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Created April 7, 2014 07:23
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#!/usr/bin/env python
from functools import partial
from random import randint, uniform
from pprint import pprint
from operator import truth, add
def build_dict_tree(filename):
f = open(filename)
D = {}
for word in f:
current = D
for i, c in enumerate(word):
c = c.upper()
if c == '\n':
current['.'] = True
elif c in current:
current = current[c]
current[c] = {}
current = current[c]
return D
def test_dict_tree(tree, word, partial=False):
wlen = len(word)
for i, c in enumerate(word):
if c in tree:
tree = tree[c]
if i == wlen - 1 and '.' in tree or partial and i == wlen - 1:
return True
return False
print "building dictionary tree...",
tree = build_dict_tree('/usr/share/dict/words')
partial_word_test = lambda (a,b): test_dict_tree(tree, a, partial=True)
full_word_test = lambda (a,b): test_dict_tree(tree, a)
print "done."
# returns the neighbors of C within the bounds
# of an NxM 0-indexed rectangle, skipping the skip
# coordinate.
def enumerate_nearby(M, N, C, skip=None):
nearby = []
x, y = C
if x + 1 < M:
nearby.append( (x+1, y) )
if x > 0:
nearby.append( (x-1, y) )
if y + 1 < N:
nearby.append( (x, y+1) )
if y > 0:
nearby.append( (x, y-1) )
if skip:
nearby[:] = [p for p in nearby if nearby != skip]
return nearby
def boggle_words(B, W, depth=0, skip=None, max_depth=6):
S, C = W
N = len(B)
nearby_coords = enumerate_nearby(N, N, C, skip=skip)
nearby_strings = map(lambda (x, y): S + B[x][y], nearby_coords)
nearby = zip(nearby_strings, nearby_coords)
partials = filter(partial_word_test, nearby)
words = map(lambda (a, b): a, filter(full_word_test, nearby))
# continue with partial words
if depth < max_depth:
derive_words = partial(boggle_words, B, depth=depth+1, skip=S, max_depth=max_depth)
derived_words = filter(truth, map(derive_words, partials))
words += reduce(add, derived_words, [])
return words
letter_freqs = [
(8.12, 'A'),
(10.83, 'C'),
(12.32, 'B'),
(24.34, 'E'),
(28.66, 'D'),
(30.69, 'G'),
(32.99, 'F'),
(40.30, 'I'),
(46.22, 'H'),
(46.91, 'K'),
(47.01, 'J'),
(49.62, 'M'),
(53.60, 'L'),
(61.28, 'O'),
(68.23, 'N'),
(68.34, 'Q'),
(70.16, 'P'),
(76.44, 'S'),
(82.46, 'R'),
(85.34, 'U'),
(94.44, 'T'),
(96.53, 'W'),
(97.64, 'V'),
(99.75, 'Y'),
(99.92, 'X'),
(99.99, 'Z')
def generate_board(M, N):
B = []
for i in xrange(N):
row = []
for j in xrange(M):
r = uniform(0, 100)
for k in xrange(len(letter_freqs)):
if r < letter_freqs[k][0] and (k == 0 or r > letter_freqs[k-1][0]):
return B
def print_board(B):
N, M = len(B), len(B[0])
print "{:d}x{:d} board".format(N, M)
print '--' * M
for row in B:
for square in row:
print "{}".format(square),
print '--' * M
def test_boggle(N, D):
words = False
B = generate_board(N, N)
while(not words):
x, y = (randint(0, N-1), randint(0, N-1))
W = (B[x][y], (x, y))
words = boggle_words(B, W, max_depth=D)
print "source: '{}' at {}".format(*W)
print "words: {}".format(', '.join(words))
def test_max_word(N, D):
words = False
B = generate_board(N, N)
max_word_tuple = ("", 0)
max_word_W = None
for x in xrange(N):
for y in xrange(N):
W = (B[x][y], (x, y))
words = boggle_words(B, W, max_depth=D)
if words:
get_len = lambda (w,l): l
word_tuple = max(zip(words, map(len, words)), key=get_len)
if get_len(word_tuple) > get_len(max_word_tuple):
max_word_tuple = word_tuple
max_word_W = W
print "source: '{}' at {}".format(*max_word_W)
print "longest word is {}, with a length of {}".format(*max_word_tuple)
# test_boggle(5, 6)
test_max_word(20, 20)
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