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Last active November 19, 2019 07:48
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Failing test:

test('encoding fault', t => {
  const f1 = hypercore(ram)

  const dummyExt = {
    encoding: {
      encode: () => t.ok('encoder was invoked'), // encoder is not invoked.
      decode: () => t.ok('decode was invoked')
    onerror: t.error

  const inst1 = f1.registerExtension(dummyExt)

  f1.ready(() => {
    const f2 = hypercore(ram, f1.key)

    f2.ready(() => {
      const inst2 = f2.registerExtension(dummyExt)
      // create replication stream
      const stream = f1.replicate(true, { live: true })
      stream.pipe(f2.replicate(false, { live: true })).pipe(stream)
      // The following message is never sent due to
      inst1.broadcast({ hello: 'world' })

Test result:

tape test.js
TAP version 13
# encoding fault
    throw new ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE.RangeError('size', size);

RangeError [ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE]: The value "NaN" is invalid for option "size"
    at Function.allocUnsafe (buffer.js:346:3)
    at SimpleProtocol.extension (/node_modules/simple-hypercore-protocol/index.js:119:24)


break in node_modules/simple-hypercore-protocol/index.js:119
 118   extension (ch, id, message) {
>119     const buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(varint.encodingLength(id) + message.length)
 121     varint.encode(id, buf, 0)
debug> repl
Press Ctrl + C to leave debug repl
> message
{ hello: 'world' }
> message.length
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