:02d}:{:02d}:{:02d}, {}".format( dt[ 0 ], dt[ 1 ], dt[ 2 ], dt[ 3 ], dt[ 4 ], dt[ 5 ], p / DEPTH * 10 )
print( p_str )
with open( "data.csv", "a" ) as f:
print( p_str, file = f )
if __name__ == "__main__":
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