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Created February 10, 2016 14:44
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Save tempredirect/38e0a686cd2ce03d837d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
public class Main {
private static final char[] alphabet = "eaistnrulodmpcvqgbfjhzxykw0123456789!@#$%&*".toCharArray();
public static void main(String[] args) throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException {
int cores = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors();
System.out.println("Number of cores: " + cores); //8 cores
int partitionSize = alphabet.length / cores;
ExecutorService service = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(cores);
List<Future> futures = new ArrayList<Future>();
for (int c = 0; c < cores; c++) {
char[] part = Arrays.copyOfRange(alphabet, c * partitionSize, (c + 1) * partitionSize);
futures.add(service.submit(new BruteWorker(part)));
for(Future f : futures)
System.out.println("Completed normally");
public static class BruteWorker implements Runnable {
private char[] partition;
BruteWorker(char[] partition) {
this.partition = partition;
public void run() {
System.out.println("New thread (id = "+ Thread.currentThread().getId() +")");
for (long nbTries = 0; nbTries < 1_000_000_000L; nbTries ++ ) {
if((nbTries % 10_000_000) == 0){
System.out.println(nbTries + " tries on thread id = "+ Thread.currentThread().getId());
System.out.println("End of thread (id = "+ Thread.currentThread().getId() +")");
/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_74.jdk/Contents/Home/bin/java -Didea.launcher.port=7532 "-Didea.launcher.bin.path=/Applications/IntelliJ IDEA 16" -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -classpath "/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_74.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/lib/charsets.jar:/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_74.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/lib/deploy.jar:/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_74.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/lib/ext/cldrdata.jar:/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_74.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/lib/ext/dnsns.jar:/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_74.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/lib/ext/jaccess.jar:/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_74.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/lib/ext/jfxrt.jar:/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_74.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/lib/ext/localedata.jar:/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_74.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/lib/ext/nashorn.jar:/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_74.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/lib/ext/sunec.jar:/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_74.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/lib/ext/sunjce_provider.jar:/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_74.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/lib/ext/sunpkcs11.jar:/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_74.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/lib/ext/zipfs.jar:/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_74.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/lib/javaws.jar:/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_74.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/lib/jce.jar:/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_74.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/lib/jfr.jar:/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_74.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/lib/jfxswt.jar:/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_74.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/lib/jsse.jar:/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_74.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/lib/management-agent.jar:/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_74.