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Created June 18, 2018 15:54
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from __future__ import print_function
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch.autograd import Variable
def sample_gumbel(shape, eps=1e-20):
U = torch.rand(shape).cuda()
return -Variable(torch.log(-torch.log(U + eps) + eps))
def gumbel_softmax_sample(logits, temperature):
y = logits + sample_gumbel(logits.size())
return F.softmax(y / temperature, dim=-1)
def gumbel_softmax(logits, temperature):
input: [*, n_class]
return: [*, n_class] an one-hot vector
y = gumbel_softmax_sample(logits, temperature)
shape = y.size()
_, ind = y.max(dim=-1)
y_hard = torch.zeros_like(y).view(-1, shape[-1])
y_hard.scatter_(1, ind.view(-1, 1), 1)
y_hard = y_hard.view(*shape)
return (y_hard - y).detach() + y
if __name__ == '__main__':
import math
data = Variable(torch.cuda.FloatTensor([[math.log(0.1), math.log(0.4), math.log(0.3), math.log(0.2)]] * 20000))
one_hot = gumbel_softmax(data, 0.8).sum(dim=0)
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