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Last active July 11, 2024 17:07
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Save tehnrd/4559623 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Getting values out of a JSON list of objects with Apex code.
List<Object> fieldList = (List<Object>)JSON.deserializeUntyped('[{"field":"phone","object":"account"},{"field":"name","object":"account"}]');
for(Object fld : fieldList){
Map<String,Object> data = (Map<String,Object>)fld;
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a-gordoa commented Sep 4, 2020

Thanks so much for posting this! This just helped me out of quite the pickle on a project I'm working on.

I still don't fully understand why I'm only able to get the values of the objects once I've added them to a single index of a list, then converting to a map/key. Can you point me to any materials you used to find this trick? (I'm still a bit of a novice in regards to Apex)

Either way, thanks so much for this!

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This really help me to get my work done. Thanks man!

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ajith007 commented Jan 6, 2021

This is exactly what I was looking for! Thank you so much @TechNrd!

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AmatusDV commented Mar 19, 2021

This is great! I have an instance now where I'm trying to parse through a JSON response with multiple layers and pull data out that's 4 layers deep. Any idea what that would look like? I've spent countless hours combing through articles and YouTube videos to no avail.

Here's a snippet of my JSON response. I'm trying to get to the bold fields in the "beds" layer.
"locations": [
"location_id": 4,
"location_name": "string",
"buildings": [
"building_name": "string",
"rooms": [
"room_name": "string",
"beds": [
"bed_name": "string",
"enabled": "string",
"status": "string",

"gender": "string",
"gender_identity": "string",
"casefile_id": "string",
"first_name": "string",
"last_name": "string",
"admission_date": "string",
"anticipated_discharge_date": "string",
"dob": "string",
"level_of_care": "string",
"program": "string"

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Thank you. This really helped a lot...

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This is great! I have an instance now where I'm trying to parse through a JSON response with multiple layers and pull data out that's 4 layers deep. Any idea what that would look like? I've spent countless hours combing through articles and YouTube videos to no avail.

Here's a snippet of my JSON response. I'm trying to get to the bold fields in the "beds" layer.
"locations": [
"location_id": 4,
"location_name": "string",
"buildings": [
"building_name": "string",
"rooms": [
"room_name": "string",
"beds": [ { "bed_name": "string", "enabled": "string", "status": "string",
"gender": "string",
"gender_identity": "string",
"casefile_id": "string",
"first_name": "string",
"last_name": "string",
"admission_date": "string",
"anticipated_discharge_date": "string",
"dob": "string",
"level_of_care": "string",
"program": "string"

Did you got or found any solution if yes can you please help me out because the same thing is what i need now..?

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Maybe you have to store the parent node into a variable using .get method and further use that variable to access it's child nodes value

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Yeah i've done that while writing the iteration i want to add beds fields data in table so how can i write iteration for that i was written the below code but it doesn't work as i'm a fresher i can't get the correct solution

"locations": [
"location_id": 4,
"location_name": "string",
"buildings": [
"building_name": "string",
"rooms": [
"room_name": "string",
"beds": [
"bed_name": "string",
"enabled": "string",
"status": "string",
"gender": "string",
"number": "integer",
"casefile_id": "string",
"first_name": "string",
"last_name": "string",
"admission_date": "string",
"anticipated_discharge_date": "string",
"dob": "string",
"level_of_care": "string",
"program": "string"

<aura:attribute name="values" type="sObject" default="[]"/

<aura:iteration items="{!v.values.locations.buildings.rooms.beds}" var="bed" indexVar="rowIndex">


Can you please helpme out for solution

Thanks in Advance...

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Are you receiving that JSON from Apex?

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Yes i'm trying to recieve that json from apex only ..

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The link you have shared is not working bro it shows 404 not found


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Here is my total code i had a json in Apex i want to dispplay that json as table forn in salesforce but the list of beds is in mulitple layer so i was confused how to iterate that can you please help me

Thanks in Advance.

My Component

<aura:component controller="BedsData" implements="force:appHostable,flexipage:availableForAllPageTypes,flexipage:availableForRecordHome,force:hasRecordId,forceCommunity:availableForAllPageTypes,force:lightningQuickActionWithoutHeader,lightning:availableForFlowScreens" access="global" >
    <aura:handler name="init" value="{! this }" action="{! c.init}"/>
    <aura:attribute name="values" type="sObject" default="[]"/>
    <aura:if isTrue="{!not(empty(v.invests))}">

                        <aura:iteration items="{!v.values.locations.buildings.beds}" var="item" indexVar="rowIndex">

