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Created February 24, 2017 00:46
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type stream =
{ mutable line_num: int; mutable chr: char list; chan: in_channel };;
let stringOfChar c =
String.make 1 c;;
let read_char stm =
match stm.chr with
| [] ->
let c = input_char stm.chan in
if c = '\n' then let _ = stm.line_num <- stm.line_num + 1 in c
else c
| c::rest ->
let _ = stm.chr <- rest in c
let unread_char stm c =
stm.chr <- c :: stm.chr;;
let is_white c =
c = ' ' || c = '\t' || c = '\n';;
let rec eat_whitespace stm =
let c = read_char stm in
if is_white c then
eat_whitespace stm
unread_char stm c;
type 'a env = (string * 'a option ref) list
type lobject =
| Fixnum of int
| Boolean of bool
| Symbol of string
| Nil
| Pair of lobject * lobject
| Primitive of string * (lobject list -> lobject)
| Quote of value
| Closure of name list * exp * value env
and value = lobject
and name = string
and exp =
| Literal of value
| Var of name
| If of exp * exp * exp
| And of exp * exp
| Or of exp * exp
| Apply of exp * exp
| Call of exp * exp list
| Lambda of name list * exp
| Defexp of def
and def =
| Val of name * exp
| Def of name * name list * exp
| Exp of exp
exception SyntaxError of string;;
exception ThisCan'tHappenError;;
exception NotFound of string;;
exception UnspecifiedValue of string
let mkloc () = ref None
let bind (n, v, e) = (n, ref (Some v))::e
let bindloc : name * 'a option ref * 'a env -> 'a env = fun (n, vor, e) -> (n, vor)::e
let rec lookup : name * 'a env -> 'a = function
| (n, []) -> raise (NotFound n)
| (n, (n', v)::_) when n=n' ->
match !v with
| Some v' -> v'
| None -> raise (UnspecifiedValue n)
| (n, (n', _)::bs) -> lookup (n, bs)
let bindlist ns vs env =
List.fold_left2 (fun acc n v -> bind (n, v, acc)) env ns vs
let rec env_to_val =
let b_to_val (n, vor) =
Pair (Symbol n, (match !vor with
| None -> Symbol "unspecified"
| Some v -> v))
| [] -> Nil
| b::bs -> Pair(b_to_val b, env_to_val bs)
let rec pair_to_list pr =
match pr with
| Nil -> []
| Pair(a, b) -> a::(pair_to_list b)
| _ -> raise ThisCan'tHappenError;;
let rec read_sexp stm =
let is_digit c =
let code = Char.code c in
code >= Char.code('0') && code <= Char.code('9')
let rec read_fixnum acc =
let nc = read_char stm in
if is_digit nc
then read_fixnum (acc ^ stringOfChar nc)
let _ = unread_char stm nc in
Fixnum(int_of_string acc)
let is_symstartchar =
let isalpha = function | 'A'..'Z'|'a'..'z' -> true
| _ -> false
function | '*'|'/'|'>'|'<'|'='|'?'|'!'|'-'|'+' -> true
| c -> isalpha c
let rec read_symbol () =
let is_delimiter = function | '('|')'|'{'|'}'|'"'|';' -> true
| c -> is_white c
let nc = read_char stm in
if is_delimiter nc
then let _ = unread_char stm nc in ""
else stringOfChar nc ^ read_symbol ()
let rec read_list stm = (* NEW *)
eat_whitespace stm;
let c = read_char stm in
if c = ')' then
let _ = unread_char stm c in
let car = read_sexp stm in
let cdr = read_list stm in
Pair(car, cdr)
eat_whitespace stm;
let c = read_char stm in
if is_symstartchar c
then Symbol(stringOfChar c ^ read_symbol ())
else if is_digit c || c='~'
then read_fixnum (stringOfChar (if c='~' then '-' else c))
else if c = '('
then read_list stm
else if c = '#' then
match (read_char stm) with
| 't' -> Boolean(true)
| 'f' -> Boolean(false)
| x -> raise (SyntaxError ("Invalid boolean literal " ^ (stringOfChar x)))
else if c = '\'' then Quote (read_sexp stm)
else raise (SyntaxError ("Unexpected char " ^ (stringOfChar c)));;
let rec is_list e =
match e with
| Nil -> true
| Pair(a, b) -> is_list b
| _ -> false
let spacesep ns = String.concat " " ns
let rec string_exp =
let spacesep_exp es = spacesep ( string_exp es) in
| Literal e -> string_val e
| Var n -> n
| If (c, t, f) ->
"(if " ^ string_exp c ^ " " ^ string_exp t ^ " " ^ string_exp f ^ ")"
| And (c0, c1) -> "(and " ^ string_exp c0 ^ " " ^ string_exp c1 ^ ")"
