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Created April 18, 2017 04:38
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Pure profunctor lenses in Scala
import scala.language.higherKinds
object Lenses {
trait Profunctor[P[_, _]] {
def dimap[A, B, C, D](f: C => A, g: B => D)(p: P[A, B]): P[C, D]
object Profunctor {
def function2IsProfunctor: Profunctor[? => ?] = new Profunctor[? => ?] {
def dimap[A, B, C, D](f: C => A, g: B => D)(p: A => B) =
f andThen p andThen g
trait Strong[P[_, _]] {
def first[X, A, B](p: P[A, B]): P[(X, A), (X, B)]
val profunctor: Profunctor[P]
object Strong {
def function2IsStrong: Strong[? => ?] = new Strong[? => ?] {
def first[X, A, B](p: (A) => B) = {
case (x, a) => (x, p(a))
val profunctor = Profunctor.function2IsProfunctor
trait Choice[P[_, _]] {
def left[X, A, B](p: P[A, B]): P[Either[X, A], Either[X, B]]
val profunctor: Profunctor[P]
object Choice {
def function2IsChoice: Choice[? => ?] = new Choice[? => ?] {
def left[X, A, B](p: A => B) = {
case Left(x) => Left(x)
case Right(a) => Right(p(a))
val profunctor = Profunctor.function2IsProfunctor
trait PrismLike[S, T, A, B] {
def review(b: B): T
def under(s: S): Either[T, A]
def preview(s: S): Option[A] = under(s).toOption
def view(s: S)(implicit M: Monoid[A]): A = preview(s).getOrElse(
trait LensLike[S, T, A, B] {
def get(s: S): A
def over(f: A => B)(s: S): T
def set(b: B)(s: S): T = over(_ => b)(s)
trait Monoid[A] {
def zero: A
def combine(l: A, r: A): A
final case class ConstK[K, A, B](run: A => K) extends (A => K) {
def apply(a: A): K = run(a)
object ConstK {
def identity[A, B]: ConstK[A, A, B] = ConstK(Predef.identity)
implicit def constKIsProfunctor[K]: Profunctor[ConstK[K, ?, ?]] =
new Profunctor[ConstK[K, ?, ?]] {
def dimap[A, B, C, D](f: C => A, g: B => D)(p: ConstK[K, A, B]) =
ConstK[K, C, D](f andThen p)
implicit def constKIsStrong[K]: Strong[ConstK[K, ?, ?]] =
new Strong[ConstK[K, ?, ?]] {
def first[X, A, B](p: ConstK[K, A, B]) =
ConstK[K, (X, A), (X, B)] {
case (x, a) => p(a)
val profunctor = constKIsProfunctor
implicit def constKIsChoice[K](
implicit M: Monoid[K]): Choice[ConstK[K, ?, ?]] =
new Choice[ConstK[K, ?, ?]] {
def left[X, A, B](p: ConstK[K, A, B]) =
ConstK[K, Either[X, A], Either[X, B]] {
case Left(_) =>
case Right(a) => p(a)
val profunctor = constKIsProfunctor
final case class Always[A, B](stored: B) extends (A => B) {
def apply(a: A): B = stored
object Always {
implicit val alwaysIsProfunctor: Profunctor[Always] =
new Profunctor[Always] {
def dimap[A, B, C, D](f: C => A, g: B => D)(p: Always[A, B]) =
implicit val alwaysIsChoice: Choice[Always] = new Choice[Always] {
def left[X, A, B](p: Always[A, B]) =
val profunctor = alwaysIsProfunctor
final case class Partial[K, A, B](run: A => Either[B, K])
extends (A => Either[B, K]) {
def apply(a: A): Either[B, K] = run(a)
object Partial {
def identity[A, B]: Partial[A, A, B] = Partial(Right(_))
implicit def partialIsProfunctor[K]: Profunctor[Partial[K, ?, ?]] =
new Profunctor[Partial[K, ?, ?]] {