                                        Room No


                                        Room Name













My Controller

    init: function(component, event, helper) {
        let action = component.get("c.bedsData");
        action.setCallback(this, function(response) {
            let state = response.getState();
            if (state === "SUCCESS") {
                const val= response.getReturnValue();
               //console.log('val Response ' +JSON.stringify(val));     
                component.set("v.values", val);
            } else if (status === "INCOMPLETE") {
                console.log("No response from server or client is offline.")
            } else if (status === "ERROR") {
                console.log("Error: " + errorMessage);


// Generated by JSON2Apex

public class BedsDataWrapper {

    public String message;
    public Integer responseCode;
    public String response;
    public List locations;

    public class Buildings {
        public String buildingName;
        public String buildingSite;
        public List beds;

    public class Locations {
        public String locationType;
        public List buildings;

    public class Share {
        public String roomName;
        public String shortRoomName;

    public class Beds {
        public Integer roomNo;
        public Integer roomId;
        public String roomName;
        public String gender;
        public String checkinDate;
        public String checkOut;
        public String cost;
        public String appointmentDate;
        public Boolean smoking;
        public Boolean drinking;
        public String roomType;
        public String suspendedFromDate;
        public String suspendedToDate;
        public String buildingName;
        public String roomRent;
        public Share share;
        public String padId;
        public String endDate;

    public static BedsDataWrapper  parse(String json) {
        return (BedsDataWrapper ) System.JSON.deserialize(json, BedsDataWrapper .class);

My Apex Class

 public class BedsData{   

    public static BedsDataWrapper bedsData(){
            String json = '{"message":"Success","responseCode":4000,"response":"Success","locations":[{"locationType":"HIghway Road","buildings":[{"buildingName":"Ram","buildingSite":"Residencey","beds":[{"roomNo":51,"roomId":2324,"roomName":"Taj Hotel","gender":"M","checkinDate":"11/09/2020","checkOut":"11/16/2020","cost":"1000.00","appointmentDate":"09/16/2021","smoking":false,"drinking":false,"roomType":"100_3","suspendedFromDate":"","suspendedToDate":"","buildingName":"Ram","roomRent":"168313.94685","roomId":2324,"share":{"roomName":"Taj Hotel","shortRoomName":"TH"},"padId":"001","endDate":"99/99/1999"}]}]}]}';';
            BedsDataWrapper res= BedsDataWrapper .parse(json);
           return res;
        } catch(Exception ex){
            System.debug('Error occured while fetching the documents list' + ex);
        return null;

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Hey all! Thanks for keeping this alive. I recently figured it out and forgot to share the solution here. This is what I did:

  1. Run a sample JSON response through the free, indispensable JSON2Apex Heroku App (do NOT use the "Create explicit parse code" option).
  2. Deploy the parser and test class to your dev org / sandbox.

For context, here is the JSON2Apex parser class that was automatically generated for me using a sample JSON response. Note that there is also a paired test class, but that doesn't play a factor in here.

// Generated by JSON2Apex

public class J2A_kipuGetOccupancyHigh {

	public class Beds {
		public String bed_name;
		public String enabled;
		public String status;
		public String gender;
		public String gender_identity;
		public String casefile_id;
		public String first_name;
		public String last_name;
		public String admission_date;
		public String anticipated_discharge_date;
		public String dob;
		public String level_of_care;
		public String program;

	public class Buildings {
		public String building_name;
		public List<Rooms> rooms;

	public class Locations {
		public Integer location_id;
		public String location_name;
		public List<Buildings> buildings;

	public List<Locations> locations;

	public class Rooms {
	      public String room_name;
              public String gender_rule;
	      public List<Beds> beds;
	public static J2A_kipuGetOccupancyHigh parse(String json) {
		return (J2A_kipuGetOccupancyHigh) System.JSON.deserialize(json, J2A_kipuGetOccupancyHigh.class);

Let's use my previous example's JSON object structure for the following example: Locations > Buildings > Rooms > Beds.

// first run your raw JSON response through the parsing class (JSON response must be of the string type)
J2A_kipuGetOccupancyHigh jsonApex = J2A_kipuGetOccupancyHigh.parse(jsonRes);
// now create a for loop for each level
for(J2A_kipuGetOccupancyHigh.Locations loc : jsonApex.locations){
    // make sure to use the previously created alias each time you go down a level
    // do whatever you want for the loc level here
    // this is the top level object
    for(J2A_kipuGetOccupancyHigh.Buildings bld : loc.buildings){
        // do whatever you want for the bld level here
        // we are now two levels deeps
        for(J2A_kipuGetOccupancyHigh.Rooms rom : bld.rooms){
            // do whatever you want for the rom level here
            // we are now three levels deep
            for(J2A_kipuGetOccupancyHigh.Beds bed : rom.beds){
                // do whatever you want for the bed level here
                // we are now four levels deep
            } // end of bed level
        } // end of rom level
    } // end of bld level
} // end of loc level and end of entire loop

You may need to make adjustments to this based on the structure of your JSON response, but this is the way I handled it with as little code as possible. The most important thing is to pay attention to the object structure. In another example I had to deal with, the top level was the parent object to 3 laterally related child objects. In that example you would want to use the top level alias for all three of the child for loops, but you also need to make sure that each child is outside of the others' loop since they are on the same level.