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/lib/plugin.jar:/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_74.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/lib/resources.jar:/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_74.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/lib/rt.jar:/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_74.jdk/Contents/Home/lib/ant-javafx.jar:/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_74.jdk/Contents/Home/lib/dt.jar:/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_74.jdk/Contents/Home/lib/javafx-mx.jar:/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_74.jdk/Contents/Home/lib/jconsole.jar:/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_74.jdk/Contents/Home/lib/packager.jar:/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_74.jdk/Contents/Home/lib/sa-jdi.jar:/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_74.jdk/Contents/Home/lib/tools.jar:/Users/gareth_davis/Projects/concurrentcode/build/classes/main:/Users/gareth_davis/Projects/concurrentcode/build/resources/main:/Applications/IntelliJ IDEA 16" com.intellij.rt.execution.application.AppMain Main
Number of cores: 8
New thread (id = 11)
0 tries on thread id = 11
New thread (id = 12)
0 tries on thread id = 12
New thread (id = 13)
0 tries on thread id = 13
New thread (id = 14)
0 tries on thread id = 14
New thread (id = 15)
0 tries on thread id = 15
New thread (id = 16)
0 tries on thread id = 16
New thread (id = 17)
0 tries on thread id = 17
New thread (id = 18)
0 tries on thread id = 18
10000000 tries on thread id = 14
10000000 tries on thread id = 11
10000000 tries on thread id = 16
10000000 tries on thread id = 17
10000000 tries on thread id = 12
10000000 tries on thread id = 15
10000000 tries on thread id = 13
20000000 tries on thread id = 11
20000000 tries on thread id = 14
20000000 tries on thread id = 16
20000000 tries on thread id = 15
20000000 tries on thread id = 17
20000000 tries on thread id = 13
20000000 tries on thread id = 12
30000000 tries on thread id = 14
10000000 tries on thread id = 18
30000000 tries on thread id = 12
30000000 tries on thread id = 11
30000000 tries on thread id = 16
30000000 tries on thread id = 13
30000000 tries on thread id = 15
30000000 tries on thread id = 17
20000000 tries on thread id = 18
40000000 tries on thread id = 15
40000000 tries on thread id = 17
40000000 tries on thread id = 14
40000000 tries on thread id = 13
40000000 tries on thread id = 12
40000000 tries on thread id = 11
40000000 tries on thread id = 16
30000000 tries on thread id = 18
50000000 tries on thread id = 12
50000000 tries on thread id = 14
50000000 tries on thread id = 13
50000000 tries on thread id = 17
50000000 tries on thread id = 11
50000000 tries on thread id = 15
50000000 tries on thread id = 16
40000000 tries on thread id = 18
60000000 tries on thread id = 15
60000000 tries on thread id = 13
60000000 tries on thread id = 11
60000000 tries on thread id = 14
50000000 tries on thread id = 18
60000000 tries on thread id = 17
60000000 tries on thread id = 16
60000000 tries on thread id = 12
70000000 tries on thread id = 13
70000000 tries on thread id = 14
70000000 tries on thread id = 11
60000000 tries on thread id = 18
70000000 tries on thread id = 15
70000000 tries on thread id = 12
70000000 tries on thread id = 16
70000000 tries on thread id = 17
80000000 tries on thread id = 14
80000000 tries on thread id = 11
80000000 tries on thread id = 13
80000000 tries on thread id = 15
70000000 tries on thread id = 18
80000000 tries on thread id = 16
80000000 tries on thread id = 12
80000000 tries on thread id = 17
90000000 tries on thread id = 14
90000000 tries on thread id = 11
90000000 tries on thread id = 13
90000000 tries on thread id = 16
80000000 tries on thread id = 18
90000000 tries on thread id = 15
90000000 tries on thread id = 12
90000000 tries on thread id = 17
100000000 tries on thread id = 14
100000000 tries on thread id = 15
100000000 tries on thread id = 16
100000000 tries on thread id = 11
100000000 tries on thread id = 13
