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Forked from pervognsen/asm_x64.c
Last active March 13, 2024 22:46
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x86-64 assembler in C
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
typedef int64_t word;
typedef uint64_t uword;
typedef unsigned char byte;
typedef uword (*Function)();
static const int kBitsPerByte = 8;
#define INLINE
// x64 encoding
enum Reg {
enum XmmReg {
enum Scale { X1, X2, X4, X8 };
enum Cond {
LE = NG,
GE = NL,
BE = NA,
AE = NB,
INLINE uword rexw(uword rx, uword base, uword index) {
assert(rx < 16);
assert(base < 16);
assert(index < 16);
return 0x48 | (base >> 3) | ((index >> 3) << 1) | ((rx >> 3) << 2); // 1
INLINE uword mod_rx_rm(uword mod, uword rx, uword rm) {
assert(mod < 4);
assert(rx < 16);
assert(rm < 16);
return (rm & 7) | ((rx & 7) << 3) | (mod << 6); // 1
INLINE uword direct(uword rx, uword reg) {
return mod_rx_rm(DIRECT, rx, reg); // 1
INLINE uword indirect(uword rx, uword base) {
assert((base & 7) != RSP);
assert((base & 7) != RBP);
return mod_rx_rm(INDIRECT, rx, base); // 1
INLINE uword indirect_rip_disp32(uword rx, uword disp) {
return mod_rx_rm(INDIRECT, rx, RBP) | (disp << 8); // 5
INLINE uword indirect_disp8(uword rx, uword base, uword disp) {
assert((base & 7) != RSP);
return mod_rx_rm(INDIRECT_DISP8, rx, base) | (disp << 8); // 2
INLINE uword indirect_disp32(uword rx, uword base, uword disp) {
assert((base & 7) != RSP);
return mod_rx_rm(INDIRECT_DISP32, rx, base) | (disp << 8); // 5
INLINE uword indirect_index(uword rx, uword base, uword index, uword scale) {
assert((base & 7) != RBP);
return mod_rx_rm(INDIRECT, rx, RSP) |
(mod_rx_rm(scale, index, base) << 8); // 2
INLINE uword indirect_index_disp8(uword rx, uword base, uword index,
uword scale, uword disp) {
return mod_rx_rm(INDIRECT_DISP8, rx, RSP) |
(mod_rx_rm(scale, index, base) << 8) | (disp << 16); // 3
INLINE uword indirect_index_disp32(uword rx, uword base, uword index,
uword scale, uword disp) {
return mod_rx_rm(INDIRECT_DISP32, rx, RSP) |
(mod_rx_rm(scale, index, base) << 8) | (disp << 16); // 6
INLINE int isimm8(uword imm) { return imm + 128 < 256; }
INLINE int isdisp8(uword disp) { return disp + 128 < 256; }
INLINE int isrel8(uint32_t rel) { return rel + 128 < 256; }
#define here (buf->address + Buffer_len(buf))
// Buffer
typedef unsigned char byte;
typedef enum {
} BufferState;
typedef struct {
byte *address;
BufferState state;
word len;
word capacity;
word entrypoint;
} Buffer;
byte *Buffer_alloc_writable(word capacity) {
byte *result = mmap(/*addr=*/NULL, capacity, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE,
/*filedes=*/-1, /*off=*/0);
assert(result != MAP_FAILED);
return result;
void Buffer_init(Buffer *result, word capacity) {
result->address = Buffer_alloc_writable(capacity);
assert(result->address != MAP_FAILED);
result->state = kWritable;
result->len = 0;
result->capacity = capacity;
result->entrypoint = 0;
word Buffer_len(Buffer *buf) { return buf->len; }
void Buffer_deinit(Buffer *buf) {
munmap(buf->address, buf->capacity);
buf->address = NULL;
buf->len = 0;
buf->capacity = 0;
buf->entrypoint = 0;
int Buffer_make_executable(Buffer *buf) {
