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Created November 6, 2023 20:17
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(e/defn ^:private ExchangeAndSaveTokens
[emissary-config session-id old-refresh-token]
(let [{:keys [refresh_token id_token refresh_expires_in] :as tokens}
(emissary/exchange-tokens emissary-config old-refresh-token)]
(when tokens
(db/save-session! globals/!db-conn session-id id_token refresh_token refresh_expires_in)
(db/get-tokens! globals/db session-id)))))
(e/defn GetSessionTokens
"Exchange current access and refresh token for new access and refresh token.
Returns map containing tokens on success or nil on failure."
(when-let [session-id (get-in e/*http-request* [:session :emissary/session-id])]
(when-let [{:emissary.session/keys [refresh-token expires-at] :as tokens}
(db/get-tokens! globals/db session-id)]
(let [exp-seconds (int (quot (.getTime expires-at) 1000))
padding 5 ;; Seconds before expiration to refresh
next-refresh (- exp-seconds padding)
server-time (int (quot e/system-time-ms 1000))]
(if (> server-time next-refresh)
(ExchangeAndSaveTokens. emissary-config session-id refresh-token)
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