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Last active December 23, 2015 03:39
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Save tednaleid/6574381 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Fixing typos/cut paste error in Spec messages. Also changing toString to be just a passthrough to the object (or safe for null) as I think you'd just want the original object string and wouldn't want to pollute your output with the fact that it's wrapped in an Optional.
import groovy.transform.Canonical
import spock.lang.Specification
class Optional<T> {
T reference
T get() {
if (isPresent()) return reference
throw new NoSuchElementException()
Boolean isPresent() {
return reference != null
Boolean asBoolean() {
return isPresent()
T orElse(T other) {
isPresent() ? reference : other
T orElseThrow(Exception e) {
if (isPresent()) {
return reference
throw e
T orNull() {
return reference
def ifPresent(Closure closure) {
if (isPresent()) {
return closure(reference)
String toString() {
return "$reference"
def methodMissing(String name, args) {
reference?.invokeMethod(name, args)
class OptionalSpec extends Specification {
void 'orNull returns the reference'() {
given: 'a known reference'
Object expectedReference = new Object()
expect: 'orNull returns the reference'
new Optional<Object>(expectedReference).orNull() == expectedReference
void 'orNull returns null'() {
expect: 'orNull returns null if there is no reference'
new Optional<Object>().orNull() == null
void 'get returns the reference'() {
given: 'a known reference'
Object expectedReference = new Object()
expect: 'orNull returns the reference'
new Optional<Object>(expectedReference).get() == expectedReference
void 'get throws NoSuchElementException if there is no reference'() {
when: 'get is called'
new Optional<Object>().get()
then: 'no reference throws NoSuchElementException'
void 'isPresent is false when there is no reference'() {
expect: 'An instance of optional with no reference returns false for isPresent'
!new Optional().isPresent()
void 'isPresent is true when there is a reference'() {
expect: 'An instance of optional with no reference returns false for isPresent'
new Optional(new Object()).isPresent()
void 'Delegates to the reference'() {
given: 'An instance of optional with with a list'
Optional<Integer> optionalInteger = new Optional(new Integer(1))
expect: 'doubleValue() is invoked on the reference when called on the optional instance'
optionalInteger.doubleValue() == 1.0
void 'Delegating to a missing reference returns false'() {
given: 'An instance of optional with with a list'
Optional<Integer> optionalInteger = new Optional()
expect: 'doubleValue() is invoked on the reference when called on the optional instance'
void 'can use asBoolean to determine lack of presence of the reference'() {
expect: 'An instance of optional with no reference returns false for isPresent'
!new Optional()
void 'can use asBoolean to determine presence of the reference'() {
expect: 'An instance of optional with no reference returns false for isPresent'
new Optional(new Object())
void 'orElse returns the reference if it exists'() {
given: 'a known reference'
Object expectedReference = new Object()
and: 'another reference'
Object anotherReference = new Object()
expect: 'orElse returns the reference'
new Optional<Object>(expectedReference).orElse(anotherReference) == expectedReference
void 'orElse returns an alternate if the reference does not exist'() {
given: 'another reference'
Object anotherReference = new Object()
expect: 'orElse returns the reference'
new Optional<Object>().orElse(anotherReference) == anotherReference
void 'orElseThrow returns the reference if it exists'() {
given: 'a known reference'
Object expectedReference = new Object()
and: 'an exception'
Exception unexpectedException = new Exception()
expect: 'orElse returns the reference'
new Optional<Object>(expectedReference).orElseThrow(unexpectedException) == expectedReference
void 'orElseThrow throws the given exception if the reference does not exist'() {
given: 'an exception'
Exception expectedException = new Exception()
when: 'orElse is called'
new Optional<Object>().orElseThrow(expectedException)
then: 'the wtfException is thrown'
Exception exception = thrown()
exception == expectedException
void 'ifPresent returns false if there is no reference present'() {
expect: 'false when there is no reference present'
!new Optional<Object>().ifPresent { return true }
void 'ifPresent invokes the closure and returns the result if there is a reference present'() {
given: 'an expected closure result'
Integer expectedResult = 10
when: 'ifPresent is called with a reference'
Integer result = new Optional<Object>(new Object()).ifPresent { return expectedResult }
then: 'the actual result is the expected result'
expectedResult == result
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