int result = mprotect(buf->address, buf->len, PROT_EXEC);
buf->state = kExecutable;
return result;
byte Buffer_at8(Buffer *buf, word pos) { return buf->address[pos]; }
void Buffer_at_put8(Buffer *buf, word pos, byte b) { buf->address[pos] = b; }
word max(word left, word right) { return left > right ? left : right; }
void Buffer_ensure_capacity(Buffer *buf, word additional_capacity) {
if (buf->len + additional_capacity <= buf->capacity) {
word new_capacity =
max(buf->capacity * 2, buf->capacity + additional_capacity);
byte *address = Buffer_alloc_writable(new_capacity);
memcpy(address, buf->address, buf->len);
int result = munmap(buf->address, buf->capacity);
assert(result == 0 && "munmap failed");
buf->address = address;
buf->capacity = new_capacity;
void Buffer_write8(Buffer *buf, byte b) {
Buffer_ensure_capacity(buf, sizeof b);
Buffer_at_put8(buf, buf->len++, b);
void Buffer_write32(Buffer *buf, int32_t value) {
for (uword i = 0; i < sizeof(value); i++) {
Buffer_write8(buf, (value >> (i * kBitsPerByte)) & 0xff);
void Buffer_write64(Buffer *buf, uint64_t value) {
for (uword i = 0; i < sizeof(value); i++) {
Buffer_write8(buf, (value >> (i * kBitsPerByte)) & 0xff);
void Buffer_at_put32(Buffer *buf, word offset, int32_t value) {
for (uword i = 0; i < sizeof(value); i++) {
Buffer_at_put8(buf, offset + i, (value >> (i * kBitsPerByte)) & 0xff);
void Buffer_at_put64(Buffer *buf, word offset, uint64_t value) {
for (uword i = 0; i < sizeof(value); i++) {
Buffer_at_put8(buf, offset + i, (value >> (i * kBitsPerByte)) & 0xff);
void Buffer_write_arr(Buffer *buf, const byte *arr, word arr_size) {
Buffer_ensure_capacity(buf, arr_size);
for (word i = 0; i < arr_size; i++) {
Buffer_write8(buf, arr[i]);
void Buffer_dump(Buffer *buf, FILE *fp) {
for (word i = 0; i < Buffer_len(buf); i++) {
fprintf(fp, "%.2x ", buf->address[i]);
fprintf(fp, "\n");
// End Buffer
INLINE void emit(Buffer *buf, uword data, int len) {
assert(len <= 8);
byte arr[sizeof data];
memcpy(arr, &data, len);
Buffer_write_arr(buf, arr, len);
INLINE void emit3(Buffer *buf, uword data1, int len1, uword data2, int len2,
uword data3, int len3) {
emit(buf, data1 | (data2 << (8 * len1)) | (data3 << (8 * (len1 + len2))),
len1 + len2 + len3);
INLINE void emit_instr(Buffer *buf, int64_t op, int oplen, uword rx, uword base,
uword index, uword ext, int extlen) {
emit3(buf, rexw(rx, base, index), 1, op, oplen, ext, extlen);
typedef struct {
bool isripdisp;
bool isindex;
uword base;
uword index;
uword scale;
uword disp;
} Mem;
INLINE void emit_op_rx_mem(Buffer *buf, uword op, int oplen, uword rx,
Mem mem) {
uword addr;
int addrlen;
if (mem.isripdisp) {
addr = indirect_rip_disp32(rx, mem.disp);
addrlen = 5;
} else if (mem.isindex) {
if (mem.disp || (mem.base & 7) == RBP) {
if (isdisp8(mem.disp)) {
addr =
indirect_index_disp8(rx, mem.base, mem.index, mem.scale, mem.disp);
addrlen = 3;
} else {
addr =
indirect_index_disp32(rx, mem.base, mem.index, mem.scale, mem.disp);
addrlen = 6;
} else {
addr = indirect_index(rx, mem.base, mem.index, mem.scale);
addrlen = 2;
} else {
if (mem.disp || (mem.base & 7) == RBP) {
if (isdisp8(mem.disp)) {
addr = indirect_disp8(rx, mem.base, mem.disp);
addrlen = 2;
} else {
addr = indirect_disp32(rx, mem.base, mem.disp);