| Or (c0, c1) -> "(or " ^ string_exp c0 ^ " " ^ string_exp c1 ^ ")"
| Apply (f, e) -> "(apply " ^ string_exp f ^ " " ^ string_exp e ^ ")"
| Call (f, es) -> "(" ^ string_exp f ^ " " ^ spacesep_exp es ^ ")"
| Lambda (ns, e) -> "#<lambda>"
| Defexp (Val (n, e)) -> "(val " ^ n ^ " " ^ string_exp e ^ ")"
| Defexp (Def (n, ns, e)) ->
"(define " ^ n ^ "(" ^ spacesep ns ^ ") " ^ string_exp e ^ ")"
| Defexp (Exp e) -> string_exp e
and string_val e =
let rec string_list l =
match l with
| Pair (a, Nil) -> string_val a
| Pair (a, b) -> string_val a ^ " " ^ string_list b
| _ -> raise ThisCan'tHappenError
let string_pair p =
match p with
| Pair (a, b) -> string_val a ^ " . " ^ string_val b
| _ -> raise ThisCan'tHappenError
match e with
| Fixnum v -> string_of_int v
| Boolean b -> if b then "#t" else "#f"
| Symbol s -> s
| Nil -> "nil"
| Pair (a, b) ->
"(" ^ (if is_list e then string_list e else string_pair e) ^ ")"
| Quote v -> "'" ^ string_val v
| Primitive (name, _) -> "#<primitive:" ^ name ^ ">"
| Closure (ns, e, _) -> "#<closure>"
exception TypeError of string;;
exception ParseError of string
let rec build_ast sexp =
let rec cond_to_if = function
| [] -> Literal (Symbol "error")
| (Pair(cond, Pair(res, Nil)))::condpairs ->
If (build_ast cond, build_ast res, cond_to_if condpairs)
| _ -> raise (TypeError "(cond c0 c1 c2 c3 ...)")
match sexp with
| Primitive _ | Closure _ -> raise ThisCan'tHappenError
| Fixnum _ | Boolean _ | Nil | Quote _ -> Literal sexp
| Symbol s -> Var s
| Pair _ when is_list sexp ->
(match pair_to_list sexp with
| [Symbol "if"; cond; iftrue; iffalse] ->
If (build_ast cond, build_ast iftrue, build_ast iffalse)
| [Symbol "and"; c1; c2] -> And (build_ast c1, build_ast c2)
| [Symbol "or"; c1; c2] -> Or (build_ast c1, build_ast c2)
| [Symbol "quote"; e] -> Literal (Quote e)
| [Symbol "val"; Symbol n; e] -> Defexp (Val (n, build_ast e))
| [Symbol "lambda"; ns; e] when is_list ns ->
let err () = raise (TypeError "(lambda (formals) body)") in
let names = (function Symbol s -> s | _ -> err ())
(pair_to_list ns)
in Lambda (names, build_ast e)
| [Symbol "define"; Symbol n; ns; e] ->
let err () = raise (TypeError "(define name (formals) body)") in
let names = (function Symbol s -> s | _ -> err ())
(pair_to_list ns)
in Defexp (Def (n, names, build_ast e))
| [Symbol "apply"; fnexp; args] ->
Apply (build_ast fnexp, build_ast args)
| (Symbol "cond")::conditions -> cond_to_if conditions
| fnexp::args -> Call (build_ast fnexp, build_ast args)
| [] -> raise (ParseError "poorly formed expression"))
| Pair _ -> Literal sexp
let extend newenv oldenv =
List.fold_right (fun (b, v) acc -> bindloc (b, v, acc)) newenv oldenv
let rec evalexp exp env =
let evalapply f vs =
match f with
| Primitive (_, f) -> f vs
| Closure (ns, e, clenv) ->
evalexp e (extend (bindlist ns vs clenv) env)
| _ -> raise (TypeError "(apply prim '(args)) or (prim args)")
let rec ev = function
| Literal Quote e -> e
| Literal l -> l
| Var n -> lookup (n, env)
| If (c, t, f) when ev c = Boolean true -> ev t
| If (c, t, f) when ev c = Boolean false -> ev f
| If _ -> raise (TypeError "(if bool e1 e2)")
| And (c1, c2) ->
match (ev c1, ev c2) with
| (Boolean v1, Boolean v2) -> Boolean (v1 && v2)
| _ -> raise (TypeError "(and bool bool)")
| Or (c1, c2) ->
match (ev c1, ev c2) with
| (Boolean v1, Boolean v2) -> Boolean (v1 || v2)
| _ -> raise (TypeError "(or bool bool)")
| Apply (fn, e) -> evalapply (ev fn) (pair_to_list (ev e))
| Call (Var "env", []) -> env_to_val env
| Call (e, es) -> evalapply (ev e) ( ev es)
| Lambda (ns, e) -> Closure (ns, e, env)
| Defexp d -> raise ThisCan'tHappenError
in ev exp
let evaldef def env =
match def with
| Val (n, e) -> let v = evalexp e env in (v, bind (n, v, env))
| Def (n, ns, e) ->
let (formals, body, cl_env) =
(match evalexp (Lambda (ns, e)) env with
| Closure (fs, bod, env) -> (fs, bod, env)
| _ -> raise (TypeError "Expecting closure."))
