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Last active May 27, 2020 20:48
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regular-table/File Browser
Copyright (c) 2020, the Regular Table Authors.
This file is part of the Regular Table library, distributed under the terms of
the Apache License 2.0. The full license can be found in the LICENSE file.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, minimum-scale=1, user-scalable=no">
<script src=""></script>
<link rel='stylesheet' href="">
const NUM_ROWS = 100;
const NUM_DIR = 10;
const COLUMN_NAMES = ['modified', 'kind', 'writable'];
const DIR_NAMES = ['able', 'baker', 'charlie', 'dog', 'easy', 'fox', 'george', 'how', 'item', 'jig', 'king', 'love', 'mike', 'nan', 'oboe', 'peter', 'queen', 'roger', 'sugar', 'tare', 'uncle', 'victor', 'william', 'xray', 'yoke', 'zebra'];
const date_formatter = new Intl.DateTimeFormat("en-us");
const _contents_cache = new Map();
function getContents(path, expand) {
// infinite recursive mock contents
let contents;
if (_contents_cache.has(path)) {
contents = _contents_cache.get(path);
} else {
contents = {
modified: new Date(12*60*60*1000),
kind: 'dir',
writable: false};
_contents_cache.set(path, contents);
if (!expand || 'contents' in contents) {
return contents;
contents.contents = []
for (let i = 0; i < NUM_ROWS; i ++) {
const subcontents = {
path: [...path, i < NUM_DIR ? `${DIR_NAMES[i]}/` : `file_${i - NUM_DIR}.txt`],
modified: new Date(contents.modified.getTime() + 24*60*60*1000*(365 + i)),
kind: i < NUM_DIR ? 'dir' : 'text',
writable: false,
_contents_cache.set(subcontents.path, subcontents);
return contents;
let config = {
column_pivots: [],
row_pivots: ['path'],
let rows = getContents([], true).contents;
// for tree support
async function collapse(rix) {
const contents = getContents(rows[rix].path);
// splice out the contents of the collapsed node and any expanded subnodes
let npop = contents.contents.length;
let check_ix = rix + 1 + npop;
while (rows[check_ix++].path.length > contents.path.length) {
rows.splice(rix + 1, npop);
async function expand(rix) {
const contents = getContents(rows[rix].path, true);
rows.splice(rix + 1, 0, ...contents.contents);
async function file_browser_model(start_col, start_row, end_col, end_row) {
const data = [];
for (let cix = start_col; cix < end_col; cix ++) {
const name = COLUMN_NAMES[cix];
data.push(rows.slice(start_row, end_row).map(c => {
return name === 'modified' ? date_formatter.format(c[name]) : c[name];
return {
num_rows: rows.length,
num_columns: COLUMN_NAMES.length,
column_indices: => [col]),
row_indices: rows.slice(start_row, end_row).map(c => c['path']),
__collapse: collapse,
__config: config,
__expand: expand,
const table = document.getElementsByTagName('regular-table')[0];
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