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Last active December 19, 2022 22:45
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(minimal?) POC
const std = @import("std");
const debug = std.debug;
const heap = std.heap;
const mem = std.mem;
// $ zig run wat.zig
// (main) grid is 7x5
// (set) grid is 2x6159346672
// failure
// Segmentation fault at address 0x16f204000
pub fn main() !void {
var gpa = heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};
const alloc = gpa.allocator();
defer {
if (gpa.deinit()) {
debug.print("memory leak detected\n", .{});
var grid = try Grid.init(alloc, 5, 7);
debug.print("(main) grid is {d}x{d}\n", .{grid.width, grid.height});
if (!grid.set(2, 4, .water)) {
debug.print("failure\n", .{});
defer grid.deinit();
const Filler = enum {
air, water, sand, stone,
const Grid = struct {
data: []Filler,
width: usize,
height: usize,
allocator: mem.Allocator,
fn init(alloc: mem.Allocator, rows: usize, cols: usize) !*Grid {
const g = &Grid{
.width = cols,
.height = rows,
.data = try alloc.alloc(Filler, rows * cols),
.allocator = alloc,
mem.set(Filler,, .air);
return g;
fn deinit(self: *Grid) void {;
fn set(self: *Grid, x: usize, y: usize, value: Filler) bool {
debug.print("(set) grid is {d}x{d}\n", .{self.width, self.height});
if (y >= self.height or x >= self.width) {
return false;
}[y * self.width + x] = value;
return true;
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