90000000 tries on thread id = 18
100000000 tries on thread id = 12
100000000 tries on thread id = 17
110000000 tries on thread id = 14
110000000 tries on thread id = 15
110000000 tries on thread id = 11
100000000 tries on thread id = 18
110000000 tries on thread id = 12
110000000 tries on thread id = 16
110000000 tries on thread id = 13
120000000 tries on thread id = 11
110000000 tries on thread id = 17
120000000 tries on thread id = 16
120000000 tries on thread id = 14
110000000 tries on thread id = 18
120000000 tries on thread id = 15
120000000 tries on thread id = 12
120000000 tries on thread id = 13
130000000 tries on thread id = 11
130000000 tries on thread id = 12
120000000 tries on thread id = 17
130000000 tries on thread id = 14
120000000 tries on thread id = 18
130000000 tries on thread id = 16
130000000 tries on thread id = 15
130000000 tries on thread id = 13
130000000 tries on thread id = 17
140000000 tries on thread id = 11
130000000 tries on thread id = 18
140000000 tries on thread id = 14
140000000 tries on thread id = 16
140000000 tries on thread id = 13
140000000 tries on thread id = 12
140000000 tries on thread id = 15
140000000 tries on thread id = 17
140000000 tries on thread id = 18
150000000 tries on thread id = 16
150000000 tries on thread id = 13
150000000 tries on thread id = 11
150000000 tries on thread id = 14
150000000 tries on thread id = 12
150000000 tries on thread id = 15
150000000 tries on thread id = 17
150000000 tries on thread id = 18
160000000 tries on thread id = 11
160000000 tries on thread id = 14
160000000 tries on thread id = 16
160000000 tries on thread id = 12
160000000 tries on thread id = 13
160000000 tries on thread id = 15
160000000 tries on thread id = 17
170000000 tries on thread id = 11
160000000 tries on thread id = 18
170000000 tries on thread id = 14
170000000 tries on thread id = 15
170000000 tries on thread id = 16
170000000 tries on thread id = 13
170000000 tries on thread id = 12
170000000 tries on thread id = 17
170000000 tries on thread id = 18
180000000 tries on thread id = 11
180000000 tries on thread id = 14
180000000 tries on thread id = 16
180000000 tries on thread id = 13
180000000 tries on thread id = 12
180000000 tries on thread id = 15
190000000 tries on thread id = 11
180000000 tries on thread id = 17
180000000 tries on thread id = 18
190000000 tries on thread id = 16
190000000 tries on thread id = 13
190000000 tries on thread id = 14
190000000 tries on thread id = 15
190000000 tries on thread id = 12
190000000 tries on thread id = 17
200000000 tries on thread id = 11
190000000 tries on thread id = 18
200000000 tries on thread id = 16
200000000 tries on thread id = 14
200000000 tries on thread id = 13
200000000 tries on thread id = 15
200000000 tries on thread id = 12
200000000 tries on thread id = 17
210000000 tries on thread id = 13
210000000 tries on thread id = 16
200000000 tries on thread id = 18
210000000 tries on thread id = 11
210000000 tries on thread id = 17
210000000 tries on thread id = 14
210000000 tries on thread id = 12
210000000 tries on thread id = 15
220000000 tries on thread id = 16
220000000 tries on thread id = 14
220000000 tries on thread id = 11
210000000 tries on thread id = 18
220000000 tries on thread id = 13
220000000 tries on thread id = 12
220000000 tries on thread id = 15
220000000 tries on thread id = 17
230000000 tries on thread id = 16
230000000 tries on thread id = 11
230000000 tries on thread id = 14
230000000 tries on thread id = 12
220000000 tries on thread id = 18
230000000 tries on thread id = 13
230000000 tries on thread id = 15
230000000 tries on thread id = 17
240000000 tries on thread id = 16
240000000 tries on thread id = 14
240000000 tries on thread id = 11
230000000 tries on thread id = 18
240000000 tries on thread id = 13
240000000 tries on thread id = 12
240000000 tries on thread id = 15
240000000 tries on thread id = 17
250000000 tries on thread id = 16
250000000 tries on thread id = 14
250000000 tries on thread id = 11
250000000 tries on thread id = 13
250000000 tries on thread id = 15
