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Last active December 11, 2016 11:21
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Deployment Script for a flask app using Fabric
import json
import time
from fabric.api import *
from fabric.contrib.console import confirm
env.key_filename = '/path/to/home/dir/.ssh/id_rsa'
branch = 'development'
code_dir = '/path/to/code/dir'
environment = 'development'
def development():
env.hosts = ['']
env.user = 'xxxxxxxx'
def production():
env.hosts = ['xx.yyy.zzz.qqq']
env.user = 'xxxxxxx'
global branch
branch = 'master'
global environment
environment = 'production'
def deploy():
report('connected with user `' + env.user + '` to the following server...... \n')
run('uname -a')
with hide('output'):
if not confirm('do you want to proceed with deployment to this server?'):
abort('deployment aborted by user')
report('Deployment to ' + environment + ' starting.....', True)
backup_branch = 'backup_' + str(time.time())
with cd(code_dir):
test_failed = False
if environment == 'development':
test_failed = run_tests()
if test_failed:
report('test failed! rolling back to previous code base', True)
run('git checkout ' + backup_branch)
if not test_failed:
report('Deployment to ' + environment + ' was successful!', True)
def run_tests():
with settings(warn_only=True):
report('running tests......')
test = run('./')
return test.failed
def copy_env_vars():
report('installing environment variables.....')
put(environment + '_secrets.env', code_dir + '/secrets.env')
def install_requirements():
report('installing requirements....')
run('flask/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt')
def delete_pyc_files():
report('deleting pre-compiled files.....')
run('rm *.pyc')
run('rm application/*.pyc')
def stop_and_start_service():
report('stopping fileservice......')
run('sudo systemctl stop fileservice')
report('starting fileservice......')
run('sudo systemctl start fileservice')
def perform_git_tasks(backup_branch):
report('backing up current branch.....')
run('git checkout -b ' + backup_branch)
report('switching back to branch ' + branch + ' ....')
run('git checkout ' + branch)
report('pulling from git repository....')
run('git fetch --all')
run('git reset --hard origin/' + branch)
def report(message, to_slack=False):
print message
if to_slack:
def post_to_slack(message):
if environment == 'production':
local("curl -X POST -H 'Content-type: application/json' --data '" + json.dumps(
{'text': message}) + "' " + HOOK_URL)
def remove_old_backup_branches():
with settings(warn_only=True):
# delete all branches that have backup in them
run('git branch -D `git branch | grep "backup"`')
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Requires user to install fabric: pip install fabric

To deploy to development, run fab development deploy

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