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Last active June 11, 2023 19:40
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Previous changelog notes for soundbot
### soundbot v0.6.0 ("Comdr. Spammer") changelog: ###
New Commands:
- /now_playing (alias: /np)
- /attachment
- /replay
- /playtop
- /remove_dupes
- /shuffle
- /skipto (alias for /skip)
- /first
- /move
- /swap
- /remove_at
Changes to existing commands:
- /audio renamed to /link (could be renamed again)
- /load_playlist now has the "overwrite" option, by default it is false. If it is true, it will clear the queue before loading the playlist (old behaviour), otherwise it will not
- /search now shows 5 options which you can choose from
- /pause now toggles player pausing (/resume still can only resume the player)
- /queue now shows the amount of items in the queue
Internal Changes
- DMPermissions set to false
- Switched to SQLite3 instead of JSON storage
- Updated to discord.js v14
- /play switch statement separated into different function
- activities.txt now keeps track of when the bot goes offline
### soundbot v0.7.0 ("A change of style") changelog: ###
Major changes:
- /queue design revamped
- Queue now includes info about who added the song
- /clear now has an option to clear songs from a specific user
- /skipto command alias removed
- /replay renamed to /restart
- /remove_at renamed to /remove
Minor Changes:
- Updated /help
- When joining a call, the bot now checks if it has permission to connect
- Maximum number of skips per command lowered to 25
- Fixed spelling in some cases for /remove_dupes
- /move can overflow, placing the item at the end automatically
- Some error replies are now ephemeral
- Made all interaction replies and descriptions more consistent
Internal Changes:
- Some functions seperated into their own file (eg. AudioPlayer to allow access from /restart, /skip)
- Beta token updated (old token leaked)
- /leave now deletes now_playing
soundbot v0.7.1 changelog:
Notable changes:
- /previous added
- /load_playlist performance improved by ~50x
- /skip limit increased to 100
- Fixed DMPermissions on some items
- (Internal) Began using custom play-dl fork (check my github repo for the source)
- (Internal) Majorly improved logging (will allow me to fix bugs faster)
- (Internal) Lots of code/file reorganization
### soundbot v0.8.0 ("The Moderation Update") changelog: ###
Major Changes:
- ServerSettings introduced. Some (or all) commands can now be disabled by admins
- The bot now supports adding a DJ role to enable commands for certain users
- Most commands have been limited to only people with the DJ role
- All commands with underscores (_) in their name have been renamed to use hyphens (-)
- People who are alone in a call don't need to have the DJ role to use DJ commands
- You can still skip any of the tracks you added, bypassing the need for the DJ role, or a vote-skip
- /check-playlist added
- /clean-leave added
- /vote-skip added
Minor Changes:
- /help now displays one embed at a time (there are now 6 pages of info)
soundbot v0.8.1 changelog:
Notable changes:
- A few new commands
- /remove-range
- /clear-self
- /invite
- /help now has buttons
- (Internal) Interaction handling system modified to allow for more buttons/select menus
soundbot v0.8.2 changelog:
Notable Changes:
- Ascended /settings permission to only administrator (can be edited through new integration permission menu)
- New commands: /export and /about
- Updated help menu look
- (Internal) Began using prettier + other code organization
- Type of file now checked when trying to play a file with /attachment or /link
### soundbot v0.9.0 ("Big Mean Migration") changelog: ###
Major Changes:
- Few new platforms now supported (Spotify, Bandcamp, Vimeo)
- /link has been removed, you can use /play for any link now
- (New Command) /filters - Adds the ability to add certain audio filters
- (New Command) /seek, /forward, /rewind - All used to seek the audio throughout the track
- /search now has subcommands to search on a specific platform
- The ability to play certain file types may have changed. (Files supported are based on Lavaplayer)
- (Internal) Audio is now played through Lavalink, instead of play_dl (major reformat for the project)
Minor Changes:
- /now-playing shows the progress through the song
- Small changes on some responses
- (Internal) All commands now exported as interfaces in order to avoid making mistakes forgetting or misspelling options
- (Internal) Database structure changed, now only needs to store Lavalink track string
- (Internal) Song durations now stored in milliseconds
soundbot v0.9.1 changelog:
- Fixed buttons for /help
- (New subcommand) Added /filters volume - Allows you to change the volume (0-500%)
- Increased playlist load limit for spotify to 10 pages (playlists have 100 songs for each page, albums have 50)
soundbot v0.9.2 changelog:
- Updated most descriptions and command responses to be more consistent with each other
- Added the announce-songs option. If enabled, every time a new song plays, the bot will send its name in chat
- Fixed some command's availability through DMs
- (Internal) Removed a few unneeded guild checks
soundbot v0.9.3 changelog:
- Add error message on playing invalid file
- (Internal) Stop using play-dl2 fork, use main branch
- (Internal) Remove old conversion files
- (Internal) Improve logging
- (Internal) Update packages to newest versions to fix vulnerability
soundbot v0.9.4 changelog:
- /now-playing will have more info for Spotify songs (album link, photo of album)
- Wording fixed on the /help menu
- (Internal) New logging system using pino
- (Internal) Upgrade to TypeScript v5.0.2
### soundbot v0.10.0 ("Refined & Better Finds") changelog: ###
**Major Changes:
- (Settings) Removed Disable_Soundboard and Disable_FilePlay (if anyone has any objections, don't be afraid to tell me! I'm open to feedback)
- (Settings) Added new option, AutoPlay - When enabled, the bot auto-connects to your channel after using /play or anything else which adds a song to the queue (This should be automatically enabled for every server)
- (Settings) Added new option, Default-Search - Enables you to set the default service to search from when using a command like /play which accepts search queries. The options are: YouTube, SoundCloud and Spotify (Default is YouTube)
- (New Subcommand) /settings toggle - Replaces any subcommands made for toggling settings, instead uses buttons to toggle each setting
- (New Command) /user - Allows you to directly edit your UserPlaylist with basic queue commands (preferably use /load and /save on servers, but hey this also lets you edit them through DMs)
- (New Command) /lyrics - Looks up a song on Genius and scrapes its lyrics
Minor Changes:
- Bot now auto-disconnects if everybody leaves the call (Bandwidth doesn't grow on trees!)
- Vimeo videos now have more info in /now-playing
- /export now has an option to print multiple pages
- /export is now ephemeral
- Soundboard file names now include their file types
- (Internal) New AudioPlayerHelper function in order to simplify auto-playing
- (Internal) New system for managing help pages
- (Internal) Some database types changed in hopes it saves space / speeds stuff up, idk if it actually helps :P
- (Internal) Some stuff moved into helper files so it can be shared by multiple commands
- (Internal) Proper process for converting databases devised
soundbot v0.10.1 changelog:
- Added buttons to /queue
- Removed and added a few items to the soundboard
- Fixed missing /help info
- (Internal) common-commands.ts and help-pages.ts consolidated into embed-pages.ts
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