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Created June 1, 2012 15:42
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How to get introspection of square's "cube" events values for avent type, that you can use in your queries
var isArray = function (v) {
return v && typeof v === 'object' && typeof v.length === 'number' && !(v.propertyIsEnumerable('length'));
var isDate = function (v) {
return v && typeof v === 'object' && v instanceof Date;
var isObjectId = function (v) {
return v && typeof v === 'object' && v instanceof ObjectId;
var cubeInspectSubDoc = function(base, value, time){
for(var key in value) {
var k = key.replace(/\.\d+/g,'[]');
if(k === key) {//not an array
k = "." + k;
emit(base + k, time);
if( isArray(value[key]) || (typeof value[key] === 'object' && !isObjectId(value[key]) && !isDate(value[key]) )){
cubeInspectSubDoc(base + k, value[key], time); /*recurses in sub objects */
} { _id : "isArray", value : isArray } ); { _id : "isDate", value : isDate } ); { _id : "isObjectId", value : isObjectId } ); { _id : "cubeInspectSubDoc", value : cubeInspectSubDoc } );
var cubeInspect = function (col /*e.g.: "collectd_cpu"*/) {
var map = function (){
var value = this.d;
for(var key in value) {
var k = key.replace(/^\d+$/g,'[]');/* fixes how mongo handles array */
emit(k, this.t);
if( isArray(value[key]) || (typeof value[key] === 'object' && !isObjectId(value[key]) && !isDate(value[key]))){
cubeInspectSubDoc(k, value[key], this.t);
var reduce = function (key, times){ /*always returns latest time */
if(times instanceof Date)
return times;
return times.sort(function(a,b){return b-a})[0];
/*ensures the "_keys" suffixed collection has been created*/
db.createCollection(col +"_keys");
db[col +"_keys"].ensureIndex({values:1});
/*get latest event date, this could miss values if we add some non recurrent keys before this date, this is the cost of having a quick incremental map/reduce */
var latestEvent = db[col +"_keys"].find().sort({value:-1}).limit(1).toArray();
//print('latest event:', latestEvent, ' / type: ', typeof latestEvent, ' / length:', latestEvent.length);
var latest = new Date( latestEvent.length > 0 ? latestEvent[0].value : 0 );
print('[cubeInspect] start date for incremental map/reduce:', latest);
var mr = db.runCommand({
"mapreduce" : col +"_events"
, "map" : map
, "reduce" : reduce
, "query": {t: {$gt: latest}}
, "out": {merge: col +"_keys"}
return db[mr.result];
} { _id : "cubeInspect", value : cubeInspect } );


Load the cubeInspect.js in mongo shell, e.g. by copy/pasting, in the same database as cube (by default, cube_development )


In mongo shell, in the same database as cube, you can now write queries like this :

> use cube_development;
> cubeInspect('cube_request').distinct('_id')
[cubeInspect] start date for incremental map/reduce: Thu Jan 01 1970 01:00:00 GMT+0100 (CET)
[ "ip", "method", "path" ]

Here 'ip', 'method' and 'path' are what you can use in a query for 'cube_request' type

At next call, it will be way quicker to compute those fields :

> cubeInspect('cube_request').distinct('_id')
[cubeInspect] start date for incremental map/reduce: Fri Jun 01 2012 17:35:05 GMT+0200 (CEST)
[ "ip", "method", "path" ]

As you can see, the start date is not the same for the map reduce as it's an incremental map/reduce. It's using the latest known event from the previous map/reduce as a start, so you can miss some fields, but in general it should be a pretty good approximation (if you wanted it to be perfect, you probably couldn't do it in incremental)


Due to how it works (based on incremental map/reduce), the first call of cubeInspect for a type is pretty slow. Next call for the same type should be quick if you call it often, so it won't have to parse a lot of new events to check nothing has changed.

In order to store the result for it to be incremental, the convention is to use the type suffixed by "_keys", in the same way you should already have type+"_events" and type+"_metrics", e.g. :

  • We want to know what are the usable keys of cube_compute
  • Cube will have already created the collections cube_compute_events and cube_compute_metrics
  • calling the cubeInspect function will create a new cube_compute_keys collection to store the map/reduce results.

There is as much result stored in the _keys collection as there is different kind of key in documents and subdocuments of each ".d" of the _event collection

How does it work ?

CubeInspect uses an incremental map/reduce that you should launch as much as possible if you want the result to be quick at each call. The map/reduce checks all the different keys and subkeys available in each document of the _eventscollection of a type


This script has been made as a specific for cube, and is heavily inspired by more generic case detailed in those pages :

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