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Created April 4, 2023 13:50
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Stencil decorator parallel compilation
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import annotations
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
import multiprocessing
import threading
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
import gt4py as gt
from gt4py.cartesian import gtscript, definitions
from import Callable, Hashable
from typing import Optional, Union
log = get_logger(__name__)
_thread_pool = None
_thread_pool_lock = threading.Lock()
_pending_compilation_tasks = set()
_stencil_args_cache = {}
def stencil_args(
indices: Indices,
index_space: Hashable,
fields: dict[str, Field],
subdomain: Union[str, tuple[str]] = "definition",
) -> list[tuple[dict[str, tuple[int, int, int]], tuple[int, int, int]]]:
"""Compute stencil origin and domain"""
cache_key = hash(
tuple((name, field.indices, field.index_space) for name, field in fields.items()),
if cache_key in _stencil_args_cache:
return _stencil_args_cache[cache_key]
# retrieve index convention of the stencil
idx_conv = indices.index_conventions[index_space]
# restrict index space to subdomain to obtain stencil indices in definition convention
def_indices = indices.index_spaces[index_space].subset[subdomain]
if isinstance(def_indices, ProductSet):
def_indices_components = [def_indices]
elif isinstance(def_indices, UnionCartesian):
assert def_indices.disjoint
def_indices_components = def_indices.args
raise RuntimeError()
result = []
for def_indices_component in def_indices_components:
stencil_origins = {}
stencil_domain = tuple(bound.size for bound in def_indices_component.bounds.args)
for name, field in fields.items():
assert field.indices == indices
if field.index_space not in idx_conv:
raise ValueError(
f"No index convention for stencil on {index_space} "
f"available to access field defined on {field.index_space}."
field_idx_conv = idx_conv[field.index_space]
def filter_removed_dim(arr):
return type(arr)(
for conv_el, el in zip(field_idx_conv, arr)
if conv_el is not RemovedDimension
# remove dimensions from definition indices on which the field is not defined
def_indices_component_restriced = ProductSet(
field_idx_conv_restricted = filter_removed_dim(field_idx_conv)
# translate indices
# to definition index convention
field_def_indices = def_indices_component_restriced.translate(
# to memory index convention
field_mem_indices = translate_to_memory_index_convention(field, field_def_indices)
# stencil origin
stencil_origins[name] = tuple(bound.start for bound in field_mem_indices.bounds.args)
assert filter_removed_dim(stencil_domain) == tuple(
bound.size for bound in field_mem_indices.bounds.args
result.append((stencil_origins, stencil_domain))
_stencil_args_cache[cache_key] = result
return result
def _hash_args(fields: dict[str, Field], args, kwargs) -> int:
"""Hash all stencil arguments (used for debugging purposes)"""
import numpy as np
hashes = []
for arg in [*args, kwargs.values()]:
if not isinstance(arg,
for field in fields.values():
return hash(tuple(hashes))
def stencil(
definition: Optional[Callable] = None, backend: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs
) -> Callable[[Indices, Hashable, ...], None]:
def _decorator(_definition: Callable):
# compile stencil object
extra_kwargs = {
"dtypes": {float: build_config.float_type, int: build_config.int_type},
stencil_obj = gtscript.stencil(backend or build_config.backend, _definition, **extra_kwargs)
# extract mapping from argument position to name
field_names = list(
for arg_info, arg_annotation in zip(
_definition._gtscript_["api_signature"], _definition._gtscript_["api_annotations"]
if isinstance(arg_annotation, gtscript._FieldDescriptor)
# extract field names that are modified during a stencil call
rw_fields = [
for field, field_info in stencil_obj.field_info.items()
if field_info
and field_info.access
in [definitions.AccessKind.WRITE, definitions.AccessKind.READ_WRITE]
# define wrapper computing origin and domain of the regular gt4py stencil api and passing
# it to the compiled stencil object
def _wrapper(
indices, index_space, *args, subdomain="definition", update_pbcs=None, **kwargs
assert "domain" not in kwargs and "origin" not in kwargs
# abort if the target subdomain is empty
if indices.index_spaces[index_space].subset[subdomain].empty:
fields = {}
# positional arguments
for arg, arg_info, arg_annotation in zip(
fields[] = arg
# keyword arguments
for field_name in field_names:
if field_name in kwargs:
fields[field_name] = kwargs[field_name]
if not len(fields) == len(field_names):
raise ValueError(f"Expected {len(field_names)} arguments, but got {len(fields)}.")
# convert fields into storages
args = tuple( if isinstance(arg, Field) else arg for arg in args)
kwargs = {k: if isinstance(v, Field) else v for k, v in kwargs.items()}
if build_config.debug_stencil_calls:
f"Stencil call: {_definition.__module__} {_definition.__name__}, "
f"state: enter, hash: {_hash_args(fields, args, kwargs)}"
for stencil_origins, stencil_domain in stencil_args(
indices, index_space, fields, subdomain=subdomain
# update periodic layers
if (
update_pbcs == None and subdomain != "covering"
) or update_pbcs: # if the stencil is running everywhere, the periodic layers don't need to be updated
for rw_field in rw_fields:
from .periodic_bcs import update_periodic_layers
update_periodic_layers(indices, fields[rw_field])
if build_config.debug_stencil_calls:
f"Stencil call: {_definition.__module__} {_definition.__name__}, "
f"state: exit, hash: {_hash_args(fields, args, kwargs)}"
return _wrapper
def _parallel_compilation_decorator(_definition: Callable):
assert threading.current_thread() is threading.main_thread()
global _thread_pool
future = None
def compilation_task():
# compile
result = None
result = _decorator(_definition)
except Exception as e:
with _thread_pool_lock:
import traceback
f"An error occurred compiling stencil "
# cleanup
with _thread_pool_lock:
if len(_pending_compilation_tasks) == 0:
global _thread_pool
_thread_pool = None
return result
with _thread_pool_lock:
if _thread_pool is None:
_thread_pool = ThreadPoolExecutor(multiprocessing.cpu_count())
future = _thread_pool.submit(compilation_task)
def _wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
global _thread_pool
assert threading.current_thread() is threading.main_thread()
result = future.result()
if __debug__:
if not result:
raise RuntimeError(
f"Unable to execute stencil call to `{_definition.__name__}` as compilation "
f"failed. Check previous errors.`"
return result(*args, **kwargs)
# with _thread_pool_lock:
# print(
# f"Queued compilation of `{_definition.__module__}.{_definition.__name__}` "
# f"stencil (queue length: {len(_pending_compilation_tasks)})"
# )
return _wrapper
decorator = _parallel_compilation_decorator if build_config.parallel_compilation else _decorator
return decorator(definition) if definition is not None else decorator
def wait_for_compilation_completion():
if build_config.parallel_compilation:"Waiting for stencil compilation to finish.")
thread_pool = None
# use lock to retrieve thread pool avoiding race-condition
with _thread_pool_lock:
global _thread_pool
thread_pool = _thread_pool
if thread_pool:
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