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Created May 5, 2012 07:41
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My Latex Book Template
# Workflow and tool chain for writing a book for PDF publishing
## Toolchain
1. Pandoc, install using the cabal installer, don't apt-get. On OSX, there is dmg, I think the dmg is best option for OSX, it is just too problematic to get 1.9.2 cabal using brew or macports. There was one option I tried and succeeded, that is to install the Haskell environment using a package installer, that contained the cabal installer. Then install pandoc using cabal. Don't forget that the executables are in ~/.cabal/bin, so you have to set the path
2. TexLive, get the full distribution. It will take sometime to download, so get some coffee and be prepared to waste time
3. A good texteditor. ia Writer on OSX, vi (all around). Recently though, TextMate 2.0 Alpha seems to be a pretty good editor of Markdown
## Workflow
1. Write the source files using Pandoc Markdown
2. Each chapter of the book is broken down into a markdown file
3. Write your own buildfile to consolidate each chapter into a single book
4. Chapter compilation can be done on the buildscript, but essentially it just contains
4.1 pandoc --chapters -o targetfile.tex
4.2 cat and append content of preamble.doc to tempfile
4.3 cat and append content of targetfile.tex to tempfile
4.3 append the closing "\end{document} to tempfile
4.4 copy back tempfile to targetfile.tex
5. compile to pdf using "pdflatex targetfile.tex"
## Workarounds
Not everything in Pandoc works as advertised (even in 1.9.2), so you need to sidestep some items a little bit. These are some of the things.
1. Inclusion of source codes
~~~~{#thecode .java .numberLines}
This code block produces a \begin{Shades} environment, which becomes problematic if you output partially to latex. You will need to define the {Shades} environment, and I did not know how.
This works in Pandoc, this is good to use for longer source codes
This does not work in Pandoc, for some reason it stops processing, so side step
~~~ {#code}
This works nicely in Pandoc, it produces an \begin{lstlisting} properly in latex, so use this for really short code snippets
## My Latex Preamble
1. Section headings
2. Paragraph skipping
Don't mess with the \parskip variable anymore, the output is fine.
3. Change the main body font to Palatino
4. Inclusion of graphics
5. Side notes in the margin
\renewcommand\marginpar[1]{\-\oldmarginpar[\raggedleft\footnotesize #1]%
{\raggedright\footnotesize #1}}
6. Ditch the fancy headings, use \pagestyle{myheadings}
\markright{Introduction to Java}
7. Embedding line drawings
\begin{figure} [htpb]
\caption{JDBC and your app}
PDF seems to work best. EPS doesn't work with my installation of pdflatex, pstricks also don't work. Anyway, PDF is fine.
\renewcommand\marginpar[1]{\-\oldmarginpar[\raggedleft\footnotesize #1]%
{\raggedright\footnotesize #1}}
\usepackage[top=2cm, bottom=3.3cm, left=3.2cm, right=4cm]{geometry}
\markright{Introduction to Java}
\title{Java Core Programming}
\date{Nov 2011}
\author{Ted Hagos\\
\texttt {}
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