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Created February 19, 2011 00:15
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coroutine scheduler microbenchmarks
Base := Object clone do(
go := method(
counter atPut(0, counter at(0) + 1)
counter := list(0)
schedule := Date secondsToRun(
for (i, 1, 10000,
Base clone asyncSend(go)
switch := Date secondsToRun(yield)
"counter: #{Base counter at(0)}, schedule time: #{schedule}, switch time: #{switch}" interpolate println
import time
from greenhouse import schedule, pause
counter = [0]
def go():
counter[0] += 1
start = time.time()
for i in xrange(10000):
schedule_time = time.time() - start
start = time.time()
switch_time = time.time() - start
print "counter: %d, schedule time: %s, switch time: %s" % (counter[0], schedule_time, switch_time)
$ python
counter: 10000, schedule time: 0.0155069828033, switch time: 0.0182120800018
$ io
counter: 10000, schedule time: 1.6654710000000001, switch time: 12.9423689999999993
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