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Last active December 21, 2015 20:55
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RHEL 6 - Ruby / JRuby install for Nordstrom/tdsql - Command line toolbelt for Teradata

Steps to get Ruby install on RHEL and JRuby with RVM for Teradata toolkit found here:

# sudo -s or dzdo
dzdo -s

# instal ruby from RHEL packagemantent
yum install ruby

# grab the rvm key
curl -#LO
gpg --import mpapis.asc
curl -sSL | bash -s stable

# add to rvm group
vi /etc/group

# refresh bash
source /etc/profile.d/
source /etc/profile

# install ruby 2.1
rvm install 2.1
ruby -v
rvm use 2.1 --default

# install jruby
rvm install jruby-1.7.18
rvm use jruby-1.7.18

# confirm jruby installed
jruby -v

# install jruby bundler
jruby -S gem install bundler

# grab the tdsql repo
git clone

# move to the root of the repo
cd tdsql

# install tdsql bundle 
jruby -S bundle install

# make tdsql executable
chmod +x tdsql

# verify tdsl outputs
./tdsql --help

# note you may get errrors about
# Unknown ruby string (do not know how to handle): jruby-1.7.18.
# see:

# try a query:
tdsql -h hostname_here -u your_user_name -p your_pass -c "SELECT TOP 5 WAREH1.TBL1.SOMEFIELD FROM WAREH1.TBL1"
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