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Last active July 8, 2020 07:18
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Save tel/8f6de199626adc0f313b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Not yet Tesser, but getting there
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
module Tesser where
import Data.List (foldl')
import Data.Profunctor
import Data.Bifunctor
data FoldF a r b
= FoldF
{ reducer :: r -> a -> Either b r
, state :: Either b r
, output :: r -> b
-- | We forget the state variable to make it more composable
data Fold a b where Fold :: FoldF a r b -> Fold a b
foldlEit' :: (r -> a -> Either o r) -> Either o r -> [a] -> Either o r
foldlEit' f x [] = x
foldlEit' f (Left o) _ = Left o
foldlEit' f (Right r0) (a : as) =
let r1 = f r0 a
in r1 `seq` foldlEit' f r1 as
outputEit :: FoldF a r b -> Either b r -> b
outputEit q = either id (output q)
instance Profunctor Fold where
dimap f g (Fold q) =
Fold $ q { reducer = \r a -> first g (reducer q r (f a))
, output = \r -> g (output q r)
, state = first g (state q)
instance Functor (Fold a) where
fmap = dimap id
fold :: Fold a b -> [a] -> b
fold (Fold q) as = outputEit q (foldlEit' (reducer q) (state q) as)
-- | Transducers, CPS transformed so that (f . g) performs g first and
-- then f. This means that in Clojure (->> g f) ==> (f . g) performs g
-- first and then f.
-- We could also achieve this by overloading (.) using a Category
-- instance, but here we (a) get to use normal, Prelude (.) and (b)
-- demonstrate that composition flipping is available whenever
-- desired.
type a ~> b = forall r c . (Fold a r -> c) -> (Fold b r -> c)
_map :: (a -> b) -> (a ~> b)
_map f phi q = phi (lmap f q)
_mapCat :: (a -> [b]) -> (a ~> b)
_mapCat f phi (Fold q) =
phi $ Fold $ q { reducer = \r a -> foldlEit' (reducer q) (Right r) (f a) }
_keep :: (a -> Maybe b) -> (a ~> b)
_keep f phi (Fold q) =
phi $ Fold $ q { reducer = \r a -> case f a of
Nothing -> Right r
Just b -> reducer q r b }
_filter :: (a -> Bool) -> (a ~> a)
_filter p = _keep (\a -> if p a then Just a else Nothing)
_run :: (a ~> b) -> ([a] -> [b])
_run t = fold (t id buildListFold)
-- | Strict pair
data Pair a b = Pair !a !b
_take :: Int -> (a ~> a)
_take limit phi (Fold q) =
phi $ Fold $ q { reducer = \(Pair remaining r) a ->
if remaining > 0
then fmap (Pair (pred remaining)) (reducer q r a)
else Left (output q r)
, state = fmap (Pair limit) (state q)
, output = \(Pair _ a) -> output q a
buildListFold :: Fold a [a]
buildListFold = Fold buildListFoldF where
-- This is the "diff list" fold
buildListFoldF :: FoldF a ([a] -> [a]) [a]
buildListFoldF =
FoldF { reducer = \r a -> Right (r . (a:))
, state = Right id
, output = \r -> r []
-- λ> _run (_map (*2) . _filter (> 1)) [1,2,3,4]
-- [4,6,8]
-- λ> _run (_filter (> 1) . _map (*2)) [1,2,3,4]
-- [2,4,6,8]
-- λ> _run (_take 3) [1..10]
-- [1,2,3]
-- λ> _run (_take 3) [1..]
-- [1,2,3]
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What's the first function you're using here?

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tel commented Jan 24, 2015

The first function?

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Data.Bifunctor (first)

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tel commented Jan 24, 2015

Oh, ha, yes! It's fmap over the left side of an Either.

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