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Last active December 14, 2017 23:59
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ssl testing

Even with ssl.verify off, berks install or berks vendor will fail when supermarket is using a self-signed certificate. So, how do we get around that?

Get the CERT

knife ssl fetch supermarket-0.c.cheffian-supermarket.internal
# concatenate all your pems
cd ....chef/trusted_certs
cat &star.crt > cacert.pem

openssl s_client

Cert verify with openssl

openssl s_client -CAfile cacert.pem -connect supermarket-0.c.cheffian-supermarket.internal:443 -verify 0


But curl doesn't matter, since Berkshelf uses Faraday, so let's try with that:

require 'faraday'
print "Trying with no ssl options:\n"
    connection = 'https://supermarket-0.c.cheffian-supermarket.internal'
    p connection.get '/universe'
    p "WORKED\n\n\n"
rescue Exception => e
    print e.message, "\n\n\n"

print "Trying with ssl ca_file options:\n"
    connection = 'https://supermarket-0.c.cheffian-supermarket.internal', :ssl => { :ca_file => './cacert.pem' }
    p connection.get '/universe'
    p "WORKED\n\n\n"
rescue Exception => e
    print e.message, "\n\n\n"


However, Berks doesn't have any options for specifying CA_file. Hmmmm. Good news, the above script works when:

export SSL_CERT_FILE=cacert.pem

Now attempts to use berks with the same SSL_CERT_FILE path set will work.

berks vendor

should work.


Add this to your Berskfile:

ENV['SSL_CERT_FILE'] = '/some/path/to/cacert.pem'

Aside: Cert verify with curl

I can't get curl to work with self-signed cert, so don't count on Curl for helping you here. You'd think the following would work:

curl -v --cacert cacert.pem https://supermarket-0.c.cheffian-supermarket.internal:443

But it doesn't. It would seem that since self-signed certs don't assert themselves as CAs that curl won't be happy (and probably berks neither). That is, that

openssl x509 -in cacert.pem -inform pem -text -out certdata

won't contain:

X509v3 Basic Constraints:
X509v3 Key Usage:
Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
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