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Created October 9, 2013 20:33
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Asynchronous control flow in node.js
// FullParallel businessLogichronous engine
function fullParallel(callbacks, last) {
var results = [];
var result_count = 0;
callbacks.forEach(function(callback, index) {
callback( function() {
results[index] =;
if(result_count == callbacks.length) { // the termination guard is checked in the businessLogic!!
// Example task (business logic). Despite the name, this is a normal function
function businessLogic(arg, callback) {
var delay = Math.floor(Math.random() * 5 + 1) * 100; // random ms
console.log('businessLogic with \''+arg+'\', return in '+delay+' ms');
setTimeout(function() { callback(arg * 2); }, delay);
function end(results) { console.log('Done', results); }
var theCallbacks = [
function(next) {
businessLogic(1, next);
function(next) { businessLogic(2, next); },
function(next) { businessLogic(3, next); },
function(next) { businessLogic(4, next); },
function(next) { businessLogic(5, next); },
function(next) { businessLogic(6, next); }
fullParallel(theCallbacks, end);
function limited(limit, callbacks, last) {
var results = [];
var running = 1;
var task = 0;
function next(){
if(task == callbacks.length && running == 0) {
while(running < limit && callbacks[task]) {
var callback = callbacks[task];
(function(index) {
callback(function() {
results[index] =;
// Example task
function async(arg, callback) {
var delay = Math.floor(Math.random() * 5 + 1) * 1000; // random ms
console.log('async with \''+arg+'\', return in '+delay+' ms');
setTimeout(function() {
var result = arg * 2;
console.log('Return with \''+arg+'\', result '+result);
}, delay);
function final(results) { console.log('Done', results); }
limited(3, [
function(next) { async(1, next); },
function(next) { async(2, next); },
function(next) { async(3, next); },
function(next) { async(4, next); },
function(next) { async(5, next); },
function(next) { async(6, next); }
], final);
// Concurrent sequential engine
function series(callbacks, last) {
var results = [];
function another() {
var callback = callbacks.shift();
if(callback) {
var nextParam = function() {
callback(nextParam); // callback body: businessLogic(number, theNextFunction)
else {
// Example of (businessLogichronous) task, callback contains the business logic
function businessLogic(arg, callback) {
var delay = Math.floor(Math.random() * 5 + 1) * 100; // random ms
console.log('businessLogic with \''+arg+'\', return in '+delay+' ms');
setTimeout(function() { callback(arg * 2); }, delay);
function final(results) { console.log('Done', results); }
var theCallbacks = [
function(next) { businessLogic(1, next); }, // next is a function (first and only parameter)
function(next) {
businessLogic(2, next);
function(next) { businessLogic(3, next); },
function(next) { businessLogic(4, next); },
function(next) { businessLogic(5, next); },
function(next) { businessLogic(6, next); }
series(theCallbacks, final);
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