def dimap[A, B, C, D](f: C => A, g: B => D)(p: Partial[K, A, B]) =
Partial[K, C, D] { c =>
implicit def partialIsChoice[K]: Choice[Partial[K, ?, ?]] =
new Choice[Partial[K, ?, ?]] {
def left[X, A, B](
p: Partial[K, A, B]): Partial[K, Either[X, A], Either[X, B]] =
Partial[K, Either[X, A], Either[X, B]] {
case Left(x) => Left(Left(x))
case Right(a) => match {
case Left(b) => Left(Right(b))
case Right(k) => Right(k)
val profunctor = partialIsProfunctor
trait Optic[C[_[_, _]], S, T, A, B] {
def apply[P[_, _]](p: P[A, B])(implicit ev: C[P]): P[S, T]
// NOTE: Dunno how to get variance right down here :(
// def andThen[CC[_[_, _]] <: C, X, Y](
// other: Optic[CC, X, Y, S, T]): Optic[CC, X, Y, A, B] = {
// val outer: Optic[C, S, T, A, B] = this
// new Optic[CC, X, Y, A, B] {
// def apply[P[_, _]](p: P[A, B])(implicit ev: CC[P]): P[X, Y] = {
// val pp: P[S, T] = outer[P](p)(ev)
// other[P](pp)(ev)
// }
// }
// }
trait Lens[S, T, A, B]
extends Optic[Strong, S, T, A, B]
with LensLike[S, T, A, B] {
def apply[P[_, _]](p: P[A, B])(implicit ev: Strong[P]): P[S, T] = {
val pp: P[(S, A), (S, B)] = ev.first(p)
ev.profunctor.dimap[(S, A), (S, B), S, T](
s => (s, get(s)),
{ case (s, b) => set(b)(s) }
def get(s: S): A =
apply[ConstK[A, ?, ?]](ConstK.identity).apply(s)
def over(f: A => B)(s: S): T =
apply[? => ?](f)(Strong.function2IsStrong)(s)
object Lens {
def apply[S, T, A, B](get0: S => A, set0: (B, S) => T): Lens[S, T, A, B] =
new Lens[S, T, A, B] {
override def get(s: S) = get0(s)
override def set(b: B)(s: S) = set0(b, s)
def _1[A, B, X]: Lens[(A, X), (B, X), A, B] =
apply[(A, X), (B, X), A, B](_._1, {
case (b, (a, x)) => (b, x)
def _2[A, B, X]: Lens[(X, A), (X, B), A, B] =
apply[(X, A), (X, B), A, B](_._2, {
case (b, (x, a)) => (x, b)
trait Prism[S, T, A, B]
extends Optic[Choice, S, T, A, B]
with PrismLike[S, T, A, B] {
def apply[P[_, _]](p: P[A, B])(implicit ev: Choice[P]): P[S, T] = {
val pp: P[Either[T, A], Either[T, B]] = ev.left(p)
ev.profunctor.dimap[Either[T, A], Either[T, B], S, T](
s => under(s), {
case Left(t) => t
case Right(b) => review(b)
def review(b: B): T =
def under(s: S): Either[T, A] = {
apply[Partial[A, ?, ?]](Partial.identity).run(s)
// NOTE: This one is cool. "Same" definition as Lens. Don't know how to
// make Scala see that clearly, however.
override def view(s: S)(implicit M: Monoid[A]): A =
apply[ConstK[A, ?, ?]](ConstK.identity).apply(s)
object Prism {
def apply[S, T, A, B](review0: B => T,
under0: S => Either[T, A]): Prism[S, T, A, B] =
new Prism[S, T, A, B] {
override def review(b: B): T = review0(b)
override def under(s: S): Either[T, A] = under0(s)
def _Left[A, B, X]: Prism[Either[A, X], Either[B, X], A, B] =
apply[Either[A, X], Either[B, X], A, B](Left(_), {
case Left(a) => Right(a)
case Right(x) => Left(Right(x))
def _Right[A, B, X]: Prism[Either[X, A], Either[X, B], A, B] =
apply[Either[X, A], Either[X, B], A, B](Right(_), {
case Left(x) => Left(Left(x))
case Right(a) => Right(a)
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