let loc = mkloc () in
let clo = Closure (formals, body, bindloc (n, loc, cl_env)) in
let () = loc := Some clo in
(clo, bindloc (n, loc, env))
| Exp e -> (evalexp e env, env)
let eval ast env =
match ast with
| Defexp d -> evaldef d env
| e -> (evalexp e env, env)
let rec repl stm env =
print_string "> ";
flush stdout;
let ast = build_ast (read_sexp stm) in
let (result, env') = eval ast env in
print_endline (string_val result);
repl stm env';;
let basis =
let numprim name op =
(name, (function [Fixnum a; Fixnum b] -> Fixnum (op a b)
| _ -> raise (TypeError ("(" ^ name ^ " int int)"))))
let cmpprim name op =
(name, (function [Fixnum a; Fixnum b] -> Boolean (op a b)
| _ -> raise (TypeError ("(" ^ name ^ " int int)"))))
let rec prim_list = function
| [] -> Nil
| car::cdr -> Pair(car, prim_list cdr)
let prim_pair = function
| [a; b] -> Pair(a, b)
| _ -> raise (TypeError "(pair a b)")
let prim_car = function
| [Pair (car, _)] -> car
| _ -> raise (TypeError "(car non-nil-pair)")
let prim_cdr = function
| [Pair (_, cdr)] -> cdr
| _ -> raise (TypeError "(cdr non-nil-pair)")
let prim_eq = function
| [a; b] -> Boolean (a=b)
| _ -> raise (TypeError "(eq a b)")
let prim_atomp = function
| [Pair (_, _)] -> Boolean false
| [_] -> Boolean true
| _ -> raise (TypeError "(atom? something)")
let newprim acc (name, func) =
bind (name, Primitive(name, func), acc)
List.fold_left newprim [] [
numprim "+" (+);
numprim "-" (-);
numprim "*" ( * );
numprim "/" (/);
cmpprim "<" (<);
cmpprim ">" (>);
cmpprim "=" (=);
("list", prim_list);
("pair", prim_pair);
("car", prim_car);
("cdr", prim_cdr);
("eq", prim_eq);
("atom?", prim_atomp)
let rec transform_ast _ =
let open Asttypes in
let open Parsetree in
let open Longident in
let open Ast_helper in
let ident = Location.mknoloc (Lident "print_endline") in
let strarg = Exp.constant (Const_string ("Hello, world", None)) in
Str.eval (Exp.apply (Exp.ident ident) [("", strarg)])
let rec process_file stm filename env =
let print_binary_ast ast =
output_string stdout Config.ast_impl_magic_number;
output_value stdout filename;
output_value stdout ast
let ast = build_ast (read_sexp stm) in
print_binary_ast (transform_ast ast)
(* let (result, env') = eval ast env in
print_endline (string_val result);
process_file stm env';; *)
let main =
let fn = Sys.argv.(1) in
let fp = open_in fn in
let stm = { chr=[]; line_num=1; chan=fp } in
let () = process_file stm fn basis in
close_in fp
| End_of_file -> ()
let main =
let stm = { chr=[]; line_num=1; chan=stdin } in
repl stm basis;;
open Ocamlbuild_pack
open Ocamlbuild_plugin
let compile_c tags arg out =
let tags =
tags ++
"ocaml" ++
"byte" ++
let specs =
[ !Options.ocamlc;
A "-c";
T tags;
Ocaml_utils.ocaml_ppflags tags;
Ocaml_utils.ocaml_include_flags arg;
A "-pp"; P "./astgen.native";
A "-o"; Px out;
A "-impl"; P arg ]
Cmd (S specs)
let compile_lisp ?tag scm cmo env build =
let scm = env scm and cmo = env cmo in
let () = Ocaml_compiler.prepare_compile build scm in
let tags = (Tags.union (tags_of_pathname scm) (tags_of_pathname cmo)++"implem"+++tag) in
compile_c tags scm cmo;;
rule "scm -> cmo"
(compile_lisp "%.scm" "%.cmo")
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