addrlen = 5;
} else {
addr = indirect(rx, mem.base);
addrlen = 1;
emit_instr(buf, op, oplen, rx, mem.base, mem.index, addr, addrlen);
INLINE void emit_op_reg_reg(Buffer *buf, uword op, int oplen, uword dest_reg,
uword src_reg) {
emit_instr(buf, op, oplen, dest_reg, src_reg, 0, direct(dest_reg, src_reg),
INLINE void emit_op_reg_mem(Buffer *buf, uword op, int oplen, uword dest_reg,
Mem src_mem) {
emit_op_rx_mem(buf, op, oplen, dest_reg, src_mem);
INLINE void emit_op_mem_reg(Buffer *buf, uword op, int oplen, Mem dest_mem,
uword src_reg) {
emit_op_rx_mem(buf, op, oplen, src_reg, dest_mem);
INLINE void emit_op_reg(Buffer *buf, uword op, int oplen, uword rx, uword reg) {
emit_op_reg_reg(buf, op, oplen, rx, reg);
INLINE void emit_op_mem(Buffer *buf, uword op, int oplen, uword rx, Mem mem) {
emit_op_rx_mem(buf, op, oplen, rx, mem);
INLINE void emit_sse_op_reg_reg(Buffer *buf, uword op, int oplen, uword prefix,
uword dest_reg, uword src_reg) {
emit(buf, prefix, 1);
emit_op_reg_reg(buf, op, oplen, dest_reg, src_reg);
INLINE void emit_sse_op_reg_mem(Buffer *buf, uword op, int oplen, uword prefix,
uword dest_reg, Mem src_mem) {
emit(buf, prefix, 1);
emit_op_rx_mem(buf, op, oplen, dest_reg, src_mem);
INLINE void emit_sse_op_mem_reg(Buffer *buf, uword op, int oplen, uword prefix,
Mem dest_mem, uword src_reg) {
emit(buf, prefix, 1);
emit_op_rx_mem(buf, op, oplen, src_reg, dest_mem);
INLINE void emit_op_reg_imm(Buffer *buf, uword op8, uword op32, int oplen,
uword rx8, uword rx32, uword dest_reg,
uword src_imm) {
uword op, rx;
int immlen;
if ((isimm8(src_imm) && op8) || !op32) {
op = op8;
rx = rx8;
immlen = 1;
} else {
op = op32;
rx = rx32;
immlen = 4;
emit_instr(buf, op, oplen, rx, dest_reg, 0,
direct(rx, dest_reg) | (src_imm << 8), 1 + immlen);
INLINE void emit_op_mem_imm(Buffer *buf, uword op8, uword op32, int oplen,
uword rx8, uword rx32, Mem dest_mem,
uword src_imm) {
if ((isimm8(src_imm) && op8) || !op32) {
emit_op_rx_mem(buf, op8, oplen, rx8, dest_mem);
emit(buf, src_imm, 1);
} else {
emit_op_rx_mem(buf, op32, oplen, rx32, dest_mem);
emit(buf, src_imm, 4);
// x64 instruction emitters
#define X64_OP_REG(name, op, oplen, rx) \
INLINE void name##_reg(Buffer *buf, uword reg) { \
emit_op_reg(buf, op, oplen, rx, reg); \
#define X64_OP_MEM(name, op, oplen, rx) \
INLINE void name##_mem(Buffer *buf, Mem mem) { \
emit_op_mem(buf, op, oplen, rx, mem); \
#define X64_OP_REG_REG(name, op, oplen) \
INLINE void name##_reg_reg(Buffer *buf, uword dest_reg, uword src_reg) { \
emit_op_reg_reg(buf, op, oplen, dest_reg, src_reg); \
#define X64_OP_REG_MEM(name, op, oplen) \
INLINE void name##_reg_mem(Buffer *buf, uword dest_reg, Mem src_mem) { \
emit_op_reg_mem(buf, op, oplen, dest_reg, src_mem); \
#define X64_OP_MEM_REG(name, op, oplen) \
INLINE void name##_mem_reg(Buffer *buf, Mem dest_mem, uword src_reg) { \
emit_op_mem_reg(buf, op, oplen, dest_mem, src_reg); \
#define X64_OP_REG_IMM(name, op8, op32, oplen, rx8, rx32) \
INLINE void name##_reg_imm(Buffer *buf, uword dest_reg, uword src_imm) { \
emit_op_reg_imm(buf, op8, op32, oplen, rx8, rx32, dest_reg, src_imm); \
#define X64_OP_MEM_IMM(name, op8, op32, oplen, rx8, rx32) \
INLINE void name##_mem_imm(Buffer *buf, Mem dest_mem, uword src_imm) { \
