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Last active July 11, 2018 07:14
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Rust notes


Stack and Heap

  • Stack = LIFO and is hella fast
  • All data on the stack must take up a known, fixed size
  • Basic data types (ints, bools, etc.) are all stored on the stack because they have a fixed size
  • More complex data types of unknown size get stored on the heap


  • Each value in rust has a variable that's called its owner
  • There can be only one owner at a time
  • When the owner goes out of scope, the value will be dropped (i.e. 'popped' off the stack)


  • Memory is freed when the owner goes out of scope
  • When this occurs, rust automatically calls the data type's drop function

Move and Clone

# move

let s1 = String::from("hello");
let s2 = s1; // s1 has "moved" to s2, thus s1 is now deemed invalid and can't be used anymore

println!("{}", s2") // this is allowed,
println!("{}", s1") // this is not allowed because s1 is now invalid
  • A "move" can be thought of as a shallow copy - the actual string contents on the heap is not copied
  • Side note - rust never automatically creates deep copies of data
  • So copying stuff is always super inexpensive!
# clone

let s1 = String::from("hello");
let s2 = s1.clone();

println("{} {} ", s1, s2) // this is ok in this instance because we cloned everything into s2


# String literal - immutable - stack - string must be known at compile time

let s = "I am a string literal";
# `String` type - mutable - heap - can shrink/grow as needed

let s = String::new();
let mut s2 = String::from("I am a mutable String type, change me if you want to");
# String reference - a refernce to a `String` - the reference does not "own" the String

let s = String::new();
# Mutable String reference - a mutable reference to a `String`

let mut s = String::new()
some_function_that_does_need_to_mutate_a_string(&mut s);
# String slice - a reference to part of a `String`

let s = String::from("I am string");
println!("here's part of the String: {}", &s[0..1]);
  • The String data type consists of:
    • A pointer to the memory that holds the contents of the string
    • Length (how much memory in bytes the contents of the String is currently using)
    • Capacity (total amount of memory in bytes that the String has received from the OS)
  • These 3 things get stored on the stack, the data pointed at by the pointer is on the heap
  • When writing a function that accepts a reference to a String, it is usually best to accept a string slice instead
    • This allows string literals, slices of string literals and slices of Strings to be passed, not just Strings
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