250000000 tries on thread id = 12
240000000 tries on thread id = 18
250000000 tries on thread id = 17
260000000 tries on thread id = 11
260000000 tries on thread id = 16
260000000 tries on thread id = 14
260000000 tries on thread id = 15
250000000 tries on thread id = 18
260000000 tries on thread id = 13
260000000 tries on thread id = 12
260000000 tries on thread id = 17
270000000 tries on thread id = 11
270000000 tries on thread id = 14
270000000 tries on thread id = 16
260000000 tries on thread id = 18
270000000 tries on thread id = 15
270000000 tries on thread id = 12
270000000 tries on thread id = 13
270000000 tries on thread id = 17
280000000 tries on thread id = 11
280000000 tries on thread id = 16
280000000 tries on thread id = 14
270000000 tries on thread id = 18
280000000 tries on thread id = 13
280000000 tries on thread id = 15
280000000 tries on thread id = 18
280000000 tries on thread id = 12
280000000 tries on thread id = 17
290000000 tries on thread id = 16
290000000 tries on thread id = 11
290000000 tries on thread id = 14
290000000 tries on thread id = 15
290000000 tries on thread id = 13
290000000 tries on thread id = 12
300000000 tries on thread id = 13
300000000 tries on thread id = 16
290000000 tries on thread id = 17
300000000 tries on thread id = 14
300000000 tries on thread id = 11
290000000 tries on thread id = 18
300000000 tries on thread id = 15
310000000 tries on thread id = 13
300000000 tries on thread id = 12
310000000 tries on thread id = 14
300000000 tries on thread id = 18
310000000 tries on thread id = 11
300000000 tries on thread id = 17
310000000 tries on thread id = 16
310000000 tries on thread id = 15
310000000 tries on thread id = 12
320000000 tries on thread id = 13
320000000 tries on thread id = 11
310000000 tries on thread id = 18
320000000 tries on thread id = 16
310000000 tries on thread id = 17
320000000 tries on thread id = 14
320000000 tries on thread id = 15
320000000 tries on thread id = 12
330000000 tries on thread id = 11
330000000 tries on thread id = 13
330000000 tries on thread id = 14
320000000 tries on thread id = 18
320000000 tries on thread id = 17
330000000 tries on thread id = 16
330000000 tries on thread id = 15
340000000 tries on thread id = 13
330000000 tries on thread id = 12
330000000 tries on thread id = 17
340000000 tries on thread id = 11
330000000 tries on thread id = 18
340000000 tries on thread id = 16
340000000 tries on thread id = 14
340000000 tries on thread id = 15
340000000 tries on thread id = 12
350000000 tries on thread id = 13
340000000 tries on thread id = 17
350000000 tries on thread id = 16
340000000 tries on thread id = 18
350000000 tries on thread id = 14
350000000 tries on thread id = 11
350000000 tries on thread id = 15
350000000 tries on thread id = 12
360000000 tries on thread id = 13
350000000 tries on thread id = 17
360000000 tries on thread id = 16
360000000 tries on thread id = 14
350000000 tries on thread id = 18
360000000 tries on thread id = 11
360000000 tries on thread id = 15
370000000 tries on thread id = 13
370000000 tries on thread id = 16
360000000 tries on thread id = 12
360000000 tries on thread id = 18
360000000 tries on thread id = 17
370000000 tries on thread id = 11
370000000 tries on thread id = 14
370000000 tries on thread id = 15
370000000 tries on thread id = 12
380000000 tries on thread id = 13
370000000 tries on thread id = 18
370000000 tries on thread id = 17
380000000 tries on thread id = 11
380000000 tries on thread id = 16
380000000 tries on thread id = 14
380000000 tries on thread id = 15
380000000 tries on thread id = 12
380000000 tries on thread id = 18
390000000 tries on thread id = 16
390000000 tries on thread id = 13
390000000 tries on thread id = 15
390000000 tries on thread id = 14
390000000 tries on thread id = 11
380000000 tries on thread id = 17
390000000 tries on thread id = 12
390000000 tries on thread id = 18
400000000 tries on thread id = 13
400000000 tries on thread id = 16
400000000 tries on thread id = 11
400000000 tries on thread id = 14
390000000 tries on thread id = 17
400000000 tries on thread id = 15
