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Last active November 25, 2024 18:50
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.degen names integration

How to integrate .degen names

.degen smart contract: 0x4087fb91A1fBdef05761C02714335D232a2Bf3a1

There are only two functions in the .degen smart contract important for integrations:

  • Resolver: getDomainHolder(name) (note: enter only name without extension, e.g.: tempe, not tempe.degen)
  • Reverse resolver: defaultNames(address)

Resolver (getDomainHolder): get user's address

Try it yourself on block explorer

Useful when you have a name (e.g. tempe.degen) and would like to learn which address is behind this name.

Note: When you enter domain name, enter only the name (e.g. tempe ✅) without extension (not tempe.degen ⛔️).

Example with ether.js:

const degenNameContract = new ethers.Contract(
  new ethers.utils.Interface(["function getDomainHolder(string calldata _domainName) public view returns(address)"]),

const userAddress = await degenNameContract.getDomainHolder("tempe"); // returns 0xb29050965A5AC70ab487aa47546cdCBc97dAE45D

Reverse resolver (defaultNames): get user's .degen name

Try it yourself on block explorer

Useful when you have an address (e.g. when user connects to your app), and you'd like to get a .degen name of that address.

Example with ether.js:

const degenNameContract = new ethers.Contract(
  new ethers.utils.Interface(["function defaultNames(address) public view returns(string memory)"]),

const userName = await degenNameContract.defaultNames("0xb29050965A5AC70ab487aa47546cdCBc97dAE45D"); // returns "tempe"

const fullDegenName = username + ".degen"; // tempe.degen


If you'll have any questions regarding the integration, feel free to reach out to Tempe Techie via Farcaster:

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