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Last active May 21, 2023 01:52
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const log = console.log;
(async () => {
const localConnection = new RTCPeerConnection();
const lsendChannel = localConnection.createDataChannel("sendChannel");
const remoteConnection = new RTCPeerConnection();
const rsendChannel = remoteConnection.createDataChannel("sendChannel");
localConnection.onicecandidate = (e) =>
!e.candidate || remoteConnection.addIceCandidate(e.candidate).catch(log);
remoteConnection.onicecandidate = (e) =>
!e.candidate || localConnection.addIceCandidate(e.candidate).catch(log);
// offer
const offer = await localConnection.createOffer();
await localConnection.setLocalDescription(offer);
// answer
await remoteConnection.setRemoteDescription(localConnection.localDescription);
const answer = await remoteConnection.createAnswer();
await remoteConnection.setLocalDescription(answer);
// finish
await localConnection.setRemoteDescription(remoteConnection.localDescription);
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