400000000 tries on thread id = 12
400000000 tries on thread id = 18
410000000 tries on thread id = 13
410000000 tries on thread id = 16
400000000 tries on thread id = 17
410000000 tries on thread id = 14
410000000 tries on thread id = 15
410000000 tries on thread id = 11
410000000 tries on thread id = 12
410000000 tries on thread id = 18
420000000 tries on thread id = 13
420000000 tries on thread id = 16
410000000 tries on thread id = 17
420000000 tries on thread id = 11
420000000 tries on thread id = 15
420000000 tries on thread id = 14
420000000 tries on thread id = 12
420000000 tries on thread id = 18
430000000 tries on thread id = 13
430000000 tries on thread id = 16
430000000 tries on thread id = 11
420000000 tries on thread id = 17
430000000 tries on thread id = 15
430000000 tries on thread id = 12
430000000 tries on thread id = 18
430000000 tries on thread id = 14
430000000 tries on thread id = 17
440000000 tries on thread id = 13
440000000 tries on thread id = 15
440000000 tries on thread id = 16
440000000 tries on thread id = 11
440000000 tries on thread id = 18
440000000 tries on thread id = 14
440000000 tries on thread id = 12
440000000 tries on thread id = 17
450000000 tries on thread id = 13
450000000 tries on thread id = 15
450000000 tries on thread id = 16
450000000 tries on thread id = 11
450000000 tries on thread id = 18
450000000 tries on thread id = 14
450000000 tries on thread id = 12
450000000 tries on thread id = 17
460000000 tries on thread id = 13
460000000 tries on thread id = 11
460000000 tries on thread id = 16
460000000 tries on thread id = 15
460000000 tries on thread id = 14
460000000 tries on thread id = 12
470000000 tries on thread id = 13
460000000 tries on thread id = 18
460000000 tries on thread id = 17
470000000 tries on thread id = 11
470000000 tries on thread id = 16
470000000 tries on thread id = 15
470000000 tries on thread id = 14
470000000 tries on thread id = 12
480000000 tries on thread id = 13
470000000 tries on thread id = 18
470000000 tries on thread id = 17
480000000 tries on thread id = 11
480000000 tries on thread id = 16
480000000 tries on thread id = 15
480000000 tries on thread id = 14
480000000 tries on thread id = 12
480000000 tries on thread id = 18
480000000 tries on thread id = 17
490000000 tries on thread id = 13
490000000 tries on thread id = 11
490000000 tries on thread id = 16
490000000 tries on thread id = 15
490000000 tries on thread id = 14
490000000 tries on thread id = 12
490000000 tries on thread id = 18
500000000 tries on thread id = 13
490000000 tries on thread id = 17
500000000 tries on thread id = 11
500000000 tries on thread id = 16
500000000 tries on thread id = 15
500000000 tries on thread id = 14
500000000 tries on thread id = 12
500000000 tries on thread id = 18
510000000 tries on thread id = 13
500000000 tries on thread id = 17
510000000 tries on thread id = 16
510000000 tries on thread id = 11
510000000 tries on thread id = 15
510000000 tries on thread id = 14
510000000 tries on thread id = 18
510000000 tries on thread id = 12
520000000 tries on thread id = 13
510000000 tries on thread id = 17
520000000 tries on thread id = 16
520000000 tries on thread id = 11
520000000 tries on thread id = 15
520000000 tries on thread id = 14
520000000 tries on thread id = 18
530000000 tries on thread id = 13
520000000 tries on thread id = 12
520000000 tries on thread id = 17
530000000 tries on thread id = 16
530000000 tries on thread id = 11
530000000 tries on thread id = 14
530000000 tries on thread id = 15
530000000 tries on thread id = 12
530000000 tries on thread id = 18
540000000 tries on thread id = 13
530000000 tries on thread id = 17
540000000 tries on thread id = 16
540000000 tries on thread id = 11
540000000 tries on thread id = 15
540000000 tries on thread id = 14
540000000 tries on thread id = 18
540000000 tries on thread id = 12
550000000 tries on thread id = 13
550000000 tries on thread id = 16
550000000 tries on thread id = 11
540000000 tries on thread id = 17
550000000 tries on thread id = 15
550000000 tries on thread id = 14
550000000 tries on thread id = 18