emit_op_mem_imm(buf, op8, op32, oplen, rx8, rx32, dest_mem, src_imm); \
#define SSE_OP_REG_REG(name, op, oplen, prefix) \
INLINE void name##_reg_reg(Buffer *buf, uword dest_reg, uword src_reg) { \
emit_sse_op_reg_reg(buf, op, oplen, prefix, dest_reg, src_reg); \
#define SSE_OP_MEM_REG(name, op, oplen, prefix) \
INLINE void name##_mem_reg(Buffer *buf, Mem dest_mem, uword src_reg) { \
emit_sse_op_mem_reg(buf, op, oplen, prefix, dest_mem, src_reg); \
#define SSE_OP_REG_MEM(name, op, oplen, prefix) \
INLINE void name##_reg_mem(Buffer *buf, uword dest_reg, Mem src_mem) { \
emit_sse_op_reg_mem(buf, op, oplen, prefix, dest_reg, src_mem); \
#define X64_OP_RM(name, op, oplen, rx) \
X64_OP_REG(name, op, oplen, rx) \
X64_OP_MEM(name, op, oplen, rx)
#define X64_OP_REG_RM(name, op, oplen) \
X64_OP_REG_REG(name, op, oplen) \
X64_OP_REG_MEM(name, op, oplen)
#define X64_OP_RM_IMM(name, op8, op32, oplen, rx8, rx32) \
X64_OP_REG_IMM(name, op8, op32, oplen, rx8, rx32) \
X64_OP_MEM_IMM(name, op8, op32, oplen, rx8, rx32)
#define SSE_OP_REG_RM(name, op, oplen, prefix) \
SSE_OP_REG_REG(name, op, oplen, prefix) \
SSE_OP_REG_MEM(name, op, oplen, prefix)
// x64 instruction definitions
#define X64_UNARY_TABLE(_) \
_(neg, 0xF7, 0x03) \
_(idiv, 0xF7, 0x07) \
// _(name, rm, rx)
#define X64_BINARY_TABLE(_) \
_(add, 0x03, 0x01, 0x83, 0x00, 0x81, 0x00) \
_(and, 0x23, 0x21, 0x83, 0x04, 0x81, 0x04) \
_(mov, 0x8B, 0x89, 0x00, 0x00, 0xC7, 0x00) \
// _(name, reg_rm, rm_reg, rm_imm8, rm_imm8x, rm_imm32, rm_imm32x)
#define SSE_BINARY_TABLE(_) \
_(mulss, 0x580F, 0xF3) \
_(andss, 0x590F, 0xF3) \
_(movss, 0x100F, 0xF3) \
// _(name, reg_rm, prefix)
#define X64_UNARY_OPS(name, rm, rx) X64_OP_RM(name, rm, 1, rx)
#define X64_BINARY_OPS(name, reg_rm, rm_reg, rm_imm8, rm_imm8x, rm_imm32, \
rm_imm32x) \
X64_OP_REG_RM(name, reg_rm, 1) \
X64_OP_MEM_REG(name, rm_reg, 1) \
X64_OP_RM_IMM(name, rm_imm8, rm_imm32, 1, rm_imm8x, rm_imm32x)
#define SSE_BINARY_OPS(name, reg_rm, prefix) \
SSE_OP_REG_RM(name, reg_rm, 2, prefix)
SSE_OP_MEM_REG(movss, 0x110F, 2, 0xF3)
X64_OP_REG_REG(imul, 0xAF0F, 2)
X64_OP_REG_IMM(imul, 0x6B, 0x69, 1, 0, 0)
X64_OP_RM(shl, 0xD3, 1, 0x04)
X64_OP_REG_IMM(shl, 0xC1, 0, 1, 0x04, 0)
X64_OP_MEM_REG(mov8, 0x88, 1)
X64_OP_MEM_REG(mov32, 0x89, 1)
X64_OP_REG_RM(movsx8, 0xBE0F, 2)
X64_OP_REG_RM(movsx16, 0xBF0F, 2)
X64_OP_REG_RM(movsx32, 0xBF0F, 2)
X64_OP_REG_RM(movzx8, 0xB60F, 2)
X64_OP_REG_RM(movzx16, 0xB70F, 2)
INLINE void mov16_mem_reg(Buffer *buf, Mem dest_mem, uword src_reg) {
emit(buf, 0x66, 1);
byte *start = here;
emit_op_mem_reg(buf, 0x89, 1, dest_mem, src_reg);
*start &= ~8;
INLINE void movzx32_reg_reg(Buffer *buf, uword dest_reg, uword src_reg) {
byte *start = here;
emit_op_reg_reg(buf, 0x8B, 1, dest_reg, src_reg);
*start &= ~8;
INLINE void movzx32_reg_mem(Buffer *buf, uword dest_reg, Mem src_mem) {
byte *start = here;
emit_op_rx_mem(buf, 0x8B, 1, dest_reg, src_mem);
*start &= ~8;
INLINE void cmov_reg_reg_if(Buffer *buf, uword cond, uword dest_reg,
uword src_reg) {
emit_op_reg_reg(buf, 0x400F | (cond << 8), 2, dest_reg, src_reg);
INLINE void set8_reg_if(Buffer *buf, uword cond, uword dest_reg) {
assert(cond < 16);
emit_op_reg(buf, 0x900F | (cond << 8), 2, 0, dest_reg);
