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Created July 26, 2015 03:26
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{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators, TupleSections, LambdaCase, RecordWildCards, RankNTypes #-}
module Rou where
import Control.Lens
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Monoid
import Control.Monad
import Control.Applicative
data Loc = Loc
{ segs :: [String]
, params :: Map String String
} deriving ( Eq, Ord, Show )
loc :: String -> Loc
loc s = Loc (break s) mempty where
break s = go s [] []
go [] word acc = reverse (reverse word : acc)
go ('/':s) word acc = go s [] (reverse word : acc)
go (c:s) word acc = go s (c:word) acc
loc0 :: Loc
loc0 = Loc mempty mempty
locDone :: Loc -> Bool
locDone l = null (segs l)
behead :: MonadPlus m => [a] -> m (a, [a])
behead [] = mzero
behead (x : xs) = return (x, xs)
locPop :: MonadPlus m => Loc -> m (String, Loc)
locPop l = do
(s, ss) <- behead (segs l)
return (s, l { segs = ss })
locPush :: String -> Loc -> Loc
locPush s l = l { segs = s : segs l }
locGet :: MonadPlus m => String -> Loc -> m String
locGet k l = maybe mzero return $ Map.lookup k (params l)
locSet :: String -> String -> (Loc -> Loc)
locSet k v l = l { params = Map.insert k v (params l) }
data R a = R { up :: Loc -> [(a, Loc)]
, dn :: a -> Maybe (Loc -> Loc)
unit :: Eq a => a -> R a
unit a = R (\l -> [(a, l)])
(\a' -> if a == a' then Just id else Nothing)
zero :: R ()
zero = unit ()
never :: R a
never = R (\l -> mzero) (\a -> mzero)
par :: R a -> R a -> R a
par r1 r2 = R up' dn' where
up' l = up r1 l <> up r2 l
dn' a = dn r1 a <|> dn r2 a
(//) :: R a -> R b -> R (a, b)
r1 // r2 = R up' dn' where
up' l = do
(a, l') <- up r1 l
(b, l'') <- up r2 l'
return ((a, b), l'')
dn' (a, b) = do
f1 <- dn r1 a
f2 <- dn r2 b
return (f1 . f2)
seg :: String -> R ()
seg s = R up' dn' where
up' l = do (sh, l') <- locPop l
if sh == s
then return ((), l')
else mzero
dn' () = return (locPush s)
param :: String -> R String
param k = R up' dn' where
up' l = do v <- locGet k l
return (v, l)
dn' v = Just (locSet k v)
pa :: R a -> Loc -> [a]
pa r = map fst . up r
pr :: R a -> a -> Maybe Loc
pr r = fmap ($ loc0) . dn r
ex = seg "foo" // seg "bar"
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