550000000 tries on thread id = 12
560000000 tries on thread id = 13
560000000 tries on thread id = 16
560000000 tries on thread id = 11
550000000 tries on thread id = 17
560000000 tries on thread id = 15
560000000 tries on thread id = 14
560000000 tries on thread id = 12
560000000 tries on thread id = 18
570000000 tries on thread id = 16
570000000 tries on thread id = 13
570000000 tries on thread id = 11
560000000 tries on thread id = 17
570000000 tries on thread id = 15
570000000 tries on thread id = 14
570000000 tries on thread id = 12
570000000 tries on thread id = 18
580000000 tries on thread id = 16
580000000 tries on thread id = 13
580000000 tries on thread id = 11
570000000 tries on thread id = 17
580000000 tries on thread id = 15
580000000 tries on thread id = 14
580000000 tries on thread id = 12
580000000 tries on thread id = 18
590000000 tries on thread id = 16
590000000 tries on thread id = 13
590000000 tries on thread id = 11
580000000 tries on thread id = 17
590000000 tries on thread id = 15
590000000 tries on thread id = 14
590000000 tries on thread id = 12
590000000 tries on thread id = 18
600000000 tries on thread id = 16
600000000 tries on thread id = 13
590000000 tries on thread id = 17
600000000 tries on thread id = 11
600000000 tries on thread id = 14
600000000 tries on thread id = 15
600000000 tries on thread id = 12
600000000 tries on thread id = 18
610000000 tries on thread id = 13
600000000 tries on thread id = 17
610000000 tries on thread id = 11
610000000 tries on thread id = 16
610000000 tries on thread id = 14
610000000 tries on thread id = 15
610000000 tries on thread id = 18
610000000 tries on thread id = 12
610000000 tries on thread id = 17
620000000 tries on thread id = 13
620000000 tries on thread id = 16
620000000 tries on thread id = 14
620000000 tries on thread id = 11
620000000 tries on thread id = 15
620000000 tries on thread id = 18
620000000 tries on thread id = 12
620000000 tries on thread id = 17
630000000 tries on thread id = 16
630000000 tries on thread id = 13
630000000 tries on thread id = 11
630000000 tries on thread id = 14
630000000 tries on thread id = 15
630000000 tries on thread id = 18
630000000 tries on thread id = 12
640000000 tries on thread id = 16
630000000 tries on thread id = 17
640000000 tries on thread id = 13
640000000 tries on thread id = 15
640000000 tries on thread id = 14
640000000 tries on thread id = 11
640000000 tries on thread id = 18
640000000 tries on thread id = 12
650000000 tries on thread id = 16
640000000 tries on thread id = 17
650000000 tries on thread id = 13
650000000 tries on thread id = 15
650000000 tries on thread id = 11
650000000 tries on thread id = 14
650000000 tries on thread id = 18
650000000 tries on thread id = 12
650000000 tries on thread id = 17
660000000 tries on thread id = 16
660000000 tries on thread id = 15
660000000 tries on thread id = 13
660000000 tries on thread id = 11
660000000 tries on thread id = 14
660000000 tries on thread id = 18
660000000 tries on thread id = 12
670000000 tries on thread id = 16
670000000 tries on thread id = 15
660000000 tries on thread id = 17
670000000 tries on thread id = 13
670000000 tries on thread id = 11
670000000 tries on thread id = 14
670000000 tries on thread id = 12
670000000 tries on thread id = 18
670000000 tries on thread id = 17
680000000 tries on thread id = 15
680000000 tries on thread id = 16
680000000 tries on thread id = 11
680000000 tries on thread id = 13
680000000 tries on thread id = 14
680000000 tries on thread id = 12
680000000 tries on thread id = 17
680000000 tries on thread id = 18
690000000 tries on thread id = 15
690000000 tries on thread id = 16
690000000 tries on thread id = 11
690000000 tries on thread id = 13
690000000 tries on thread id = 14
690000000 tries on thread id = 12
690000000 tries on thread id = 18
690000000 tries on thread id = 17
700000000 tries on thread id = 16
700000000 tries on thread id = 15
700000000 tries on thread id = 11
700000000 tries on thread id = 13
700000000 tries on thread id = 14
700000000 tries on thread id = 12
700000000 tries on thread id = 17
