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Created July 22, 2024 18:05
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# By CF Bolz-Tereick
from typing import Optional, Any
class Value:
def find(self):
raise NotImplementedError("abstract")
def _set_forwarded(self, value):
raise NotImplementedError("abstract")
class Operation(Value):
def __init__(self, name: str, args: list[Value]): = name
self.args = args
self.forwarded = None
def __repr__(self):
return f"Operation({}," f"{self.args}, {self.forwarded})"
def find(self) -> Value:
# returns the "representative" value of
# self, in the union-find sense
op = self
while isinstance(op, Operation):
# could do path compression here too
# but not essential
next = op.forwarded
if next is None:
return op
op = next
return op
def arg(self, index):
# change to above: return the
# representative of argument 'index'
return self.args[index].find()
def make_equal_to(self, value: Value):
# this is "union" in the union-find sense,
# but the direction is important! The
# representative of the union of Operations
# must be either a Constant or an operation
# that we know for sure is not optimized
# away.
def _set_forwarded(self, value: Value):
self.forwarded = value
class Constant(Value):
def __init__(self, value: Any):
self.value = value
def __repr__(self):
return f"Constant({self.value})"
def find(self):
return self
def _set_forwarded(self, value: Value):
# if we found out that an Operation is
# equal to a constant, it's a compiler bug
# to find out that it's equal to another
# constant
assert isinstance(value, Constant) and value.value == self.value
class Block(list):
def opbuilder(opname):
def wraparg(arg):
if not isinstance(arg, Value):
arg = Constant(arg)
return arg
def build(self, *args):
# construct an Operation, wrap the
# arguments in Constants if necessary
op = Operation(opname, [wraparg(arg) for arg in args])
# add it to self, the basic block
return op
return build
# a bunch of operations we support
add = opbuilder("add")
mul = opbuilder("mul")
getarg = opbuilder("getarg")
dummy = opbuilder("dummy")
lshift = opbuilder("lshift")
bitand = opbuilder("bitand")
def bb_to_str(bb: Block, varprefix: str = "v"):
# the implementation is not too important,
# look at the test below to see what the
# result looks like
def arg_to_str(arg: Value):
if isinstance(arg, Constant):
return str(arg.value)
# the key must exist, otherwise it's
# not a valid SSA basic block:
# the variable must be defined before
# its first use
return varnames[arg]
varnames = {}
res = []
for index, op in enumerate(bb):
# give the operation a name used while
# printing:
var = f"{varprefix}{index}"
varnames[op] = var
arguments = ", ".join(arg_to_str(op.arg(i)) for i in range(len(op.args)))
strop = f"{var} = {}({arguments})"
return "\n".join(res)
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