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Created September 16, 2022 15:18
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(local fcntl (require "posix.fcntl"))
(local posix (require "posix"))
(local { : read : write } (require "posix.unistd"))
(local {: tcgetattr : tcsetattr : tcdrain
} (require "posix.termio"))
(local { : nanosleep } (require "posix.time"))
(local { : view } (require "fennel"))
(local gsm-char (require :unicode-to-gsm))
(macro test= [expr expected]
`(let [a# ,expr
e# ,expected]
(if (not (= a# e#))
(assert false (.. "expected " ,(view expr) " = " e#
", actual " a#)))))
(test= (+ 5 4) 9)
(fn escape-readably [s]
(s:gsub "%c" (fn [x] (string.format "\\u{%.3x}" (string.byte x)))))
(fn tx [fd s]
(write fd s)
(print (.. ">>> " (escape-readably s)))
(nanosleep {:tv_sec 0 :tv_nsec (* 10 1000 1000)}))
(fn chars [i]
(if (not i)
(< i 256)
(string.char i)
(.. (string.char (rshift i 8)) (string.char (band i 0xff)))))
(fn unicode->gsm [s]
(s:gsub "." (fn [c] (chars (. gsm-char (string.byte c))))))
(test= (unicode->gsm "abc123") "abc123")
(test= (unicode->gsm "abc{123}") "abc\x1b(123\x1b)")
;(print (escape-readably(unicode-to-gsm "hello")))
;(print (escape-readably(unicode-to-gsm "{he@llo}€")))
(fn expect [fd pattern fail-pattern]
(let [b (read fd 1024)]
(if (> (# b) 0)
(print (.. "<<< " (escape-readably b)))
(if (string.find b pattern)
(do (print "found" pattern) true)
(and fail-pattern (string.find b fail-pattern))
(error (.. "Expected " pattern ", got " (escape-readably b)))
(expect fd pattern)))
(fn even? [x]
(= (% x 2) 0))
(fn phone-number->hex [number]
(let [n (if (even? (# number)) number (.. number "F"))]
(n:gsub ".." (fn [s] (.. (s:sub 2 2) (s:sub 1 1))))))
(test= (phone-number->hex "85291234567") "5892214365F7")
(test= (phone-number->hex "447785016005") "447758100650")
(fn mask [start end]
(let [width (+ 1 (- end start))]
(lshift (rshift 0xff (- 8 width)) start)))
(fn bit-range [i start end]
(rshift (band i (mask start end)) start))
(fn septets->hex [body]
;; 0 body0[0-6] | body1[0] << 7
;; 1 body1[1-6] | body2[0-1] << 6
;; 2 body2[2-6] | body3[0-2] << 5
;; 3 body3[3-6] | body4[0-3] << 4
;; 4 body4[4-6] | body5[0-4] << 3
;; 5 body5[5-6] | body6[0-5] << 2
;; 6 body6[6] | body7[0-6] << 1
;; 7 body8[0-6] | body9[0] << 7
;; 8 body9[1-6] | body10[0-1] << 6
;; 14 body16[0-6] | body17[0] << 7
;; for n<7,
;; nth byte is bits n..6 of nth septet,
;; and bits 0..n of(n+1)th septet
;; for n>=7,
;; bits n%7..6 of floor(n+ (n/7))th septet
;; and 0..(n%7) of the next one
(let [bytes (math.floor (/ (* 7 (# body)) 8))
padded (.. body "\0")]
(var out "")
(for [index 0 bytes]
(let [n (% index 7)
in-index (math.floor (+ index (/ index 7)))
one (bit-range (string.byte padded (+ 1 in-index)) n 6)
two (bit-range (string.byte padded (+ 2 in-index)) 0 n)]
(set out (string.format "%s%.2X" out
(bor one
(lshift two (- 7 n) )
(fn message->pdu [destination-number body]
;; expects destination-number to be international but no leading +
;; body is in gsm 7 bit alphabet
(let [fields
;; sms-submit, allow dups, no vaidity period, no rpely path, no udh,
;; no reply=path
;; ME can choose message reference number
(string.format "%.2X" (# destination-number))
;; destination-number is international (ITU E.164/E.163) without leading +
(phone-number->hex destination-number)
;; protocol identifier
;; data coding scheme (GSM 7 bit default alphabet)
(string.format "%.2X" (# body))
(septets->hex body)
(table.concat fields)))
;; per worked example at
(test= (message->pdu "85291234567" "It is easy to send text messages.") "01000B915892214365F7000021493A283D0795C3F33C88FE06CDCB6E32885EC6D341EDF27C1E3E97E72E")
(fn command [fd s]
(tx fd (.. s "\r\n"))
(expect fd "OK" "ERROR"))
(fn send-message [{: fd} number body]
(let [pdu (message->pdu number (unicode->gsm body))
payload (.. "00" pdu)]
(doto fd
(tx (.. "AT+CMGS=" (string.format "%d" (/ (# pdu) 2)) "\r\n"))
(expect ">" "ERROR")
(tx payload)
(tx "\026\r\n")
(expect "OK"))))
(fn new-sender [{: device : smsc : verbose}]
(let [fd ( device posix.O_RDWR)
termios (tcgetattr fd)]
(tset termios :cflag (bor termios.cflag CLOCAL CREAD))
(tset termios :lflag (band termios.lflag
(bnot ICANON)
(bnot ECHO)
(bnot ECHOE)
(bnot ISIG)))
(tset termios :oflag (band termios.oflag ( bnot OPOST)))
(doto fd
(tcsetattr 0 termios)
(command "AT")
(command "AT&F") ; revert to defaults
(command "ATE0") ; disable command echo
(command "AT+CMEE=1") ;print CME errors
(command (.. "AT+CSCA=\"" smsc "\",145\r\n")) ;set SMSC
(command "AT+CMGF=0")) ;SMS PDU mode
{:send send-message :device device :smsc smsc :fd fd}))
{ :new new-sender }
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