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Last active November 9, 2018 17:07
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require 'json'
require 'pp'
days = ARGV.first
days ||= 3
STDERR.puts "Fetching #{days} days of compliance indices"
all_indices = JSON.parse(`curl -s -k -XGET 'localhost:9200/_cat/indices?format=json'`)
indices ={ |i| i['index'].include?('compliance-2') }.map{ |i| i['index'] }.sort.reverse[0...days.to_i]
STDERR.puts "Found the following indices: #{indices.inspect}"
STDERR.puts "Fetching data from ES"
data = `curl -s -k -XGET 'localhost:9200/#{indices.join(',')}/_search?size=10000'`
json = JSON.parse(data)
STDERR.puts "Parsing ES results"
node_list = json['hits']['hits'].inject({}) do |collector, node|
source = node['_source']
uuid = source['node_uuid']
if !uuid.nil?
collector[uuid] ||= []
node_info = { name: source['node_name'] }
collector[uuid] << node_info unless collector[uuid].include?(node_info)
node_list.reject! { |id,nodes| nodes.count <= 1 }
if node_list.keys.count > 0
STDERR.puts "Here are the nodes with duplicate data collector UUIDs"
node_list.values.flatten.each do |node|
puts node[:name]
STDERR.puts "No nodes with duplicate data collector uuids were where found"
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