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Created June 19, 2021 04:40
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style: &style
# size: 0
# width: 0
# weight: 0
# italic: false
# underLine: false
# strikeOut: false
# charSet: 0
# outPrecision: 0
# clipPrecision: 0
# quality: 0
# pitchAndFamily: 0
SimSun: &zh-cn-font # Chinese (Simplified) fallback font
replace: Microsoft YaHei
<<: *style
PMingLiU: # Chinese (Traditional) fallback font
replace: Microsoft JhengHei UI
<<: *style
MS UI Gothic: # Japanese fallback font
replace: Yu Gothic UI
<<: *style
Gulim: # Korean fallback font
replace: 맑은 고딕
<<: *style
fixGSOFont: true # true is to use system UI font
#fixGSOFont: *zh-cn-font # Or replace with user defined font
debug: false
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