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Last active January 8, 2022 11:34
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A script I wrote to try and find the best starting word in wordle
"""Find the most common letters in five letter English words at each position.
This is to help you play wordle (
import requests
URL = ""
ALPHABET = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
def order_letters_and_get_probs(nword_by_letter, number_of_words):
letters = sorted(nword_by_letter, key=nword_by_letter.get)[::-1]
probs = [nword_by_letter[letter] / number_of_words for letter in letters]
return letters, probs
def format_probs(letters_and_probs):
letters, probs = letters_and_probs
return " ".join(
[f"{letter}: {round(prob, 2)}" for letter, prob in zip(letters, probs)]
def main():
print(f"Fetching a list of words from {URL}...")
words = [
for word in requests.get(URL).text.split("\r\n")
if len(word) == N_SLOTS
slots = list(range(N_SLOTS))
words_by_slot = {
slot: {
letter: [word for word in words if word[slot] == letter]
for letter in ALPHABET
for slot in slots
nword_per_letter_by_slot = {
k: {kk: len(vv) for kk, vv in v.items()}
for k, v in words_by_slot.items()
letters_and_probs_by_slot = {
slot: order_letters_and_get_probs(
nword_per_letter_by_slot[slot], len(words)
for slot in slots
print("\n*******Most common letters at each position**********")
for slot in slots:
print(f"{slot + 1}: {''.join(letters_and_probs_by_slot[slot][0])}")
print("\n*******Probability of each letter at each slot**********")
for slot in slots:
print(f"{slot + 1}: {format_probs(letters_and_probs_by_slot[slot])}")
if __name__ == "__main__":
Copy link

Output when I ran this script just now:

Fetching a list of words from
*******Most common letters at each position**********

1: scabtpmdgfrlhkwenouivjyzqx
2: aoeiurlhntpycmwsdbgkvxfzqj
3: rainoleutsmcdgbpkvwyhfzxjq
4: eaitnlorsudckgmpbhfvywzjxq
5: seyatnrdloihkmcpguxfbwzvqj

*******Probability of each letter at each slot**********

1: s: 0.11 c: 0.08 a: 0.07 b: 0.07 t: 0.06 p: 0.06 m: 0.05 d: 0.05 g: 0.05 f: 0.04 r: 0.04 l: 0.04 h: 0.04 k: 0.03 w: 0.03 e: 0.03 n: 0.03 o: 0.02 u: 0.02 i: 0.02 v: 0.02 j: 0.02 y: 0.01 z: 0.01 q: 0.01 x: 0.0
2: a: 0.18 o: 0.14 e: 0.12 i: 0.1 u: 0.09 r: 0.07 l: 0.05 h: 0.05 n: 0.03 t: 0.02 p: 0.02 y: 0.02 c: 0.02 m: 0.01 w: 0.01 s: 0.01 d: 0.01 b: 0.01 g: 0.01 k: 0.01 v: 0.01 x: 0.0 f: 0.0 z: 0.0 q: 0.0 j: 0.0
3: r: 0.1 a: 0.09 i: 0.08 n: 0.08 o: 0.07 l: 0.07 e: 0.06 u: 0.05 t: 0.05 s: 0.04 m: 0.04 c: 0.03 d: 0.03 g: 0.03 b: 0.03 p: 0.03 k: 0.02 v: 0.02 w: 0.02 y: 0.01 h: 0.01 f: 0.01 z: 0.01 x: 0.01 j: 0.0 q: 0.0
4: e: 0.16 a: 0.1 i: 0.08 t: 0.06 n: 0.06 l: 0.06 o: 0.06 r: 0.05 s: 0.05 u: 0.04 d: 0.03 c: 0.03 k: 0.03 g: 0.03 m: 0.03 p: 0.03 b: 0.02 h: 0.02 f: 0.01 v: 0.01 y: 0.01 w: 0.01 z: 0.01 j: 0.0 x: 0.0 q: 0.0
5: s: 0.2 e: 0.12 y: 0.11 a: 0.08 t: 0.07 n: 0.06 r: 0.06 d: 0.05 l: 0.05 o: 0.03 i: 0.03 h: 0.03 k: 0.02 m: 0.02 c: 0.01 p: 0.01 g: 0.01 u: 0.01 x: 0.01 f: 0.01 b: 0.01 w: 0.01 z: 0.0 v: 0.0 q: 0.0 j: 0.0```

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