I hope this makes sense! Happy coding!

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Thank you very much for the solution

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@Saitejad7 -- You're welcome!

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And do you know how to write aura:if for two different fields

For suppose i had gender in J2A_kipuGetOccupancyHigh class and gender in another class and i want to check if both the gender is same we have to show the dob value or else we have to show dob value as empty like i've tried below but it doesn't work so can you help me out

<aura:if isTrue="{!item.gender== '!val.gender'}">


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Unfortunately, I am not familiar with aura. However, in the case of apex, it depends on where the variables are in the hierarchy and where you are trying to make the comparison. Remember that code is read from left to right, top to bottom (this is an overgeneralization -- I understand there is nuance). As such, you want to make sure you are doing your comparison after both variables have been read/created.

Can you drop your code here for reference? I can see that you shared some earlier in the thread, but I'm not seeing where your comparison variables are.

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i've been sharing the code but i don't know why all the code is not posting in comment some of the code is not showing in comment

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i've been sharing the code but i don't know why all the code is not posting in comment some of the code is not showing in comment

@Saitejad7 -- when you paste your code in the comment, make sure you are putting 3 backquotes before and after the code block so GH recognizes it as code.

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<aura:component implements="force:appHostable,flexipage:availableForAllPageTypes" access="global" controller = "BedsData">
<aura:handler name="init" value="{!this }" action="{!c.init}"/>
<aura:attribute name="bedsWrapper" type="object" />

<div class="slds-p-around--large">

<h1 style="font-size:15px;">
    message: {!v.bedsWrapper.message}<br/>
	responseCode: {!v.bedsWrapper.responseCode}<br/>
<table class="slds-table slds-table--bordered slds-table--cell-buffer">
        <tr class="slds-text-title--caps">
            <th scope="col">
                <div class="slds-truncate" title="Room No.">Room No.</div>
            <th scope="col">
                <div class="slds-truncate" title="Room Name">Room Name</div>
            <th scope="col">
                <div class="slds-truncate" title="Gender">Gender</div>
            <th scope="col">
                <div class="slds-truncate" title="Cost">Cost</div>
        <aura:iteration items="{!v.bedsWrapper.locations}" var="location">
            <aura:iteration items="{!location.buildings}" var="building">
                <aura:iteration items="{!building.beds}" var="bed">
                        <th scope="row">
                            <div class="slds-truncate" title="{!bed.roomNo}">{!bed.roomNo}</div>
                        <th scope="row">
                            <div class="slds-truncate" title="{!bed.roomName}">{!bed.roomName}</div>
                        <th scope="row">
                            <div class="slds-truncate" title="{!bed.gender}">{!bed.gender}</div>
                        <th scope="row">
                            <div class="slds-truncate" title="{!bed.cost}">{!bed.cost}</div>


init: function(component, event, helper) {
var action = component.get('c.bedsData');
action.setCallback(this, function(response) {
var state = response.getState();
if (state === "SUCCESS") {
var val= response.getReturnValue();
console.log('val Response ' +JSON.stringify(val));
component.set('v.bedsWrapper', val);
} else if (status === "INCOMPLETE") {
console.log("No response from server or client is offline.")
} else if (status === "ERROR") {
console.log("Error: " + errorMessage);

Apex Class:

public class BedsDataWrapper{
public String message; //Success
public Integer responseCode; //4000
public String response; //Success
public List<cls_locations> locations;

public class cls_locations {
	public String locationType;	//HIghway Road
	public List<cls_buildings> buildings;

public class cls_buildings {
	public String buildingName;	//Ram
	public String buildingSite;	//Residencey
	public List<cls_beds> beds;

public class cls_beds {
	public Integer roomNo;	//51
	public Integer roomId;	//2324
	public String roomName;	//Taj Hotel
	public String gender;	//M
	public String checkinDate;	//11/09/2020
	public String checkOut;	//11/16/2020
	public String cost;	//1000.00
	public String appointmentDate;	//09/16/2021
	public boolean smoking;
	public boolean drinking;
	public String roomType;	//100_3
	public String suspendedFromDate;	//
	public String suspendedToDate;	//
	public String buildingName;	//Ram
	public String roomRent;	//168313.94685
	public cls_share share;
	public String padId;	//001
	public String endDate;	//99/99/1999

public class cls_share {
	public String roomName;	//Taj Hotel
	public Integer roomId;	//2324
	public String shortRoomName;	//TH

public static BedsDataWrapper parse(String json){
	return (BedsDataWrapper) System.JSON.deserialize(json, BedsDataWrapper.class);