INLINE uint32_t *jmp(Buffer *buf, byte *target) {
uint32_t rel = (uint32_t)(target - (here + 2));
if (isrel8(rel)) {
emit(buf, 0xEB | (rel << 8), 2);
return 0;
} else {
emit(buf, 0xE9 | ((rel - 3) << 8), 5);
return (uint32_t *)(here - 4);
INLINE uint32_t *jmp_if(Buffer *buf, uword cond, byte *target) {
assert(cond < 16);
uint32_t rel = (uint32_t)(target - (here + 2));
if (isrel8(rel)) {
emit(buf, 0x70 | cond | (rel << 8), 2);
return 0;
} else {
emit(buf, 0x800F | (cond << 8) | ((rel - 4) << 16), 6);
return (uint32_t *)(here - 4);
INLINE void patch_rel(uint32_t *rel_ptr, byte *target) {
*rel_ptr = (uint32_t)(target - ((byte *)rel_ptr + 4));
INLINE void ret(Buffer *buf) { emit(buf, 0xc3, 1); }
// End x64 encoding
// Addressing helpers
INLINE Mem base(uword base) { return (Mem){.base = base}; }
INLINE Mem base_disp(uword base, uword disp) {
return (Mem){.base = base, .disp = disp};
INLINE Mem base_index(uword base, uword index) {
return (Mem){.base = base, .index = index, .isindex = true};
INLINE Mem base_index_disp(uword base, uword index, uword disp) {
return (Mem){.base = base, .index = index, .disp = disp, .isindex = true};
INLINE Mem base_index_scale(uword base, uword index, uword scale) {
return (Mem){.base = base, .index = index, .scale = scale, .isindex = true};
INLINE Mem base_index_scale_disp(uword base, uword index, uword scale,
uword disp) {
return (Mem){.base = base,
.index = index,
.scale = scale,
.disp = disp,
.isindex = true};
INLINE Mem rip_disp(uword disp) {
return (Mem){.disp = disp, .isripdisp = true};
// End Addressing helpers
void large_example(Buffer *buf) {
mov_reg_imm(buf, RAX, 4);
mov_reg_reg(buf, RAX, R9);
mov8_mem_reg(buf, base(RAX), R9);
mov16_mem_reg(buf, base(RAX), R9);
mov32_mem_reg(buf, base(RAX), R9);
movss_mem_reg(buf, base(RAX), XMM10);
add_reg_mem(buf, RAX, rip_disp(0x1234));
neg_reg(buf, R9);
idiv_reg(buf, RAX);
imul_reg_reg(buf, RDX, R9);
mulss_reg_reg(buf, XMM9, XMM10);
mov_reg_mem(buf, R9, base(R10));
mov_reg_imm(buf, RAX, 0x12345678);
mov_reg_imm(buf, RAX, -128);
mov_mem_imm(buf, base(RAX), 0x12345678);
mulss_reg_reg(buf, XMM0, XMM9);
mulss_reg_reg(buf, XMM0, XMM9);
mulss_reg_mem(buf, XMM3, base_index_scale(RBX, RCX, X8));
shl_reg(buf, RAX);
shl_reg_imm(buf, R9, 0xA);
movzx8_reg_reg(buf, RAX, R9);
movzx16_reg_reg(buf, RAX, R9);
movzx32_reg_reg(buf, RAX, R9);
movzx8_reg_mem(buf, RAX, base_index_scale(RBX, RCX, X8));
movzx16_reg_mem(buf, RAX, base_index_scale(RBX, RCX, X8));
movzx32_reg_mem(buf, RAX, base_index_scale(RBX, RCX, X8));
byte *start = here;
uint32_t *rel_ptr = jmp(buf, 0);
set8_reg_if(buf, NE, R9);
cmov_reg_reg_if(buf, LE, RAX, R9);
jmp_if(buf, E, start);
patch_rel(rel_ptr, here);
and_reg_reg(buf, RAX, R9);
void small_example(Buffer *buf) {
mov_reg_imm(buf, RAX, 42);
uword execute(Buffer *buf) {
Function function = *(Function *)(&buf->address);
return function();
int main() {
Buffer buf;
Buffer_init(&buf, 1);
fprintf(stderr, "Code: ");
Buffer_dump(&buf, stderr);
uword result = execute(&buf);
fprintf(stderr, "Result: %ld\n", result);
return 0;
gcc -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -g asm_x64.c -o asm_x64
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