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Created May 10, 2017 21:13
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ADC quantization efficiency calculations for radio astronomy
This script implements the formulas for quantization efficiency
as used in radio astronomy. The formulas appear in:
Thompson, A. R., D. T. Emerson, and F. R. Schwab (2007),
"Convenient formulas for quantization efficiency",
Radio Sci., 42, RS3022, doi:10.1029/2006RS003585.
A. R. Thompson, J. M. Moran, G. W. Swenson,
"Interferometry and Synthesis in Radio Astronomy",
3rd Edition, Springer Open
The second reference (TMS), is frely available online under a CC-BY license.
The two main functions here are:
compute_adc_nq - compute the quantization efficiency for
an ADC with a given input RMS
compute_nq - Compute quantization efficiency for Q levels
with level spacing eps = 1/rms
import numpy as np
from scipy.special import erf
from numpy import exp, sum, sqrt
def nq_even(N, eps):
""" Compute quantization efficiency for even number of levels Q
N (int): Even level number, N = Q/2, where Q is number of levels
eps (float): epsilon, level spacing (1/rms)
Computes TMS Equation 8.79, pg 334
m = np.arange(1, N)
S0 = sum(exp(-m**2 * eps**2 / 2.0))
num = (2.0 / np.pi) * (0.5 + S0)**2
S1 = 2.0*sum(m * erf(m * eps / sqrt(2.0)))
den = (N-0.5)**2 - S1
return num / den
def nq_odd(N, eps):
""" Compute quantization efficiency for odd number of levels Q
N (int): Odd level number, N = (Q-1)/2, where Q is number of levels
eps (float): epsilon, level spacing in sigma units (1/rms)
Computes TMS Equation 8.83, pg 335
m = np.arange(1, N+1)
S0 = sum(exp(-(m-0.5)**2 * eps**2 / 2.0))
num = (2.0 / np.pi) * S0**2
S1 = 2.0*sum((m-0.5) * erf((m-0.5) * eps / sqrt(2.0)))
den = N**2 - S1
return num / den
def compute_nq(Q, eps):
""" Compute quantization efficiency for Q levels with level spacing eps
Q (int or np.array): number of levels. Eg Q=256 for an 8-bit ADC
eps (float or np.array): epsilon, level spacing in sigma units (1/rms)
* Computes nq via TMS Eqns 8.79 and 8.83 as required
* Functions are vectorized so numpy arrays can be used as inputs
N = int(Q/2)
if Q % 2:
compute_nq_vec = np.vectorize(nq_odd)
compute_nq_vec = np.vectorize(nq_even)
out = compute_nq_vec(N, eps)
if out.size == 1:
return float(out)
return out
#return nq_odd(N, eps)
#return nq_even(N, eps)
def compute_adc_nq(n_bit, rms):
""" Compute quantization efficiency for ADC
n_bit: Number of ADC bits
rms: root mean square input level in ADC counts
This is essentially a wrapper of compute_nq. Applies the
quantization equations from TMS.
eps = 1.0/rms
Q = 2**(n_bit)
return compute_nq(Q, eps)
def test_compute_nq():
""" Unit test for compute_nq function
Test data is from Table 8.2 in TMS.
Q_N_eps_nq = [
[3, 1, 1.224, 0.80983],
[4, 2, 0.995, 0.88115],
[8, 4, 0.586, 0.96256],
[9, 4, 0.534, 0.96930],
[16, 8, 0.335, 0.98846],
[32, 16, 0.188, 0.99651],
[256, 128, 0.0312, 0.99991]
for Q, N, eps, nq in Q_N_eps_nq:
out = compute_nq(Q, eps)
assert np.isclose(nq, out)
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Run unit test
# Print out a list of ADC bit depth, RMS and efficiency
print("\n ADC quantization efficiency table: \n")
print(" N_bits | RMS | n_Q ")
for n_bits in (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8):
for rms in (4, 8, 16, 32, 64):
if rms > 2**n_bits:
print("%8s | %8d | - " % (n_bits, rms))
eff = compute_adc_nq(n_bits, rms)
print("%8s | %8d | %0.5f" % (n_bits, rms, eff))
# plot quantization efficiency as a function of epsilon
# This recreates Fig. 8.11 in TMS (pg 337):
# Quantization efficiency as a function of the threshold spacing, epsilon,
# in units equal to the rms amplitude, sigma.
print("\n Plotting quantization efficiency curves...")
import pylab as plt
eps = np.linspace(0.001, 2, 101)
for Q in (128, 32, 16, 8, 4):
eff = compute_nq(Q, eps)
plt.plot(eps, eff, label='$Q=%i$' % Q )
plt.ylim(0.6, 1.01)
plt.legend(loc=4, ncol=2)
plt.title("Quant eff $\\eta_Q$ as fn. of threshold spacing $\\epsilon$ in units of rms ampl. $\\sigma$.")
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Output when run is a plot of quantization efficiency:


And a list of efficiencies for ADC input RMS:

 ADC quantization efficiency table:

 N_bits  |   RMS    | n_Q
       2 |        4 | 0.74076
       2 |        8 | -
       2 |       16 | -
       2 |       32 | -
       2 |       64 | -
       3 |        4 | 0.87234
       3 |        8 | 0.77113
       3 |       16 | -
       3 |       32 | -
       3 |       64 | -
       4 |        4 | 0.98020
       4 |        8 | 0.89020
       4 |       16 | 0.78261
       4 |       32 | -
       4 |       64 | -
       5 |        4 | 0.99481
       5 |        8 | 0.98646
       5 |       16 | 0.89725
       5 |       32 | 0.78757
       5 |       64 | -
       6 |        4 | 0.99482
       6 |        8 | 0.99869
       6 |       16 | 0.98846
       6 |       32 | 0.90033
       6 |       64 | 0.78987
       7 |        4 | 0.99482
       7 |        8 | 0.99870
       7 |       16 | 0.99967
       7 |       32 | 0.98918
       7 |       64 | 0.90176
       8 |        4 | 0.99482
       8 |        8 | 0.99870
       8 |       16 | 0.99967
       8 |       32 | 0.99991
       8 |       64 | 0.98947

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