700000000 tries on thread id = 18
710000000 tries on thread id = 16
710000000 tries on thread id = 11
710000000 tries on thread id = 15
710000000 tries on thread id = 13
710000000 tries on thread id = 14
710000000 tries on thread id = 12
710000000 tries on thread id = 18
710000000 tries on thread id = 17
720000000 tries on thread id = 16
720000000 tries on thread id = 13
720000000 tries on thread id = 14
720000000 tries on thread id = 15
720000000 tries on thread id = 11
720000000 tries on thread id = 12
720000000 tries on thread id = 18
720000000 tries on thread id = 17
730000000 tries on thread id = 16
730000000 tries on thread id = 13
730000000 tries on thread id = 11
730000000 tries on thread id = 14
730000000 tries on thread id = 15
730000000 tries on thread id = 12
740000000 tries on thread id = 13
730000000 tries on thread id = 18
730000000 tries on thread id = 17
740000000 tries on thread id = 16
740000000 tries on thread id = 11
740000000 tries on thread id = 15
740000000 tries on thread id = 14
740000000 tries on thread id = 12
750000000 tries on thread id = 13
740000000 tries on thread id = 17
750000000 tries on thread id = 16
740000000 tries on thread id = 18
750000000 tries on thread id = 11
750000000 tries on thread id = 15
750000000 tries on thread id = 14
750000000 tries on thread id = 12
760000000 tries on thread id = 13
760000000 tries on thread id = 16
750000000 tries on thread id = 17
750000000 tries on thread id = 18
760000000 tries on thread id = 15
760000000 tries on thread id = 14
760000000 tries on thread id = 11
770000000 tries on thread id = 13
770000000 tries on thread id = 16
760000000 tries on thread id = 12
760000000 tries on thread id = 17
770000000 tries on thread id = 15
760000000 tries on thread id = 18
770000000 tries on thread id = 14
770000000 tries on thread id = 17
780000000 tries on thread id = 13
770000000 tries on thread id = 11
780000000 tries on thread id = 16
770000000 tries on thread id = 12
780000000 tries on thread id = 15
770000000 tries on thread id = 18
780000000 tries on thread id = 14
780000000 tries on thread id = 17
790000000 tries on thread id = 13
790000000 tries on thread id = 16
780000000 tries on thread id = 11
790000000 tries on thread id = 15
780000000 tries on thread id = 12
780000000 tries on thread id = 18
790000000 tries on thread id = 14
790000000 tries on thread id = 17
800000000 tries on thread id = 13
800000000 tries on thread id = 16
790000000 tries on thread id = 11
800000000 tries on thread id = 15
790000000 tries on thread id = 18
790000000 tries on thread id = 12
800000000 tries on thread id = 14
800000000 tries on thread id = 17
810000000 tries on thread id = 13
810000000 tries on thread id = 15
810000000 tries on thread id = 16
800000000 tries on thread id = 11
800000000 tries on thread id = 18
810000000 tries on thread id = 17
800000000 tries on thread id = 12
810000000 tries on thread id = 14
820000000 tries on thread id = 13
820000000 tries on thread id = 15
820000000 tries on thread id = 16
810000000 tries on thread id = 11
810000000 tries on thread id = 18
820000000 tries on thread id = 17
810000000 tries on thread id = 12
820000000 tries on thread id = 14
830000000 tries on thread id = 13
830000000 tries on thread id = 15
830000000 tries on thread id = 16
820000000 tries on thread id = 11
820000000 tries on thread id = 18
830000000 tries on thread id = 17
820000000 tries on thread id = 12
830000000 tries on thread id = 14
840000000 tries on thread id = 13
840000000 tries on thread id = 15
830000000 tries on thread id = 11
840000000 tries on thread id = 16
830000000 tries on thread id = 18
840000000 tries on thread id = 17
840000000 tries on thread id = 14
830000000 tries on thread id = 12
850000000 tries on thread id = 13
840000000 tries on thread id = 11
850000000 tries on thread id = 16
850000000 tries on thread id = 15
850000000 tries on thread id = 17
840000000 tries on thread id = 18
850000000 tries on thread id = 14
840000000 tries on thread id = 12
860000000 tries on thread id = 13
850000000 tries on thread id = 11
860000000 tries on thread id = 16