public class BedsData {
public static BedsDataWrapper bedsData(){
String json = '{"message":"Success","responseCode":4000,"response":"Success","locations":[{"locationType":"HIghway Road","buildings":[{"buildingName":"Ram","buildingSite":"Residencey","beds":[{"roomNo":51,"roomId":2324,"roomName":"Taj Hotel","gender":"M","checkinDate":"11/09/2020","checkOut":"11/16/2020","cost":"1000.00","appointmentDate":"09/16/2021","smoking":false,"drinking":false,"roomType":"100_3","suspendedFromDate":"","suspendedToDate":"","buildingName":"Ram","roomRent":"168313.94685","share":{"roomName":"Taj Hotel","roomId":2324,"shortRoomName":"TH"},"padId":"001","endDate":"99/99/1999"}]}]}]}';
BedsDataWrapper results = BedsDataWrapper.parse(json);
return results;
} catch(Exception ex){
System.debug('Error occured while fetching the documents list' + ex);
return null;

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check the above one...

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Saitejad7 commented Aug 23, 2021

<aura:if isTrue="{!not(empty(v.values))}">
<div class="slds-table_header-fixed_container slds-scrollable_x" style="height:100%">
<div class="slds-scrollable_y" style="width:1160px">	
<table role="grid" aria-rowcount="2" class="slds-table slds-table_header-fixed slds-table_bordered slds-table_edit" style="table-layout:fixed;width:1160px">
<tr class="slds-line-height_reset">
<th scope="col" tabindex="-1" aria-label="" style="width:150px">                            
<div class="slds-cell-fixed" style="width: 150px;outline:none;">
<span class="slds-th__action">
<span class="slds-truncate">Gender</span>
<th scope="col" tabindex="0" aria-label="Name" style="width:100px">                                
<div class="slds-cell-fixed" style="width: 150px;outline:none;">
<span class="slds-th__action">
<span class="slds-truncate">Name</span>
<th scope="col" tabindex="0" aria-label="Last Name" style="width:100px">                                
<div class="slds-cell-fixed" style="width: 150px;outline:none;">
<span class="slds-th__action">
<span class="slds-truncate">Last Name</span>
<th scope="col" tabindex="0" aria-label="Name" style="width:100px">                                
<div class="slds-cell-fixed" style="width: 150px;outline:none;">
<span class="slds-th__action">
<span class="slds-truncate">First Name</span>
<th scope="col" tabindex="0" aria-label="Last Name" style="width:100px">                                
<div class="slds-cell-fixed" style="width: 150px;outline:none;">
<span class="slds-th__action">
<span class="slds-truncate">DOB</span>
<aura:iteration items="{!v.details}" var="item" indexVar="rowIndex">  
<tr data-data="{!rowIndex}">
<td role="gridcell" tabindex="-1" data-label="Record Type Name">                            
<span class="slds-grid slds-grid_align-spread">
<div class="slds-truncate">
<span class="slds-truncate">{!item.gender}</span>
<td role="gridcell" tabindex="-1" data-label="Record Type Name">                            
<span class="slds-grid slds-grid_align-spread">
<div class="slds-truncate">                                        
<span class="slds-truncate">{!}</span>
<td role="gridcell" tabindex="-1" data-label="Record Type Name">                            
<span class="slds-grid slds-grid_align-spread">
<div class="slds-truncate">                                        
<span class="slds-truncate">{!item.lastName}</span>
<td role="gridcell" tabindex="-1" data-label="Record Type Name">                            
<span class="slds-grid slds-grid_align-spread">
<div class="slds-truncate">                                        
<span class="slds-truncate">{!item.firstName}</span>
<aura:iteration items="{!v.values.result}" var="result" indexVar="rowIndex"> 
<aura:iteration items="{!result.buildings}" var="buildings" indexVar="rowIndex">
<aura:iteration items="{!buildings.beds}" var="beds" indexVar="rowIndex">
<aura:if isTrue="{!item.gender == '!beds.gender'}">
<td role="gridcell" tabindex="-1" data-label="Record Type Name">                            
<span class="slds-grid slds-grid_align-spread">
<div class="slds-truncate">                                        
<span class="slds-truncate">{!beds.dob}</span>
<aura:set attribute="else">
<td role="gridcell" tabindex="-1" data-label="Record Type Name">                            
<span class="slds-grid slds-grid_align-spread">
<div class="slds-truncate">                                        
<span class="slds-truncate">No Dob</span>

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@dayan-naskar Thank you

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After many hours of trying to figure out how to accomplish this..... I found this solution! Thanks a lot

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Sick thank you

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kennethkim1221 commented Mar 1, 2023

Worked like a charm! I've spent hours trying different solutions until I came upon this one which is so straightforward! Thank a lot!

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