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Created February 14, 2017 17:33
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SPIR-V + OpenCL fun times in Rust
extern crate ocl;
extern crate rspirv;
extern crate spirv_headers as spirv;
use ocl::{Platform, Device, Context, Queue, Buffer, Program, Kernel, Event, EventList};
use rspirv::binary::Disassemble;
pub fn find_platform() -> Option<Platform> {
let platform_name = "Experimental OpenCL 2.1 CPU Only Platform";
for platform in Platform::list() {
if == platform_name {
return Some(platform);
pub fn build_spirv_module() -> Vec<u32> {
use rspirv::binary::Assemble;
let mut b = rspirv::mr::Builder::new();
b.memory_model(spirv::AddressingModel::Physical64, spirv::MemoryModel::OpenCL);
// Type declarations
let void = b.type_void();
let uint64 = b.type_int(64, 0);
let float32 = b.type_float(32);
let vec3_uint64 = b.type_vector(uint64, 3);
let global_ptr_float32 = b.type_pointer(spirv::StorageClass::CrossWorkgroup, float32);
let multiply_kernel_type = b.type_function(void, vec![global_ptr_float32, float32]);
let vec3_uint64_uniform_constant_ptr = b.type_pointer(spirv::StorageClass::UniformConstant, vec3_uint64);
// Variable declarations
let const_0 = b.constant_u32(uint64, 0);
// Multiply kernel
let multiply_kernel = b.begin_function(void,
let input_array = b.function_parameter(global_ptr_float32).unwrap();
let input_num = b.function_parameter(float32).unwrap();
let input_array_at_index = b.in_bounds_ptr_access_chain(global_ptr_float32, input_array, const_0, vec![]).unwrap();, input_num, Some(spirv::MEMORY_ACCESS_ALIGNED),
// Entry points
b.entry_point(spirv::ExecutionModel::Kernel, multiply_kernel, "test_kernel".to_string(), vec![]);
let module = b.module();
println!("{}", module.disassemble());
mod tests {
fn it_works() {
use ::{find_platform, build_spirv_module};
use ocl::{self, Platform, Device, Context, Queue, Buffer, Program, Kernel, Event, EventList};
let platform = find_platform().unwrap();
assert!( == "Experimental OpenCL 2.1 CPU Only Platform");
// Get first (and only) device
let device = Device::first(platform);
// Build context using the first device
let context = Context::builder()
.build().expect("Failed to create context");
let il_word_vec = build_spirv_module();
let mut il_byte_vec: Vec<u8> = vec![];
for word in &il_word_vec {
il_byte_vec.push((*word >> 24) as u8);
il_byte_vec.push((*word >> 16) as u8);
il_byte_vec.push((*word >> 8) as u8);
il_byte_vec.push(*word as u8);
println!("{:X}\t{:X}\t{:X}\t{:X}", (*word >> 24) as u8, (*word >> 16) as u8,
(*word >> 8) as u8, *word as u8);
let queue = Queue::new(&context, device, Some(ocl::core::QUEUE_PROFILING_ENABLE)).expect("Failed to create queue");
let dims = [10];
let buffer = Buffer::<f32>::new(queue.clone(), None, &dims, None).expect("Failed to create buffer");
let mut buffer_host = vec![0.0; dims[0]];
let program = ocl::Program::with_il(il_byte_vec, &context).expect("Failed to build program from SPIR-V module");
let kernel = Kernel::new("test_kernel", &program, queue.clone()).expect("Failed to create kernel")
let mut event_list = EventList::new();
kernel.cmd().enew(&mut event_list).enq().unwrap();
let mut event = Event::empty();
buffer.cmd().read(&mut buffer_host).enew(&mut event).enq().unwrap();
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