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Created July 5, 2012 17:39
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(use posix)
(define (make-serialport file)
(let ((fileno
(bitwise-ior open/rdwr open/noctty open/nonblock))))
; Enable blocking reads on the FD
(let ((current-fl (file-control fileno fcntl/getfl 0)))
(file-control fileno fcntl/setfl
(bitwise-and current-fl (bitwise-not open/nonblock)))
(open-input-file* fileno))))
; Split bytes in to pairs
(define (split l)
(if (null? l)
(let ((pair (take l 2)) (rest (drop l 2)))
(cons pair (split rest)))))
; Print the decoded data
(define (print-sausage-env s) (print (decode s)))
; Convert the list of pairs to 16 bit ints and divide by 10
(define (decode s)
(map (lambda (pair)
(let ((l (car pair)) (r (cadr pair)))
(/ (+ (arithmetic-shift l 8) r) 10)))
(split (map char->integer (string->list s)))))
(define (read-sausage)
(port-for-each print-sausage-env read-line))
(define sausage-port (make-serialport "/dev/tty.uart-AEFF467AF9D70234"))
(with-input-from-port sausage-port read-sausage)
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