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Last active October 26, 2023 03:58
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  • Save teefan/974c5552fa8efcf851ac630ea3eae184 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save teefan/974c5552fa8efcf851ac630ea3eae184 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Simple Godot build script for Windows
@echo off
set godot_dir=C:\godot
set doc_dir=C:\godot-docs
set demo_dir=C:\godot-demos
set copy_editor_dir=C:\Users\Teefan\Desktop\Godot\Editors
set export_templates_dir=C:\Users\Teefan\AppData\Roaming\Godot\export_templates
git fetch
for /f "tokens=*" %%i in ('git show -s "--format=%%H" origin/master') do (
set commit_hash=%%i
set commit_hash=%commit_hash:~0,8%
for /f "tokens=*" %%i in ('git rev-parse head') do (
set local_hash=%%i
set local_hash=%local_hash:~0,8%
echo Remote commit hash: %commit_hash%
echo Local commit hash: %local_hash%
if "%~1" == "copy" goto set_version
if "%~1" == "current" goto build
if "%~1" == "doc" goto build_doc
if "%~1" == "update-demos" goto update_demos
if "%~1" == "android" goto set_version
if "%~1" == "android-clean" goto android_clean
if "%~1" == "android-templates" goto android_templates
if "%~1" == "android-copy" goto set_version
if not %local_hash% == %commit_hash% goto merge_latest
echo Already on latest version at: %local_hash%
exit /b
git merge --ff-only origin/master
scons p=windows target=editor
scons p=windows target=template_release
scons p=windows target=template_debug
scons p=web target=template_release
scons p=web target=template_debug
for /f "tokens=1,2,3 delims=." %%a in ('.\bin\ --version') do (
set major=%%a
set minor=%%b
set release=%%c
set godot_ver=%major%.%minor%
set godot_release=%release%
set godot_ver_dash=%godot_ver%-%godot_release%
set godot_ver_dot=%godot_ver%.%godot_release%
echo Godot version: %godot_ver_dot%
set editor_dir=%copy_editor_dir%\Godot_%godot_ver_dash%
set templates_dir=%export_templates_dir%\%godot_ver_dot%
if not exist %editor_dir% mkdir %editor_dir%
if not exist %templates_dir% mkdir %templates_dir%
if "%~1" == "android" goto android
if "%~1" == "android-copy" goto android_copy
copy /Y %godot_dir%\bin\ %editor_dir%\Godot_v%godot_ver_dash%_win64.exe
copy /Y %godot_dir%\bin\ %editor_dir%\Godot_v%godot_ver_dash%_win64_console.exe
copy /Y %godot_dir%\bin\ %templates_dir%\windows_debug_x86_64.exe
copy /Y %godot_dir%\bin\ %templates_dir%\windows_debug_x86_64_console.exe
copy /Y %godot_dir%\bin\ %templates_dir%\windows_release_x86_64.exe
copy /Y %godot_dir%\bin\ %templates_dir%\windows_release_x86_64_console.exe
copy /Y %godot_dir%\bin\ %templates_dir%\
copy /Y %godot_dir%\bin\ %templates_dir%\
if "%~1" == "copy" exit /b
cd %doc_dir%
git fetch
git merge --ff-only origin/master
./make.bat html
cd %godot_dir%
cd %demo_dir%
git fetch
git merge --ff-only origin/master
cd %godot_dir%
exit /b
scons p=android arch=armv7 target=template_release
scons p=android arch=arm64v8 target=template_release
scons p=android arch=armv7 target=template_debug
scons p=android arch=arm64v8 target=template_debug
cd %godot_dir%\platform\android\java
.\gradlew generateGodotTemplates
cd %godot_dir%
copy /Y %godot_dir%\bin\android_release.apk %templates_dir%\android_release.apk
copy /Y %godot_dir%\bin\android_debug.apk %templates_dir%\android_debug.apk
exit /b
cd %godot_dir%\platform\android\java
.\gradlew cleanGodotTemplates
cd %godot_dir%
exit /b
@echo off
for /f "tokens=1,2,3 delims=." %%a in ('.\bin\ --version') do (
set major=%%a
set minor=%%b
set release=%%c
set godot_ver=%major%.%minor%.%release%
echo Godot current version: %godot_ver%
git fetch
for /f "tokens=*" %%i in ('git show -s "--format=%%H" origin/master') do (
set commit_hash=%%i
set commit_hash=%commit_hash:~0,8%
for /f "tokens=*" %%i in ('git rev-parse head') do (
set local_hash=%%i
set local_hash=%local_hash:~0,8%
echo Remote commit hash: %commit_hash%
echo Local commit hash: %local_hash%
if %local_hash% == %commit_hash% goto :latest
echo New version available at: %commit_hash%
exit /b
echo Already on latest version at: %local_hash%
exit /b
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