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#! /usr/bin/env groovy
import ratpack.exec.Downstream
import ratpack.exec.ExecInterceptor
import ratpack.exec.Execution
import ratpack.exec.Promise
import ratpack.func.Block
import ratpack.handling.Context
import static ratpack.groovy.Groovy.ratpack
@GrabResolver(name = 'jcenter', root = '')
public class ExecutionTimer {
private ExecutionTimer() {}
final UUID id = UUID.randomUUID()
final Long executionStart = System.currentTimeMillis()
Long segmentStart
ExecutionTimer startSegment() {
segmentStart = System.currentTimeMillis()
Long getExecutionTime() { System.currentTimeMillis() - executionStart }
Long getSegmentTime() { System.currentTimeMillis() - segmentStart }
String toString() {
"$id - segment time: ${segmentTime} execution time: ${executionTime}ms"
public static ExecutionTimer startExecutionSegment(Execution execution) {
ExecutionTimer timer = execution.maybeGet(ExecutionTimer).orElse(null)
if (!timer) {
timer = new ExecutionTimer()
execution.add(ExecutionTimer, timer)
public class LoggingExecInterceptor implements ExecInterceptor {
void intercept(Execution execution, ExecInterceptor.ExecType execType, Block executionSegment) throws Exception {
ExecutionTimer timer = ExecutionTimer.startExecutionSegment(execution)
try {
} finally {
println "${Thread.currentThread().name} - $timer - ${execType}"
ratpack {
serverConfig {
development false
bindings {
bindInstance(new LoggingExecInterceptor())
handlers {
all { Context context ->
final String executionId = context.get(ExecutionTimer).id.toString()
println "${Thread.currentThread().name} - $executionId - A. Original compute thread"
Promise.async({ Downstream downstream ->
println "${Thread.currentThread().name} - $executionId - B1. Inside async promise, same thread still"
// ask for an execution to be scheduled on another compute thread
Execution.fork().start({ forkedExec ->
println "${Thread.currentThread().name} - $executionId - C. Forked work on another thread"
downstream.success("hello from fork")
println "${Thread.currentThread().name} - $executionId - B2. After fork().start()"
}).then { result ->
println "${Thread.currentThread().name} - $executionId - D. `then` notifies original compute thread"
context.render result
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