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Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
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Solving Project Euler’s problems in Erlang. Most of the proposed solutions are very naive and inefficient and therefore only viable for educational purposes (if there were any other).
%% 1
%% Find the sum of all the multiples of 3 or 5 below 1000.
problem1() ->
lists:sum([I || I <- lists:seq(0,999), I rem 3 =:= 0 orelse I rem 5 =:= 0]).
%% 2
%% By considering the terms in the Fibonacci sequence whose values do not exceed four million, find the sum of the even-valued terms.
fib(1) -> [1];
fib(2) -> [1,2];
fib(Max) ->
fib(Max - 1, 1, 2, [1]).
fib(Max, _, Next, Seq) when Next > Max ->
fib(Max, Current, Next, Seq) ->
fib(Max, Next, Current + Next, [Next|Seq]).
problem2() ->
lists:sum([I || I <- fib(4000000), I rem 2 =:= 0]).
%% 3
%% What is the largest prime factor of the number 600851475143?
primes_below(Max) ->
primes_below(Max, 3, [2]).
primes_below(Max, _, _) when Max =< 2 ->
primes_below(Max, Current, Primes) when Max =< Current ->
primes_below(Max, Current, Primes) ->
case lists:all(fun(I) -> Current rem I > 0 end, Primes) of
false -> primes_below(Max, Current + 1, Primes);
true -> primes_below(Max, Current + 1, [Current|Primes])
problem3() ->
%% Note: sqrt(Num) is a dirty trick and is mathematically incorrect b/c unusual non-prime numbers are not taken into account.
problem3(Num) ->
Primes = primes_below(trunc(math:sqrt(Num))),
[Max|_] = lists:dropwhile(fun(I) -> Num rem I > 0 end, Primes),
%% 4
%% Find the largest palindrome made from the product of two 3-digit numbers.
inverse(Num) ->
inverse(Num, 0).
inverse(0, Target) ->
inverse(Num, Target) ->
inverse(Num div 10, (Target * 10) + Num rem 10).
is_palindrome(Num) ->
Num =:= inverse(Num).
problem4() ->
ThreeDigitNumbers = lists:seq(100, 999),
Products = [X * Y || X <- ThreeDigitNumbers, Y <- ThreeDigitNumbers],
lists:max([I || I <- Products, is_palindrome(I)]).
%% 5
%% What is the smallest positive number that is evenly divisible by all of the numbers from 1 to 20?
is_evenly_divisible_by(Seq, N) ->
lists:all(fun(I) -> N rem I =:= 0 end, Seq).
problem5() ->
problem5(N) ->
case is_evenly_divisible_by(lists:seq(1, 20), N) of
false -> problem5(N + 20);
true -> N
%% 6
%% Find the difference between the sum of the squares of the first one hundred natural numbers and the square of the sum.
problem6() ->
Seq = lists:seq(0,100),
Sum = lists:sum(Seq),
SquaredSum = Sum * Sum,
SumOfSquares = lists:sum([I * I || I <- Seq]),
SquaredSum - SumOfSquares.
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