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Last active December 10, 2022 13:39
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Fix ODOO License, due to ODOO support failed temporary quick fix
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
import datetime
import logging
import requests
import werkzeug.urls
from ast import literal_eval
from odoo import api, release, SUPERUSER_ID
from odoo.exceptions import UserError
from odoo.models import AbstractModel
from import _
from import config, misc, ustr
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class PublisherWarrantyContract(AbstractModel):
_name = "publisher_warranty.contract"
_description = 'Publisher Warranty Contract'
def _get_message(self):
Users = self.env['res.users']
IrParamSudo = self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo()
dbuuid = IrParamSudo.get_param('database.uuid')
db_create_date = IrParamSudo.get_param('database.create_date')
limit_date =
limit_date = limit_date - datetime.timedelta(15)
limit_date_str = limit_date.strftime(misc.DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT)
nbr_users = Users.search_count([('active', '=', True)])
nbr_active_users = Users.search_count([("login_date", ">=", limit_date_str), ('active', '=', True)])
nbr_share_users = 0
nbr_active_share_users = 0
if "share" in Users._fields:
nbr_share_users = Users.search_count([("share", "=", True), ('active', '=', True)])
nbr_active_share_users = Users.search_count([("share", "=", True), ("login_date", ">=", limit_date_str), ('active', '=', True)])
user = self.env.user
domain = [('application', '=', True), ('state', 'in', ['installed', 'to upgrade', 'to remove'])]
apps = self.env['ir.module.module'].sudo().search_read(domain, ['name'])
enterprise_code = IrParamSudo.get_param('database.enterprise_code')
web_base_url = IrParamSudo.get_param('web.base.url')
msg = {
"dbuuid": dbuuid,
"nbr_users": nbr_users,
"nbr_active_users": nbr_active_users,
"nbr_share_users": nbr_share_users,
"nbr_active_share_users": nbr_active_share_users,
"dbname": self._cr.dbname,
"db_create_date": db_create_date,
"version": release.version,
"language": user.lang,
"web_base_url": web_base_url,
"apps": [app['name'] for app in apps],
"enterprise_code": enterprise_code,
if user.partner_id.company_id:
company_id = user.partner_id.company_id
msg.update(["name", "email", "phone"])[0])
return msg
def _get_sys_logs(self):
Utility method to send a publisher warranty get logs messages.
msg = self._get_message()
arguments = {'arg0': ustr(msg), "action": "update"}
#url = config.get("publisher_warranty_url")
#r =, data=arguments, timeout=30)
return literal_eval('')
def update_notification(self, cron_mode=True):
# """
# Send a message to Odoo's publisher warranty server to check the
# validity of the contracts, get notifications, etc...
# @param cron_mode: If true, catch all exceptions (appropriate for usage in a cron).
# @type cron_mode: boolean
# """
# try:
# try:
# result = self._get_sys_logs()
# except Exception:
# if cron_mode: # we don't want to see any stack trace in cron
# return False
# _logger.debug("Exception while sending a get logs messages", exc_info=1)
# raise UserError(_("Error during communication with the publisher warranty server."))
# # old behavior based on res.log; now on mail.message, that is not necessarily installed
# user = self.env['res.users'].sudo().browse(SUPERUSER_ID)
# poster = self.sudo().env.ref('mail.channel_all_employees')
# for message in result["messages"]:
# try:
# poster.message_post(body=message, subtype_xmlid='mail.mt_comment', partner_ids=[])
# except Exception:
# pass
# if result.get('enterprise_info'):
# # Update expiration date
# set_param = self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().set_param
## set_param('database.expiration_date', result['enterprise_info'].get('expiration_date'))
## set_param('database.expiration_reason', result['enterprise_info'].get('expiration_reason', 'trial'))
## set_param('database.enterprise_code', result['enterprise_info'].get('enterprise_code'))
## set_param('database.already_linked_subscription_url', result['enterprise_info'].get('database_already_linked_subscription_url'))
## set_param('database.already_linked_email', result['enterprise_info'].get('database_already_linked_email'))
## set_param('database.already_linked_send_mail_url', result['enterprise_info'].get('database_already_linked_send_mail_url'))
# except Exception:
# if cron_mode:
# return False # we don't want to see any stack trace in cron
# else:
# raise
return True
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database.expiration_date set manually to 2050 year for date, until migration task not complete

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