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Created April 7, 2012 19:52
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Barcamp Boston 7 Notes

Barcamp Boston 7

Audio for iOS/Mac


Impact-based profit-sharing

Stack Wars

KIM-1 modern version

  • KIM-1: single-board computer

Single-board computers --cool!


  • beagleboard
  • raspberry pi

Email Delivery

Alex Daley from Wayfair. StrongMail

  • Track
    • Email delivery success/failure
  • Pivotal/Email Voracity
    • Detect which ISPs are blocking you
  • Problems:
    • Email not delivered
      • Validation of email delivery on entry.
    • User closes their email account
      • Will create a failure
      • Some ISPs stop sending failures, make them into spam traps
      • Make sure that user gets & opens email so can detect account deletion
  • Listen to response codes and respond appropriately
    • Send later: Make sure you send within a few hours
  • If you send too many emails per IP, you will be rate-limited
  • Startup:
    • No reputation
    • slowly build up until you establish your cred
      • Throttling, ease in
      • don't send more than 5.000
  • Shared IP
    • Reputations of others on your IP will impact yours
  • Reputation factors
    • From name affects your reputation
    • Content: use SpamAssassin to check your "spam" score
      • checks things in your subject line (e.g. don't use [?!] in subject line)
    • Rebuild your reputation through customer engagement
  • Detection: pixel-image
  • Engagement filter
    • monitor user-engagement with your emails
    • If they're not, why are you sending to them? If they don't open your emails since 3-6 months?, just cut them off.
      • Set a window so that users fall off the list afterwards
    • Good user-engagement -> better reputation

HDR Photography Notes (by Chris Schmidt, @crschmidt)

Javascript discussion

Notes by ali:

Web Services in Erlang

With Caz Vonkow

Erlang Web Servers

  • YAWS: old, reliable, convoluted internals
  • MochiWeb: popular, lightweight, proven track record
  • Cowboy: new, fast, under active development



  • Mnesia: Erlang built-in database
    • good for fast, in-memory transactions. For things <4Gb (really 2Gb)
  • Riak
    • s3-like nosql db (by Basho)
    • fault-tolerant, distributed, built in Erlang

Database Drivers

  • Emysql: MySQL
  • Epgsql: Postgres

Erlang Supervisors



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