860000000 tries on thread id = 17
860000000 tries on thread id = 15
850000000 tries on thread id = 18
860000000 tries on thread id = 14
870000000 tries on thread id = 13
860000000 tries on thread id = 11
850000000 tries on thread id = 12
870000000 tries on thread id = 16
870000000 tries on thread id = 17
860000000 tries on thread id = 18
870000000 tries on thread id = 15
870000000 tries on thread id = 14
880000000 tries on thread id = 13
870000000 tries on thread id = 11
860000000 tries on thread id = 12
880000000 tries on thread id = 17
880000000 tries on thread id = 16
870000000 tries on thread id = 18
880000000 tries on thread id = 15
880000000 tries on thread id = 14
890000000 tries on thread id = 13
880000000 tries on thread id = 11
870000000 tries on thread id = 12
890000000 tries on thread id = 17
890000000 tries on thread id = 16
880000000 tries on thread id = 18
890000000 tries on thread id = 14
890000000 tries on thread id = 15
900000000 tries on thread id = 13
890000000 tries on thread id = 11
900000000 tries on thread id = 17
880000000 tries on thread id = 12
900000000 tries on thread id = 16
890000000 tries on thread id = 18
900000000 tries on thread id = 14
900000000 tries on thread id = 15
910000000 tries on thread id = 17
890000000 tries on thread id = 12
900000000 tries on thread id = 11
910000000 tries on thread id = 13
910000000 tries on thread id = 16
910000000 tries on thread id = 14
920000000 tries on thread id = 17
900000000 tries on thread id = 18
910000000 tries on thread id = 15
900000000 tries on thread id = 12
910000000 tries on thread id = 11
920000000 tries on thread id = 16
920000000 tries on thread id = 13
920000000 tries on thread id = 14
930000000 tries on thread id = 17
910000000 tries on thread id = 18
920000000 tries on thread id = 15
920000000 tries on thread id = 11
930000000 tries on thread id = 13
910000000 tries on thread id = 12
930000000 tries on thread id = 14
930000000 tries on thread id = 16
940000000 tries on thread id = 17
920000000 tries on thread id = 18
930000000 tries on thread id = 15
940000000 tries on thread id = 13
930000000 tries on thread id = 11
920000000 tries on thread id = 12
940000000 tries on thread id = 14
950000000 tries on thread id = 17
930000000 tries on thread id = 18
940000000 tries on thread id = 16
940000000 tries on thread id = 15
940000000 tries on thread id = 11
930000000 tries on thread id = 12
950000000 tries on thread id = 13
950000000 tries on thread id = 14
940000000 tries on thread id = 18
960000000 tries on thread id = 17
950000000 tries on thread id = 16
950000000 tries on thread id = 15
940000000 tries on thread id = 12
960000000 tries on thread id = 13
950000000 tries on thread id = 11
960000000 tries on thread id = 14
950000000 tries on thread id = 18
970000000 tries on thread id = 17
960000000 tries on thread id = 16
960000000 tries on thread id = 15
970000000 tries on thread id = 13
950000000 tries on thread id = 12
960000000 tries on thread id = 11
960000000 tries on thread id = 18
970000000 tries on thread id = 14
980000000 tries on thread id = 17
970000000 tries on thread id = 16
970000000 tries on thread id = 15
980000000 tries on thread id = 13
970000000 tries on thread id = 11
960000000 tries on thread id = 12
980000000 tries on thread id = 14
970000000 tries on thread id = 18
990000000 tries on thread id = 17
980000000 tries on thread id = 16
980000000 tries on thread id = 15
970000000 tries on thread id = 12
980000000 tries on thread id = 11
990000000 tries on thread id = 13
980000000 tries on thread id = 18
990000000 tries on thread id = 14
End of thread (id = 17)
990000000 tries on thread id = 16
990000000 tries on thread id = 15
980000000 tries on thread id = 12
End of thread (id = 13)
End of thread (id = 14)
990000000 tries on thread id = 11
End of thread (id = 16)
990000000 tries on thread id = 18
End of thread (id = 15)
990000000 tries on thread id = 12
End of thread (id = 11)
End of thread (id = 18)
End of thread (id = 12)
Completed normally
Process finished with exit code 0
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